rrise 0.2.3

A rust binding for Wwise
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Contributors to the Rrise project

pub use crate::bindings::root::AkCommSettings;
use crate::bindings::root::AK::Comm;
use crate::bindings::root::AK::{MemoryMgr, MusicEngine, SoundEngine, StreamMgr};
pub use crate::bindings::root::{AkMemSettings, AkMusicSettings, AkStreamMgrSettings};
use crate::to_os_char;
use crate::OsChar;
use log::error;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};

impl Default for AkMemSettings {
    /// Obtain the default initialization settings for the default implementation of the Memory Manager.
    fn default() -> Self {
        unsafe {
            let mut ss: AkMemSettings = std::mem::zeroed();
            MemoryMgr::GetDefaultSettings(&mut ss);

impl Default for AkMusicSettings {
    /// Get the default values of the initialization settings of the music engine.
    fn default() -> Self {
        unsafe {
            let mut ss: AkMusicSettings = std::mem::zeroed();
            MusicEngine::GetDefaultInitSettings(&mut ss);

impl Default for AkStreamMgrSettings {
    /// Get the default values for the Stream Manager's settings.
    /// *See also*
    /// > - [stream_mgr::init](crate::stream_mgr::init)
    /// > - [stream_mgr::init_default_stream_mgr](crate::stream_mgr::init_default_stream_mgr)
    fn default() -> Self {
        unsafe {
            let mut ss: AkStreamMgrSettings = std::mem::zeroed();
            StreamMgr::GetDefaultSettings(&mut ss);

impl Default for AkCommSettings {
    /// Gets the communication module's default initialization settings values.
    /// *See also*
    /// > - [communication::init](crate::communication::init)
    fn default() -> Self {
        unsafe {
            let mut ss: AkCommSettings = std::mem::zeroed();
            Comm::GetDefaultInitSettings(&mut ss);
            if let Some(app_name) = app_name() {
                ss.szAppNetworkName = app_name;

unsafe fn app_name() -> Option<[i8; 64]> {
    if let Some(mut name) = std::env::current_exe()
        if name.ends_with(".exe") {
            name.truncate(name.len() - 4);

        if name.len() < 64 {
            name.extend(std::iter::repeat('\0').take(64 - name.len()));
        } else {

        let mut truncated = [0_u8; 64];
        truncated[63] = 0;

    } else {

pub struct AkInitSettingsPrivate {
    #[doc = "When using DLLs for plugins, specify their path. Leave NULL if DLLs are in the same folder as the game executable."]
    plugin_dll_path: Vec<OsChar>,

impl Default for AkInitSettingsPrivate {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            plugin_dll_path: vec![0],

