rslint_core 0.3.0

The core linter housing all of the rules for the rslint project
//! Core traits for rule definitions and rule context.
//! As well as an internal prelude to make imports for rules easier.

#![allow(unused_variables, unused_imports)]

use crate::autofix::Fixer;
use crate::Diagnostic;
use dyn_clone::DynClone;
use rslint_errors::Severity;
use rslint_parser::{SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodeExt, SyntaxToken};
use rslint_text_edit::apply_indels;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::marker::{Send, Sync};
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Drop};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;

/// A tag describing properties present on a rule, such as if the rule is recommended or if it runs on only some languages.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Tag {
    /// This rule runs by default if no configuration is provided.
    /// This rule should only run on JavaScript files.
    /// This rule should only run on TypeScript files.

/// The main type of rule run by the runner. The rule takes individual
/// nodes inside of a Concrete Syntax Tree and checks them.
/// It may also take individual syntax tokens.
/// Rule must be all be [`Send`] + [`Sync`], because rules are run in parallel.
/// # Rule Level Configuration
/// Rules do not know about the lint level they were configured for, the runner
/// runs the rules, then maps any error/warning diagnostics to their appropriate severity.
/// This saves on boilerplate code for getting the appropriate diagnostic builder type and config.
/// # Guidelines
/// This is a list of guidelines and tips you should generally follow when implementing a rule:
/// - Do not use text based equality, it is inaccurate, instead use [`lexical_eq`](SyntaxNodeExt::lexical_eq).
/// - Avoid using `text_range` on nodes, it is inaccurate because it may include whitespace, instead use [`trimmed_range`](SyntaxNodeExt::trimmed_range).
/// - Avoid using `text` on nodes for the same reason as the previous, use [`trimmed_text`](SyntaxNodeExt::trimmed_text).
/// - If you can offer better diagnostics and more context around a rule error, __always__ do it! It is a central goal
/// of the project to offer very helpful diagnostics.
/// - Do not be afraid to clone syntax nodes, ast nodes, and syntax tokens. They are all backed by an [`Rc`](std::rc::Rc) around Node data.
/// therefore they can be cheaply cloned (but if you can, have your functions take a reference since Rc cloning is not zero cost).
/// - Do not try to rely on the result of other rules, it is impossible because rules are run at the same time.
/// - Do not rely on file data of different files. There is a separate rule type for this.
/// - Do not unwrap pieces of an AST node (sometimes it is ok because they are guaranteed to be there), since that will cause panics
/// with error recovery.
/// - Do not use node or string coloring outside of diagnostic notes, it messes with termcolor and ends up looking horrible.
pub trait CstRule: Rule {
    /// Check an individual node in the syntax tree.
    /// You can use the `match_ast` macro to make matching a node to an ast node easier.
    /// The reason this uses nodes and not a visitor is because nodes are more flexible,
    /// converting them to an AST node has zero cost and you can easily traverse surrounding nodes.
    /// Defaults to doing nothing.
    /// The return type is `Option<()>` to allow usage of `?` on the properties of AST nodes which are all optional.
    fn check_node(&self, node: &SyntaxNode, ctx: &mut RuleCtx) -> Option<()> {

    /// Check an individual token in the syntax tree.
    /// Defaults to doing nothing.
    fn check_token(&self, token: &SyntaxToken, ctx: &mut RuleCtx) -> Option<()> {

    /// Check the root of the tree one time.
    /// This method is guaranteed to only be called once.
    /// The root's kind will be either `SCRIPT` or `MODULE`.
    /// Defaults to doing nothing.
    fn check_root(&self, root: &SyntaxNode, ctx: &mut RuleCtx) -> Option<()> {

