Module rshijack::net::TcpFlags

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The TCP flags.


  • ACK – indicates that the Acknowledgment field is significant. All packets after the initial SYN packet sent by the client should have this flag set.
  • CWR – Congestion Window Reduced (CWR) flag is set by the sending host to indicate that it received a TCP segment with the ECE flag set and had responded in congestion control mechanism (added to header by RFC 3168).
  • ECE – ECN-Echo has a dual role, depending on the value of the SYN flag. It indicates: If the SYN flag is set (1), that the TCP peer is ECN capable. If the SYN flag is clear (0), that a packet with Congestion Experienced flag set (ECN=11) in IP header received during normal transmission (added to header by RFC 3168).
  • FIN – No more data from sender.
  • PSH – Push function. Asks to push the buffered data to the receiving application.
  • RST – Reset the connection.
  • SYN – Synchronize sequence numbers. Only the first packet sent from each end should have this flag set.
  • URG – indicates that the Urgent pointer field is significant.