/// Platform-independent initialization settings of the sound engine
/// See also
/// > - [sound_engine::init](crate::sound_engine::init)
/// > - [AkPlatformInitSettings::default]
pub struct AkInitSettings {
    pub install_assert_hook: bool,
    #[doc = "Maximum number of paths for positioning"]
    pub max_num_paths: crate::bindings::root::AkUInt32,
    #[doc = "Size of the command queue, in bytes"]
    pub command_queue_size: crate::bindings::root::AkUInt32,
    #[doc = "Sets to true to enable AK::SoundEngine::PrepareGameSync usage."]
    pub enable_game_sync_preparation: bool,
    #[doc = "Number of quanta ahead when continuous containers should instantiate a new voice before which next sounds should start playing. This look-ahead time allows I/O to occur, and is especially useful to reduce the latency of continuous containers with trigger rate or sample-accurate transitions."]
    #[doc = "Default is 1 audio quantum, also known as an audio frame. Its size is equal to AkInitSettings::num_samples_per_frame / AkPlatformInitSettings::sample_rate. For many platforms the default values - which can be overridden - are respectively 1,024 samples and 48 kHz. This gives a default 21.3 ms for an audio quantum, which is adequate if you have a RAM-based streaming device that completes transfers within 20 ms. With 1 look-ahead quantum, voices spawned by continuous containers are more likely to be ready when they are required to play, thereby improving the overall precision of sound scheduling. If your device completes transfers in 30 ms instead, you might consider increasing this value to 2 because it will grant new voices 2 audio quanta (~43 ms) to fetch data."]
    pub continuous_playback_look_ahead: crate::bindings::root::AkUInt32,
    #[doc = "Number of samples per audio frame (256, 512, 1024, or 2048)."]
    pub num_samples_per_frame: crate::bindings::root::AkUInt32,
    #[doc = "Size of the monitoring queue, in bytes. This parameter is not used in Release build."]
    pub monitor_queue_pool_size: crate::bindings::root::AkUInt32,
    #[doc = "Main output device settings."]
    pub settings_main_output: crate::bindings::root::AkOutputSettings,
    #[doc = "Amount of time to wait for HW devices to trigger an audio interrupt. If there is no interrupt after that time, the sound engine will revert to  silent mode and continue operating until the HW finally comes back. Default value: 2000 (2 seconds)"]
    pub max_hardware_timeout_ms: crate::bindings::root::AkUInt32,
    #[doc = "Use a separate thread for loading sound banks. Allows asynchronous operations."]
    pub use_sound_bank_mgr_thread: bool,
    #[doc = "Use a separate thread for processing audio. If set to false, audio processing will occur in RenderAudio(). \\ref goingfurther_eventmgrthread"]
    pub use_lengine_thread: bool,
    #[doc = "Application-defined audio source change event callback function."]
    pub bgm_callback: crate::bindings::root::AkBackgroundMusicChangeCallbackFunc,
    #[doc = "Application-defined user data for the audio source change event callback function."]
    pub bgm_callback_cookie: AtomicPtr<std::os::raw::c_void>,
    #[doc = "Floor plane axis for 3D game object viewing."]
    pub floor_plane: crate::bindings::root::AkFloorPlane,
    #[doc = "The number of game units in a meter."]
    pub game_units_to_meters: crate::bindings::root::AkReal32,
    #[doc = "The defined client task scheduler that AkSoundEngine will use to schedule internal tasks."]
    pub task_scheduler_desc: crate::bindings::root::AkTaskSchedulerDesc,
    #[doc = "The number of bytes read by the BankReader when new data needs to be loaded from disk during serialization. Increasing this trades memory usage for larger, but fewer, file-read events during bank loading."]
    pub bank_read_buffer_size: crate::bindings::root::AkUInt32,
    #[doc = "Debug setting: Only used when debug_out_of_range_check_enabled is true.  This defines the maximum values samples can have.  Normal audio must be contained within +1/-1.  This limit should be set higher to allow temporary or short excursions out of range.  Default is 16."]
    pub debug_out_of_range_limit: crate::bindings::root::AkReal32,
    #[doc = "Debug setting: Enable checks for out-of-range (and NAN) floats in the processing code.  This incurs a small performance hit, but can be enabled in most scenarios.  Will print error messages in the log if invalid values are found at various point in the pipeline. Contact AK Support with the new error messages for more information."]
    pub debug_out_of_range_check_enabled: bool,
    #[doc = "Private information"]
    pub private_stuff: AkInitSettingsPrivate,

/// High-level IO devices initialization settings.
pub struct AkDeviceSettings {
    #[doc = "Pointer for I/O memory allocated by user."]
    #[doc = "Pass NULL if you want memory to be allocated via AK::MemoryMgr::Malign()."]
    #[doc = "If specified, io_memory_size, io_memory_alignment and pool_attributes are ignored."]
    pub io_memory: AtomicPtr<std::os::raw::c_void>,
    #[doc = "Size of memory for I/O (for automatic streams). It is passed directly to AK::MemoryMgr::Malign(), after having been rounded down to a multiple of granularity."]
    pub io_memory_size: u32,
    #[doc = "I/O memory alignment. It is passed directly to AK::MemoryMgr::Malign()."]
    pub io_memory_alignment: u32,
    #[doc = "Attributes for I/O memory. Here, specify the allocation type (AkMemType_Device, and so on). It is passed directly to AK::MemoryMgr::Malign()."]
    pub pool_attributes: u32,
    #[doc = "I/O requests granularity (typical bytes/request)."]
    pub granularity: u32,
    #[doc = "Scheduler type flags."]
    pub scheduler_type_flags: u32,
    #[doc = "Scheduler thread properties."]
    pub thread_properties: crate::AkThreadProperties,
    #[doc = "Targeted automatic stream buffer length (ms). When a stream reaches that buffering, it stops being scheduled for I/O except if the scheduler is idle."]
    pub target_auto_stm_buffer_length: f32,
    #[doc = "Maximum number of transfers that can be sent simultaneously to the Low-Level I/O (applies to AK_SCHEDULER_DEFERRED_LINED_UP device only)."]
    pub max_concurrent_io: u32,
    #[doc = "If true the device attempts to reuse IO buffers that have already been streamed from disk. This is particularly useful when streaming small looping sounds. The drawback is a small CPU hit when allocating memory, and a slightly larger memory footprint in the StreamManager pool."]
    pub use_stream_cache: bool,
    #[doc = "Maximum number of bytes that can be \"pinned\" using AK::SoundEngine::PinEventInStreamCache() or AK::IAkStreamMgr::PinFileInCache()"]
    pub max_cache_pinned_bytes: u32,

