rslack 0.4.3

cli for posting slack message
# rslack

![select channel](

## Setting

1. [Create new app]

1. Create OAuth Token
    **OAuth & Permissions**
    1. **User Token Scopes**
        - channels:read
        - chat:write
    1. **OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs**
        1. **Install App to Workspace**
        2. **Tokens for Your Workspace** -> copy **OAuth Access Token**

1. Setting OAuth Token

    export RSLACK_TOKEN=your-token

## Usage

# Install
brew install kohbis/rslack/rslack

# Configuration
# If both are set, use the value of `.rslack
export RSLACK_TOKEN=your-token
# or
echo "RSLACK_TOKEN=your-token" > ${HOME}/.rslack


### Local Build & Run

# Configuration
# and
cargo run --release

## Test

cargo test