Crate rsmq_async_lite[][src]

This is a port of the nodejs Redis Simple Message Queue package. It is a 1-to-1 conversion using async.

use rsmq_async::{Rsmq, RsmqError};

let mut rsmq = Rsmq::<String>::new(Default::default()).await?;

let message = rsmq.receive_message("myqueue", None).await?;

if let Some(message) = message {
    rsmq.delete_message("myqueue", &;

Main object documentation in: Rsmq


When initializing RSMQ you can enable the realtime PUBLISH for new messages. On every new message that gets sent to RSQM via sendMessage a Redis PUBLISH will be issued to {rsmq.ns}rt:{qname}.

Example for RSMQ with default settings:

  • The queue testQueue already contains 5 messages.
  • A new message is being sent to the queue testQueue.
  • The following Redis command will be issued: PUBLISH rsmqrt:testQueue 6

How to use the realtime option

Besides the PUBLISH when a new message is sent to RSMQ nothing else will happen. Your app could use the Redis SUBSCRIBE command to be notified of new messages and issue a receiveMessage then. However make sure not to listen with multiple workers for new messages with SUBSCRIBE to prevent multiple simultaneous receiveMessage calls.


If you want to implement “at least one delivery” guarantee, you need to receive the messages using “receive_message” and then, once the message is successfully processed, delete it with “delete_message”.

use rsmq_async::Rsmq;

    let mut rsmq = Rsmq::<String>::new(Default::default())
        .expect("connection failed");

    rsmq.create_queue("myqueue", None, None, None)
        .expect("failed to create queue");

    rsmq.send_message("myqueue", &"testmessage".to_string(), None)
        .expect("failed to send message");

    let message = rsmq
        .receive_message("myqueue", None)
        .expect("cannot receive message");

    if let Some(message) = message {
        rsmq.delete_message("myqueue", &;

Executor compatibility

Since version 0.16 redis dependency supports tokio and async_std executors. By default it will guess what you are using when creating the connection. You can check redis Cargo.tolm for the flags async-std-comp and tokio-comp



THe main object of this library. Creates/Handles the redis connection and contains all the methods


A new RSMQ message. You will get this when using pop_message or receive_message methods


Options for creating a new RSMQ instance.


Struct defining a queue. They are set on “create_queue” and “set_queue_attributes”




Type Definitions