/// A generic trait which describes things common to a rule regardless on what they run on.
/// Each rule should have a `new` function for easy instantiation. We however do not require this
/// for the purposes of allowing more complex rules to instantiate themselves in a different way.
/// However the rules must be easily instantiated because of rule groups.
pub trait Rule: Debug + DynClone + Send + Sync {
    /// A unique, kebab-case name for the rule.
    fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
    /// The name of the group this rule belongs to.
    fn group(&self) -> &'static str;
    /// Optional docs for the rule, an empty string by default
    fn docs(&self) -> &'static str {
    /// A list of tags present on this rule. Empty by default.
    fn tags(&self) -> &'static [Tag] {
    /// Whether this rule is recommended, this is a simple helper around [`Self::tags`].
    fn recommended(&self) -> bool {
        self.tags().iter().any(|x| x == &Tag::Recommended)

    #[cfg(feature = "schema")]
    fn schema(&self) -> Option<schemars::schema::RootSchema> {


/// A trait describing rules for which their configuration can be automatically deduced (inferred) using
/// parsed syntax trees
pub trait Inferable: CstRule {
    /// Infer the options for the rule from multiple nodes (which may be from different trees) and change them
    fn infer(&mut self, nodes: &[SyntaxNode]);

/// The level configured for a rule.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum RuleLevel {

/// Context given to a rule when running it.
// This is passed by reference and not by Arc, which is very important,
// Arcs are very expensive to copy, and for 50 rules running on 50 files we will have a total of
// 2500 copies, which is non ideal at best.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RuleCtx {
    /// The file id of the file being linted.
    pub file_id: usize,
    /// Whether the linter is run with the `--verbose` option.
    /// Which dictates whether the linter should include more (potentially spammy) context in diagnostics.
    pub verbose: bool,
    /// An empty vector of diagnostics which the rule adds to.
    pub diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>,
    pub fixer: Option<Fixer>,
    pub src: Arc<str>,

impl RuleCtx {
    /// Make a new diagnostic builder.
    pub fn err(&mut self, code: impl Into<String>, message: impl Into<String>) -> Diagnostic {
        Diagnostic::error(self.file_id, code.into(), message.into())

    pub fn add_err(&mut self, diagnostic: Diagnostic) {

    /// Make a new fixer for this context and return a mutable reference to it
    pub fn fix(&mut self) -> &mut Fixer {
        let fixer = Fixer::new(self.src.clone());
        self.fixer = Some(fixer);

    /// Create a context which is used to simply run a rule without needing to know about
    /// the resulting fixer, therefore the ctx's source is not a valid source
    pub(crate) fn dummy_ctx() -> Self {
        Self {
            file_id: 0,
            verbose: false,
            diagnostics: vec![],
            fixer: None,
            src: Arc::from(String::new()),

/// The result of running a single rule on a syntax tree.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RuleResult {
    pub diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>,
    pub fixer: Option<Fixer>,

impl RuleResult {
    /// Make a new rule result with diagnostics and an optional fixer.
    pub fn new(diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>, fixer: impl Into<Option<Fixer>>) -> Self {
        Self {
            fixer: fixer.into(),

    /// Get the result of running this rule.
    pub fn outcome(&self) -> Outcome {

    /// Merge two results, this will join `self` and `other`'s diagnostics and take
    /// `self`'s fixer if available or otherwise take `other`'s fixer
    pub fn merge(self, other: RuleResult) -> RuleResult {
        RuleResult {
            diagnostics: [self.diagnostics, other.diagnostics].concat(),
            fixer: self.fixer.or(other.fixer),

    /// Attempt to fix the issue if the rule can be autofixed.
    pub fn fix(&self) -> Option<String> {
        self.fixer.as_ref().map(|x| x.apply())

/// The overall result of running a single rule or linting a file.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Outcome {
    /// Running the rule resulted in one or more errors.
    /// The rule result may have also included warnings or notes.
    /// Running the rule resulted in one or more warnings.
    /// May also include notes.
    /// Running the rule resulted in no errors or warnings.  
    /// May include note diagnostics (which are very rare).