pub struct AkPlatformInitSettings {
    #[doc = "Handle to the window associated to the audio."]
    #[doc = "Each game must specify the HWND of the application for device detection purposes."]
    #[doc = "The value returned by GetDefaultPlatformInitSettings is the foreground HWND at"]
    #[doc = "the moment of the initialization of the sound engine and may not be the correct one for your game."]
    #[doc = "It is required that each game provides the correct HWND to be used."]
    pub h_wnd: AtomicPtr<core::ffi::c_void>,
    #[doc = "Lower engine threading properties"]
    pub thread_lengine: crate::AkThreadProperties,
    #[doc = "Ouput thread threading properties"]
    pub thread_output_mgr: crate::AkThreadProperties,
    #[doc = "Bank manager threading properties (its default priority is AK_THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)"]
    pub thread_bank_manager: crate::AkThreadProperties,
    #[doc = "Monitor threading properties (its default priority is AK_THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVENORMAL). This parameter is not used in Release build."]
    pub thread_monitor: crate::AkThreadProperties,
    #[doc = "Number of refill buffers in voice buffer. 2 == double-buffered, defaults to 4."]
    pub num_refills_in_voice: u16,
    #[doc = "Sampling Rate. Default is 48000 Hz. Use 24000hz for low quality. Any positive reasonable sample rate is supported. However be careful setting a custom value. Using an odd or really low sample rate may result in malfunctionning sound engine."]
    pub sample_rate: u32,
    #[doc = "Enables run-time detection of AVX and AVX2 SIMD support in the engine and plug-ins. Disabling this may improve CPU performance by allowing for higher CPU clockspeeds."]
    pub enable_avx_support: bool,
    #[doc = "Dictates how many Microsoft Spatial Sound dynamic objects will be reserved by the System sink. On Windows, other running processes will be prevented from reserving these objects. Set to 0 to disable the use of System Audio Objects. Default is 128."]
    pub max_system_audio_objects: u32,
    #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
    #[doc = "Main audio API to use. Leave to [AkAPI_Default](crate::bindings::root::AkAudioAPILinux::AkAPI_Default) for the default sink (default value)."]
    #[doc = "If a valid audioDeviceShareset plug-in is provided, the AkAudioAPI will be Ignored."]
    pub audio_api: crate::bindings::root::AkAudioAPI,
    #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
    #[doc = "Sample type. [AK_FLOAT](crate::bindings::root::AK_FLOAT) for 32 bit float, [AK_INT](crate::bindings::root::AK_INT) for 16 bit signed integer, defaults to [AK_FLOAT](crate::bindings::root::AK_FLOAT)."]
    #[doc = "Supported by [AkAPI_PulseAudio](crate::bindings::root::AkAudioAPILinux::AkAPI_PulseAudio) only."]
    pub sample_type: u16,

