rplidar_drv 0.6.0

Driver for Slamtec RPLIDAR series laser sensors
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# Slamtec RPLIDAR Public SDK for Rust

## Introduction

Slamtec RPLIDAR(https://www.slamtec.com/lidar/a3) series is a set of high-performance and low-cost LIDAR(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lidar) sensors, which is the perfect sensor of 2D SLAM, 3D reconstruction, multi-touch, and safety applications.

This is the public SDK of RPLIDAR products in Rust, and open-sourced under GPLv3 license.

If you are using ROS (Robot Operating System), please use our open-source ROS node directly: https://github.com/slamtec/rplidar_ros .

If you are just evaluating RPLIDAR, you can use Slamtec RoboStudio(https://www.slamtec.com/robostudio) (currently only support Windows) to do the evaulation.

## Development Roadmap

Please see [Roadmap](https://github.com/cnwzhjs/rplidar.rs/blob/master/docs/Roadmap.md) for details.

## Release Notes

* [v0.5.0]https://github.com/cnwzhjs/rplidar.rs/blob/master/docs/ReleaseNote.v0.5.0.md
* [v0.4.0]https://github.com/cnwzhjs/rplidar.rs/blob/master/docs/ReleaseNote.v0.4.0.md
* [v0.3.0]https://github.com/cnwzhjs/rplidar.rs/blob/master/docs/ReleaseNote.v0.3.0.md
* [v0.2.0]https://github.com/cnwzhjs/rplidar.rs/blob/master/docs/ReleaseNote.v0.2.0.md
* [v0.1.0]https://github.com/cnwzhjs/rplidar.rs/blob/master/docs/ReleaseNote.v0.1.0.md

## Supported Platforms

RPLIDAR SDK supports Windows, macOS and Linux by using Visual Studio 2010 projects and Makefile.

| LIDAR Model \ Platform | Windows | macOS | Linux   |
| ---------------------- | ------- | ----- | ------- |
| A1                     | Yes     | Yes   | Yes     |
| A2                     | Yes     | Yes   | Yes     |
| A3                     | Yes     | No    | Yes     |

## Quick Start

This crate works with Cargo and is on crates.io. Add it to your `Cargo.toml` like so:

rplidar_drv = "0.5.0"

To use RPLIDAR Rust SDK is quite simple:

extern crate rplidar_drv;
extern crate serialport;

use rplidar_drv::RplidarDevice;

let mut serial_port = serialport::open("COM3").unwrap();
let mut rplidar = RplidarDevice::with_stream(serial_port);

let device_info = rplidar.get_device_info().unwrap();

while true {
    let scan_point = rplidar.grab_scan_point().unwrap();

    // use the scan point data