rpki 0.15.9

A library for validating and creating RPKI data.
//! The RTR server.
//! This module implements a generic RTR server through [`Server`]. The server
//! receives its data from a type implementing [`PayloadSource`].
//! [`Server`]: struct.Server.html
//! [`VrpSource`]: trait.VrpSource.html
use std::io;
use std::marker::Unpin;
use futures_util::future;
use futures_util::pin_mut;
use futures_util::future::Either;
use log::debug;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt};
use tokio::sync::broadcast;
use tokio::task::spawn;
use tokio_stream::{Stream, StreamExt};
use super::pdu;
use super::payload::{Action, Payload, Timing};
use super::state::State;

//============ Traits ========================================================

//------------ PayloadSource et al. ------------------------------------------

/// A source of payload for an RTR server.
/// A type implementing this trait can be used by the [`Server`] as a source
/// for the payload to provide to clients. The server needs four things from
/// such a source:
/// *  the current state of the source through the [`notify`] method,
/// *  an iterator over the full set of payload via the [`full`] method,
/// *  an iterator over the difference of the data between the given state
///    and the current state via the [`diff`] method, and
/// *  the current timing values via the [`timing`] method.
/// The server will never ask for any of these things unless the [`ready`]
/// method returns `true`. This allows the source to finish its initial
/// validation.
/// [`ready`]: #method.ready
/// [`notify`]: #method.notify
/// [`full`]: #method.full
/// [`diff`]: #method.diff
/// [`timing`]: #method.timing
pub trait PayloadSource: Clone + Sync + Send + 'static {
    /// An iterator over the complete set of VRPs.
    type Set: PayloadSet;

    /// An iterator over a difference between two sets of VRPs.
    type Diff: PayloadDiff;

    /// Returns whether the source is ready to serve data.
    fn ready(&self) -> bool;

    /// Returns the current state of the source.
    /// This is used by the source when sending out a serial notify .
    fn notify(&self) -> State;

    /// Returns the current state and an iterator over the full set of VRPs.
    fn full(&self) -> (State, Self::Set);

    /// Returns the current state and an interator over differences in VPRs.
    /// The difference is between the state given in `state` and the current
    /// state. If the source cannot provide this difference, for instance
    /// because the serial is too old, it returns `None` instead.
    fn diff(&self, state: State) -> Option<(State, Self::Diff)>;

    /// Returns the timing information for the current state.
    fn timing(&self) -> Timing;

/// A type providing access to a complete payload set.
pub trait PayloadSet: Sync + Send + 'static {
    /// Returns the next element in the payload set.
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&Payload>;

/// A type providing access to a diff between payload sets.
pub trait PayloadDiff: Sync + Send + 'static {
    /// Returns the next element in the diff.
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&Payload, Action)>;

//------------ Socket --------------------------------------------------------

/// A stream socket to be used for an RTR connection.
/// Apart from being abile to read and write asynchronously and being spawned
/// as an async task, the trait allows additional processing when the client
/// has successfully updated.
pub trait Socket: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Sync + Send + 'static {
    /// The client has been successfully updated.
    /// The new client state after the update is given as well as whether the
    /// update was, in fact, a reset.
    fn update(&self, state: State, reset: bool) {
        let _ = (state, reset);

impl Socket for tokio::net::TcpStream { }

//------------ Server --------------------------------------------------------

/// An RTR server.
/// The server takes a stream socket listener – a stream of new sockets – and
/// a VRP source and serves RTR data. In order to also serve notifications
/// whenever new data is available, the server uses a notification dispatch
/// system via the [`Dispatch`] system.
/// [`Dispatch`]: struct.Dispatch.html
pub struct Server<Listener, Source> {
    /// The listener socket.
    listener: Listener,

    /// The sender for notifications.
    /// We keep this here because we can use it to fabricate new receivers.
    notify: NotifySender,

