rpm-sequoia 0.2.0

An implementation of the RPM PGP interface using Sequoia.

This library provides an implementation of the rpm's pgp interface using Sequoia.


To build, you need rustc, cargo and nettle-devel, which is the cryptographic library, which Sequoia uses by default.

Here's how to build rpm-sequoia and a version of rpm that uses it:

$ mkdir /tmp/rpm
$ cd /tmp/rpm
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:sequoia-pgp/rpm-sequoia.git
Cloning into 'rpm-sequoia'...
$ cd rpm-sequoia
$ PREFIX=/usr cargo build --release && cargo test --release
    Updating crates.io index
test result: ok. ...
$ cd /tmp/rpm
$ git clone git@github.com:rpm-software-management/rpm.git
Cloning into 'rpm'...
$ cd rpm
$ autoreconf -fis
$ mkdir b
$ cd b
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tmp/rpm/rpm-sequoia/target/release
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/rpm/rpm-sequoia/target/release
$ ../configure --with-crypto=sequoia
$ make
$ make check

The rpm-sequoia artifacts (the .a, .so, and the .pc files) are placed in the build directory, which, in this case, is /tmp/rpm/rpm-sequoia/target/release. We also set the PREFIX environment variable when calling cargo build. This is the prefix that will be used in the generated rpm-sequoia.pc file. It defaults to /usr/local.

To run just one or two tests, do something like the following:

Note: when building or running the test suite, it is essential to make sure PKG_CONFIG_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set appropriately (as in the above transcript).

$ cd /tmp/rpm/rpm/b/tests
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tmp/rpm/rpm-sequoia/target/release
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/rpm/rpm-sequoia/target/release
$ make populate_testing
$ T="266 273"; for t in $T; do if ! ../../tests/rpmtests $t; then cat rpmtests.dir/$t/rpmtests.log; fi; done

To get tracing output, set RPM_TRACE to 1:

$ cd /tmp/rpm/rpm/b/tests
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tmp/rpm/rpm-sequoia/target/release
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/rpm/rpm-sequoia/target/release
$ make populate_testing
$ export RPM_TRACE=1
$ ../../tests/rpmtests 273
$ cat rpmtests.dir/273/rpmtests.log
+pgpDigParamsFree: -> success
+rpmFreeCrypto: entered
+rpmFreeCrypto: -> success
273. rpmsigdig.at:495: 273. rpmsign --addsign (rpmsigdig.at:495): FAILED (rpmsigdig.at:503)