rshijack 0.1.0

rust rewrite of shijack
use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
use errors::ResultExt;

use std::net::SocketAddrV4;

use ::Result;

pub struct Arguments {
    pub interface: String,
    pub src: SocketAddrV4,
    pub dst: SocketAddrV4,
    pub reset: bool,

impl Arguments {
    pub fn parse() -> Result<Arguments> {
        let matches = App::new("rshijack")
            .about("Rust rewrite of shijack")
                .help("The interface you are going to hijack on")
                .help("The source of the connection")
                .help("The destination of the connection")
                .help("Reset the connection rather than hijacking it")

        let interface = matches.value_of("interface").unwrap();
        let src = matches.value_of("src").unwrap();
        let dst = matches.value_of("dst").unwrap();
        let reset = matches.occurrences_of("reset") > 0;

        let src = src.parse().chain_err(|| "invalid src")?;
        let dst = dst.parse().chain_err(|| "invalid dst")?;

        Ok(Arguments {
            interface: interface.into(),