rshijack 0.3.0

tcp connection hijacker, rust rewrite of shijack
use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
use errors::ResultExt;

use std::net::SocketAddrV4;

use ::Result;

pub struct Arguments {
    pub interface: String,
    pub src: SocketAddrV4,
    pub dst: SocketAddrV4,
    pub reset: bool,
    pub send_null: bool,
    pub quiet: u8,

impl Arguments {
    pub fn parse() -> Result<Arguments> {
        let matches = App::new("rshijack")
            .about("tcp connection hijacker, rust rewrite of shijack")
            .after_help(r#"The original shijack in C was written by spwny and released around 2001.
shijack credited cyclozine for inspiration."#)
                .help("The interface you are going to hijack on")
                .help("The source of the connection")
                .help("The destination of the connection")
                .help("Reset the connection rather than hijacking it")
                .help("Prevent a desync by sending 1kb of null bytes")
                .help("Disable verbose output")

        let interface = matches.value_of("interface").unwrap();
        let src = matches.value_of("src").unwrap();
        let dst = matches.value_of("dst").unwrap();
        let reset = matches.occurrences_of("reset") > 0;
        let send_null = matches.occurrences_of("send-null") > 0;
        let quiet = matches.occurrences_of("quiet") as u8;

        let src = src.parse().chain_err(|| "invalid src")?;
        let dst = dst.parse().chain_err(|| "invalid dst")?;

        Ok(Arguments {
            interface: interface.into(),