rspl 0.1.1

A stream processor language.
//&# rspl Heapless
//&This example explores the viability of an alternative implementation of rspl based on something like closure conversion to avoid the use of a heap.
//&Such an implementation would make rspl better suited for embedded systems as it could not only forgo the standard library but also an allocator.
//&In the rest of this file we explain and implement that heapless approach to draw a tentative conclusion on its viability.

//&rspl uses the heap essentially for laziness when it thunks stream processing and tails of streams.
//&This is because in those cases Rust does not statically determine the size of the thunks.
//&Assisting Rust in that regard by converting those closures eliminates the need for a heap.\
//&What we mean by converting closures here can be understood by looking at the example of streams as codata[^1].
//&In Agda one defines streams of type `X` (intensionally) by the codata type
//&record StreamX : Set where
//&  coinductive
//&  field
//&    head : X
//&    tail : StreamX
//&This can be read as 'any object from which one can observe something of type `X` (the `head`) and a something of type `StreamX` (the `tail`) is a `StreamX`'.
//&Defining a stream of `X`s can then be done by copatttern matching, that is, by specifying what the `head` and the `tail` of the stream shall be.
//&For example, given some `x : X` one can construct the constant stream of `x` by the comatch
//&constant : X -> StreamX
//&head (constant x) = x
//&tail (constant x) = constant x
//&Now, to encode `constant` in Rust one can convert that generalized closure by making its environment (its domain) explicit by means of a struct (as usual), and implement the `Stream<X>`-trait accordingly:

trait Stream<X> {
    fn head(&self) -> &X;
    fn tail(self) -> Self;

struct ComatchConstant<X> {
    constant: X,

impl<X> Stream<X> for ComatchConstant<X> {
    fn head(&self) -> &X {

    fn tail(self) -> Self {

//&This also works in greater generality for mutually recursive codata.
//&For ordinary stream processors in Agda
//&data StreamProcessor : Set where
//&  get : (A -> StreamProcessor) -> StreamProcessor
//&  put : B -> LazySP -> StreamProcessor
//&record LazySP where
//&  coinductive
//&  field
//&    force : StreamProcessor
//&we get the following rspl equivalent (if we also generalize `X -> Y` to the intensional definition of function with the help of codata) in Rust:

enum StreamProcessor<A, B, F, L>
    F: Fun<A, B, F, L>,
    L: LazySP<A, B, F, L>,
    Get(F, std::marker::PhantomData<A>),
    Put(B, L),

trait Fun<A, B, F, L>
    F: Fun<A, B, F, L>,
    L: LazySP<A, B, F, L>,
    fn apply(self, a: A) -> StreamProcessor<A, B, F, L>;

trait LazySP<A, B, F, L>
    F: Fun<A, B, F, L>,
    L: LazySP<A, B, F, L>,
    fn force(self) -> StreamProcessor<A, B, F, L>;

struct ComatchEval<A, B, S, F, L>
    S: Stream<A>,
    F: Fun<A, B, F, L>,
    L: LazySP<A, B, F, L>,
    phantom_a: std::marker::PhantomData<A>,
    phantom_f: std::marker::PhantomData<F>,
    stream: S,
    output: B,
    lazy_sp: L,

impl<A, B, S, F, L> Stream<B> for ComatchEval<A, B, S, F, L>
    A: Clone,
    S: Stream<A>,
    F: Fun<A, B, F, L>,
    L: LazySP<A, B, F, L>,
    fn head(&self) -> &B {

    fn tail(mut self) -> Self {
        let sp = self.lazy_sp.force();

        if let StreamProcessor::Get(_, _) = sp {


impl<A, B, F, L> StreamProcessor<A, B, F, L>
    F: Fun<A, B, F, L>,
    L: LazySP<A, B, F, L>,
    fn eval<S: Stream<A>>(mut self, mut stream: S) -> ComatchEval<A, B, S, F, L>
        A: Clone,
        loop {
            match self {
                StreamProcessor::Get(f, _) => {
                    self = f.apply(stream.head().clone());
                    while let StreamProcessor::Get(f, _) = self {
                        stream = stream.tail();
                        self = f.apply(stream.head().clone());
                StreamProcessor::Put(b, lazy_sp) => {
                    return ComatchEval {
                        phantom_a: std::marker::PhantomData,
                        phantom_f: std::marker::PhantomData,
                        output: b,

//&Then, for a proof of concept we can reimplement the `map`-combinator and apply it to some stream:

struct ComatchMap<'a, A: 'a, B: 'a, F>
    F: Fn(A) -> B,
    a: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a A>,
    b: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a B>,
    function: F,

type SPMap<'a, A, B, F> = StreamProcessor<A, B, ComatchMap<'a, A, B, F>, ComatchMap<'a, A, B, F>>;

impl<'a, A, B, F> Fun<A, B, ComatchMap<'a, A, B, F>, ComatchMap<'a, A, B, F>>
    for ComatchMap<'a, A, B, F>
    F: Fn(A) -> B,
    fn apply(self, a: A) -> SPMap<'a, A, B, F> {
        StreamProcessor::Put((self.function)(a), self)

impl<'a, A, B, F> LazySP<A, B, ComatchMap<'a, A, B, F>, ComatchMap<'a, A, B, F>>
    for ComatchMap<'a, A, B, F>
    F: Fn(A) -> B,
    fn force(self) -> SPMap<'a, A, B, F> {

const fn map<'a, A: 'a, B: 'a, F>(f: F) -> SPMap<'a, A, B, F>
    F: Fn(A) -> B,
        ComatchMap {
            a: std::marker::PhantomData,
            b: std::marker::PhantomData,
            function: f,

fn main() {
    let trues = ComatchConstant { constant: true };

    let mut stream = map(|b: bool| !b).eval(trues);

    for _ in 0..1_000_000 {
        println!("{}", stream.head());
        stream = stream.tail();

//&The tentative conclusion is that while the approach seems doable, it has significant negative consequences: stream processors become harder to understand and more tedious to write.
//&Therefore, the approach is impractical.
//&At least, without a better language frontend.

//&[^1]: A modern take on OOP generalizing closures (see e.g. [Codata in Action](