rsntp 2.0.0

An RFC 4330 compliant Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client library for Rust

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An RFC 4330 compliant Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client library for Rust.

rsntp provides an API to synchronize time with SNTPv4 time servers with the following features:

  • Provides both a synchronous (blocking) and an (optional) asynchronous API based tokio
  • Time and date handling based on the chrono crate
  • IPv6 support


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

rsntp = "2.0.0"

Obtain the current local time with the blocking API:

use rsntp::SntpClient;
use chrono::{DateTime, Local};

let client = SntpClient::new();
let result = client.synchronize("").unwrap();

let local_time: DateTime<Local> = DateTime::from(result.datetime());

println!("Current time is: {}", local_time);

A function which uses the asynchronous API to obtain local time:

use rsntp::AsyncSntpClient;
use chrono::{DateTime, Local};

async fn local_time() -> DateTime<Local> {
  let client = AsyncSntpClient::new();
  let result = client.synchronize("").await.unwrap();

Disabling asynchronous API

The asynchronous API is enabled by default but you can optionally disable it. This removes dependency to tokio which reduces crate dependencies significantly.

rsntp = { version = "2.0.0", default-features = false }

IPv6 support

rsntp supports IPv6, but by default (for compatilibty reasons) it binds its UDP socket to an IPv4 address ( which might prevent synchronization with IPv6 servers.

To use IPv6, you need to set an IPv6 bind address:

use chrono::{DateTime, Local};
use rsntp::SntpClient;
use std::net::Ipv6Addr;

let mut client = SntpClient::new();
client.set_bind_address((Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED, 0).into());

let result = client.synchronize("").unwrap();

let local_time: DateTime<Local> = DateTime::from(result.datetime());