impl Default for AkInitSettings {
    /// Gets the default values of the platform-independent initialization settings.
    fn default() -> Self {
        let inner_settings = unsafe {
            let mut ss: crate::bindings::root::AkInitSettings = std::mem::zeroed();
            SoundEngine::GetDefaultInitSettings(&mut ss);
        Self {
            install_assert_hook: false,
            max_num_paths: inner_settings.uMaxNumPaths,
            command_queue_size: inner_settings.uCommandQueueSize,
            enable_game_sync_preparation: inner_settings.bEnableGameSyncPreparation,
            continuous_playback_look_ahead: inner_settings.uContinuousPlaybackLookAhead,
            num_samples_per_frame: inner_settings.uNumSamplesPerFrame,
            monitor_queue_pool_size: inner_settings.uMonitorQueuePoolSize,
            settings_main_output: inner_settings.settingsMainOutput,
            max_hardware_timeout_ms: inner_settings.uMaxHardwareTimeoutMs,
            use_sound_bank_mgr_thread: inner_settings.bUseSoundBankMgrThread,
            use_lengine_thread: inner_settings.bUseLEngineThread,
            bgm_callback: inner_settings.BGMCallback,
            bgm_callback_cookie: inner_settings.BGMCallbackCookie.into(),
            floor_plane: inner_settings.eFloorPlane,
            game_units_to_meters: inner_settings.fGameUnitsToMeters,
            task_scheduler_desc: inner_settings.taskSchedulerDesc,
            bank_read_buffer_size: inner_settings.uBankReadBufferSize,
            debug_out_of_range_limit: inner_settings.fDebugOutOfRangeLimit,
            debug_out_of_range_check_enabled: inner_settings.bDebugOutOfRangeCheckEnabled,
            private_stuff: AkInitSettingsPrivate::default(),

impl Default for AkDeviceSettings {
    /// Gets the default values of the platform-independent initialization settings.
    fn default() -> Self {
        let inner_settings = unsafe {
            let mut ss: crate::bindings::root::AkDeviceSettings = std::mem::zeroed();
            StreamMgr::GetDefaultDeviceSettings(&mut ss);
        Self {
            io_memory: inner_settings.pIOMemory.into(),
            io_memory_size: inner_settings.uIOMemorySize,
            io_memory_alignment: inner_settings.uIOMemoryAlignment,
            pool_attributes: inner_settings.ePoolAttributes,
            granularity: inner_settings.uGranularity,
            scheduler_type_flags: inner_settings.uSchedulerTypeFlags,
            thread_properties: inner_settings.threadProperties,
            target_auto_stm_buffer_length: inner_settings.fTargetAutoStmBufferLength,
            max_concurrent_io: inner_settings.uMaxConcurrentIO,
            use_stream_cache: inner_settings.bUseStreamCache,
            max_cache_pinned_bytes: inner_settings.uMaxCachePinnedBytes,

impl Default for AkPlatformInitSettings {
    /// Gets the default values of the platform-specific initialization settings.
    /// *Windows Specific*:
    /// > When initializing for Windows platform, the HWND value returned in the
    /// > AkPlatformInitSettings structure is the foreground HWND at the moment of the
    /// > initialization of the sound engine and may not be the correct one for your need.
    /// >
    /// > Each game must specify the HWND that will be passed to DirectSound initialization.
    /// >
    /// > It is required that each game provides the correct HWND to be used or it could cause
    /// > one of the following problem:
    /// >> - Random Sound engine initialization failure.
    /// >> - Audio focus to be located on the wrong window.
    /// *Warning* This function is not thread-safe.
    /// *See also*
    /// > - [sound_engine::init](crate::sound_engine::init)
    /// > - [AkInitSettings::default]
    fn default() -> Self {
        let inner_settings = unsafe {
            let mut ss: crate::bindings::root::AkPlatformInitSettings = std::mem::zeroed();
            SoundEngine::GetDefaultPlatformInitSettings(&mut ss);
        Self {
            h_wnd: (inner_settings.hWnd as *mut core::ffi::c_void).into(),
            thread_lengine: inner_settings.threadLEngine,
            thread_output_mgr: inner_settings.threadOutputMgr,
            thread_bank_manager: inner_settings.threadBankManager,
            thread_monitor: inner_settings.threadMonitor,
            num_refills_in_voice: inner_settings.uNumRefillsInVoice,
            sample_rate: inner_settings.uSampleRate,
            enable_avx_support: inner_settings.bEnableAvxSupport,
            max_system_audio_objects: inner_settings.uMaxSystemAudioObjects,
            #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
            audio_api: inner_settings.eAudioAPI,
            #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
            sample_type: inner_settings.sampleType,

