rspell 0.1.1

A simple practical spellcheker.
# rspell

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A simple practical spellcheker.

## Dependencies caveats

This crate wraps hunspell's source directly. To do so it uses the [`cc-rs`](
crate when building. As such the same limitations applies, for example a compiler must be
installed on the system.

## Example

let spell = rspell::Spell::new("en_US").unwrap();


for bad in spell.check("Wht color is this flg?") {
        "{} (offset: {}): possible corrections: {:?}",
        bad.word, bad.offset, bad.suggestions

## Loose goals

- multi-lang support
- remove the need for the `cc-rs` crate

## License

This project is licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (
- MIT license (

Hunspell's licensing applies to hunspell's source files.