rpki 0.3.2

A library for validating and creating RPKI data.
# Change Log

## 0.3.2


* Require *bcder* of at least 0.2.1. This was required already but not
  reflected in `Cargo.toml`.

## 0.3.1


* `SignedObject::take_from` will now return a malformed error if the
  certificate in the signed object is of any other choice than a plain
  certificate. This was a not implemented error before.
* `RoaBuilder` for making ROAs. [(#25)]
* `ManifestBuilder` for making manifests. [(#26)]

Bug Fixes

* Decoding manifest and ROAs now checks that the content type field in the
  signed object has the correct object identifier. [(#27)]

[(#25)]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/rpki-rs/pull/25
[(#26)]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/rpki-rs/pull/26
[(#27)]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/rpki-rs/pull/27

## 0.3.0

Breaking Changes

* New module `crypto` includes the now removed module `signer` and all
  crypto-related types. The latter have been re-designed as well.

* Resource handling in modules `asres` and `ipres` entirely redesigned
  and moved to a shared `resources` module. [(#17)]

* IP resources in `Cert` and `ResourceCert` broken up into `v4_resources`
  and `v6_resources` handled independently. [(#17)]

* `roa::RoaStatus::Valid` now contains the complete resource certificate
  of the ROA. This change is reflected in the methods of
  `roa::RouteOriginAttestation` that deal with the ROA status.

* `uri::Rsync::from_str` and `uri::Http::from_str` moved to `FromStr`
  implementations. [(#21)]

* `uri::Scheme::to_string` replaced with `into_string`. [(#21)]

*  Drop use of _failure_ crate. Error types now provide a `Display`
   implementation only. [(#22)]


* `DigestAlgorithm` allows digesting, `PublicKeyFormat` allows checking

* `cert::CertBuilder` for making certificates. [(#16)]

* `uri::Rsync::relative_to` for finding a relative path.

* Added methods:

  * `cert::ResourceCertificate::into_tal`, `signed_object_uri`,

  * `cert::Validity::not_before` and `not_after`,

  * `Manifest::is_stale` and `Crl::is_stale`. [(#19)]

  * `uri::Rsync::is_parent`.

* `x509::Time` now derefs to `chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>`.

[(#16)]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/rpki-rs/pull/16
[(#17)]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/rpki-rs/pull/17
[(#19)]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/rpki-rs/pull/19
[(#21)]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/rpki-rs/pull/21
[(#22)]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/rpki-rs/pull/22
[(#23)]: https://github.com/NLnetLabs/rpki-rs/pull/23

## 0.2.0

Breaking Changes

* `cert::Cert::validate_ta`: new argument for the new `tal::TalInfo` struct
  containing information about the TAL this trust anchor is based on.


* `cert::ResourceCert` now provides information about the trust anchor
  this certificate is derived from. This can be used to present the trust
  anchor name in validated output.

  The name will be based on the stem of the file name of the TAL file.

* `roa::RouteOriginAttestation`` now has a `status` function that returns
  a reference to a `RoaStatus` enum with information about the ROA’s

* `Crl` can now cache the list of serials speeding up its `contain`
  function from O(n) to O(1)~ at the price of preparing a hash set.

* `Manifest` can now tell you how many files there are.

* `cert::ext::UriGeneralName` now implements `Display`.

## 0.1.0

Initial public release.