rsgenetic 0.8.2

A library providing genetic algorithm execution.


Summary and Features

RsGenetic is a simple framework for executing a genetic algorithm in Rust.
This library is not yet feature-complete. It currently offers a sequential implementation that can run genetic algorithms with a limited set of selection algorithms. The goal is to provide at least one parallel implementation, to optimize these implementations, and to provide more selection algorithms if needed.

Examples and Documentation

Documentation is available here.
Examples are available as Cargo projects in the examples directory. Simply cd into an example directory and execute cargo run to test the library.


This library is available under Apache 2.0.


Contributions are always welcome. Take a look at the issues for any enhancements that need to be done or bugs that need to be fixed. If you encounter any bugs while using the library, feel free to open an issue and/or fix the bug, and submit pull requests.


This library has only been tested with Rust stable 1.5.0.