impl<T> From<T> for Outcome
    T: IntoIterator,
    T::Item: Borrow<Diagnostic>,
    fn from(diagnostics: T) -> Self {
        let mut outcome = Outcome::Success;
        for diagnostic in diagnostics {
            match diagnostic.borrow().severity {
                Severity::Error => outcome = Outcome::Failure,
                Severity::Warning if outcome != Outcome::Failure => outcome = Outcome::Warning,
                _ => {}

impl Outcome {
    pub fn merge(outcomes: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Borrow<Outcome>>) -> Outcome {
        let mut overall = Outcome::Success;
        for outcome in outcomes {
            match outcome.borrow() {
                Outcome::Failure => overall = Outcome::Failure,
                Outcome::Warning if overall != Outcome::Failure => overall = Outcome::Warning,
                _ => {}

macro_rules! __pre_parse_docs_from_meta {
        @[docs $($docs:tt)*]
        #[doc = $doc:expr]
    ) => (
        $crate::__pre_parse_docs_from_meta! {
            @[docs $($docs)* $doc]

        @[others $($others:tt)*]
    ) => (
        $crate::__pre_parse_docs_from_meta! {
            @[others $($others)* $other]

        @[cb $($cb:tt)*]
        @[docs $($docs:tt)*]
        @[others $($others:tt)*]
    ) => (
        $($cb)* ! {
            #[doc = concat!($(indoc::indoc!($docs), "\n"),*)]

        $(:: $(@ $colon:tt)?)? $($cb:ident)::+ ! {
    ) => (
        $crate::__pre_parse_docs_from_meta! {
            @[cb $(:: $($colon)?)? $($cb)::+]
            @[docs ]
            @[others ]

macro_rules! __declare_lint_inner {
        #[doc = $doc:expr]
        // The rule struct name
            tags($($tag:ident),* $(,)?),
        // A unique kebab-case name for the rule
            // Any fields for the rule
                $visibility:vis $key:ident : $val:ty
            ),* $(,)?
    ) => {
        use $crate::Rule;
        use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

        #[doc = $doc]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "schema", derive(schemars::JsonSchema))]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
        #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
        pub struct $name {
                    pub $key: $val

        impl $name {
            pub fn new() -> Self {

        impl Rule for $name {
            fn name(&self) -> &'static str {

            fn group(&self) -> &'static str {

            fn docs(&self) -> &'static str {

                fn tags(&self) -> &'static [$crate::Tag] {

            #[cfg(feature = "schema")]
            fn schema(&self) -> Option<schemars::schema::RootSchema> {

/// A macro to easily generate rule boilerplate code.
/// ```ignore
/// declare_lint! {
///     /// A description of the rule here
///     /// This will be used as the doc for the rule struct
///     RuleName,
///     // The name of the group this rule belongs to.
///     groupname,
///     // Make sure this is kebab-case and unique.
///     "rule-name",
///     /// A description of the attribute here, used for config docs.
///     pub config_attr: u8,
///     pub another_attr: String
/// }
/// ```
/// # Rule name and docs
/// The macro's first argument is an identifier for the rule structure.
/// This should always be a PascalCase name. You will have to either derive Default for the struct
/// or implement it manually.
/// The macro also accepts any doc comments for the rule name. These comments
/// are then used by an xtask script to generate markdown files for user facing docs.
/// Each rule doc should include an `Incorrect Code Examples` header. It may also optionally
/// include a `Correct Code Examples`. Do not include a `Config` header, it is autogenerated
/// from config field docs.
/// # Config
/// After the rule code, the macro accepts fields for the struct. Any field which is
/// public will be used for config, you can however disable this by using `#[serde(skip)]`.
/// Every public (config) field should have a doc comment, the doc comments will be used for
/// user facing documentation. Therefore try to be non technical and non rust specific with the doc comments.
/// **All config fields will be renamed to camelCase**
/// This will generate a rule struct with `RuleName`,
/// and use the optional config attributes defined for the config of the rule.
/// You must make sure each config field is Deserializable.
macro_rules! declare_lint {
    ($($input:tt)*) => {
        $crate::__pre_parse_docs_from_meta! {
            $crate::__declare_lint_inner! { $($input)* }