Module rsass::value

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Types used in sass and css values.


A color defined by hue, saturation, luminance, and alpha.

A color defined by hue, whiteness, blackness, and alpha.

The actual number part of a numeric sass or css value.

A Numeric value is a Number with a Unit (which may be Unit::None).

A color defined by red, green, blue, and alpha components.

A set of units.


Error signifying that a number could not be approximated as a rational.

A color in sass/css. May be a Rgba, Hsla, or Hwba value.

Dimension of a unit.

Dimension of a unit.

The difference between a comma-separated and a whitespace-separated list.

An operator that can be used in a sass value.

A literal value can be double-quoted, single-quoted or not quoted.

The source format of an rgb color.

Units in css.

Type Definitions

Alias for a Ratio of 64-bit-sized integers.