impl AkInitSettings {
    /// When using DLLs for plugins, specify their path. Leave NULL if DLLs are in the same folder as the game executable.
    /// Note that on Windows, if `path` has spaces, the DLLs won't be discovered properly.
    pub fn with_plugin_dll_path<T: AsRef<str>>(mut self, path: T) -> Self {
        self.private_stuff.plugin_dll_path = to_os_char(path.as_ref());

    unsafe extern "C" fn ak_assert_hook(
        expression: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
        filename: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
        line_nb: std::os::raw::c_int,
    ) {
        use std::ffi::CStr;

        let expression = if expression.is_null() {
        } else {
            // Safety
            // in_pszExpression will be valid until to_string(), which will copy the bytes from
            // in_pszExpression onto the Rust-managed heap
        let filename = if filename.is_null() {
        } else {
            // Safety
            // in_pszFileName will be valid until to_string(), which will copy the bytes from
            // in_pszFileName onto the Rust-managed heap

        error!("AK_ASSERT {}:{} on {}", filename, line_nb, expression);

    pub(crate) fn as_ak(&mut self) -> crate::bindings::root::AkInitSettings {
        crate::bindings::root::AkInitSettings {
            pfnAssertHook: if self.install_assert_hook {
            } else {
            uMaxNumPaths: self.max_num_paths,
            uCommandQueueSize: self.command_queue_size,
            bEnableGameSyncPreparation: self.enable_game_sync_preparation,
            uContinuousPlaybackLookAhead: self.continuous_playback_look_ahead,
            uNumSamplesPerFrame: self.num_samples_per_frame,
            uMonitorQueuePoolSize: self.monitor_queue_pool_size,
            settingsMainOutput: self.settings_main_output,
            uMaxHardwareTimeoutMs: self.max_hardware_timeout_ms,
            bUseSoundBankMgrThread: self.use_sound_bank_mgr_thread,
            bUseLEngineThread: self.use_lengine_thread,
            BGMCallback: self.bgm_callback,
            BGMCallbackCookie: self.bgm_callback_cookie.load(Ordering::SeqCst),
            szPluginDLLPath: self.private_stuff.plugin_dll_path.as_mut_ptr(),
            eFloorPlane: self.floor_plane,
            fGameUnitsToMeters: self.game_units_to_meters,
            taskSchedulerDesc: self.task_scheduler_desc,
            uBankReadBufferSize: self.bank_read_buffer_size,
            fDebugOutOfRangeLimit: self.debug_out_of_range_limit,
            bDebugOutOfRangeCheckEnabled: self.debug_out_of_range_check_enabled,

impl AkDeviceSettings {
    /// Gets the default values of the platform-independent initialization settings.
    pub(crate) fn as_ak(&mut self) -> crate::bindings::root::AkDeviceSettings {
        crate::bindings::root::AkDeviceSettings {
            pIOMemory: self.io_memory.load(Ordering::SeqCst),
            uIOMemorySize: self.io_memory_size,
            uIOMemoryAlignment: self.io_memory_alignment,
            ePoolAttributes: self.pool_attributes,
            uGranularity: self.granularity,
            uSchedulerTypeFlags: self.scheduler_type_flags,
            threadProperties: self.thread_properties,
            fTargetAutoStmBufferLength: self.target_auto_stm_buffer_length,
            uMaxConcurrentIO: self.max_concurrent_io,
            bUseStreamCache: self.use_stream_cache,
            uMaxCachePinnedBytes: self.max_cache_pinned_bytes,

impl AkPlatformInitSettings {
    pub(crate) fn as_ak(&mut self) -> crate::bindings::root::AkPlatformInitSettings {
        crate::bindings::root::AkPlatformInitSettings {
            hWnd: self.h_wnd.load(Ordering::SeqCst) as *mut crate::bindings::root::HWND__,
            threadLEngine: self.thread_lengine,
            threadOutputMgr: self.thread_output_mgr,
            threadBankManager: self.thread_bank_manager,
            threadMonitor: self.thread_monitor,
            uNumRefillsInVoice: self.num_refills_in_voice,
            uSampleRate: self.sample_rate,
            bEnableAvxSupport: self.enable_avx_support,
            uMaxSystemAudioObjects: self.max_system_audio_objects,
            #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
            eAudioAPI: self.audio_api,
            #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
            sampleType: self.sample_type,