    /// The source of VRPs.
    source: Source,

impl<Listener, Source> Server<Listener, Source> {
    /// Creates a new RTR server from its components.
    pub fn new(
        listener: Listener, notify: NotifySender, source: Source
    ) -> Self {
        Server { listener, notify, source }

    /// Runs the server.
    /// The asynchronous function will return successfully when the listener
    /// socket (which is a stream over new connectons) finishes. It will
    /// return with an error if the listener socket errors out.
    pub async fn run<Sock>(mut self) -> Result<(), io::Error>
        Listener: Stream<Item = Result<Sock, io::Error>> + Unpin,
        Sock: Socket,
        Source: PayloadSource,
        while let Some(sock) = self.listener.next().await {
            let _ = spawn(
                    sock?, self.notify.subscribe(), self.source.clone()

//------------ Connection ----------------------------------------------------

/// A single server connection.
struct Connection<Sock, Source> {
    /// The socket to run the connection on.
    sock: Sock,

    /// The receiver for update notifications.
    notify: NotifyReceiver,

    /// The VRP source.
    source: Source,

    /// The RTR protocol version this connection is using.
    /// This will start out as `None` and will only be set once the client
    /// tells us its supported version.
    version: Option<u8>,

impl<Sock, Source> Connection<Sock, Source> {
    /// Wraps a socket into a connection value.
    fn new(sock: Sock, notify: NotifyReceiver, source: Source) -> Self {
        Connection {
            sock, notify, source,
            version: None,

    /// Returns the protocol version we agreed on.
    /// If there hasn’t been a negotation yet, returns the lowest protocol
    /// version we support, which currently is 0.
    fn version(&self) -> u8 {

/// # High-level operation
impl<Sock: Socket, Source: PayloadSource> Connection<Sock, Source> {
    /// Runs the connection until it is done.
    /// Returns successfully if the connection was closed cleanly. Returns an
    /// error if there was an error. However, those errors are basically
    /// ignored – this is only here for easy question mark use.
    async fn run(mut self) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
        while let Some(query) = self.recv().await? {
            match query {
                Query::Serial(state) => {
                Query::Reset => {
                Query::Error(err) => {
                Query::Notify => {

/// # Receiving
impl<Sock, Source> Connection<Sock, Source>
where Sock: AsyncRead + Unpin {
    /// Receives the next query.
    /// This can either be a notification that the source has updated data
    /// available or an actual query received from the client.
    /// It can also be an error if reading from the socket fails.
    async fn recv(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Query>, io::Error> {
        let header = {
            let notify = self.notify.recv();
            let header = pdu::Header::read(&mut self.sock);
            match future::select(notify, header).await {
                Either::Left(_) => return Ok(Some(Query::Notify)),
                Either::Right((Ok(header), _)) => header,
                Either::Right((Err(err), _)) => {
                    if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof {
                        return Ok(None)
                    else {
                        return Err(err)
        if let Err(err) = self.check_version(header) {
            return Ok(Some(err))
        match header.pdu() {
            pdu::SerialQuery::PDU => {
                debug!("RTR: Got serial query.");
                match Self::check_length(
                    header, pdu::SerialQuery::size()
                ) {
                    Ok(()) => {
                        let payload = pdu::SerialQueryPayload::read(
                            &mut self.sock
                            header.session(), payload.serial()
                    Err(err) => {
                        debug!("RTR: ... with bad length");
            pdu::ResetQuery::PDU => {
                debug!("RTR: Got reset query.");
                match Self::check_length(
                    header, pdu::ResetQuery::size()
                ) {
                    Ok(()) => Ok(Some(Query::Reset)),
                    Err(err) => {
                        debug!("RTR: ... with bad length");
            pdu::Error::PDU => {
                debug!("RTR: Got error reply.");
                Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "got error PDU"))
            pdu => {
                debug!("RTR: Got query with PDU {}.", pdu);
                        "expected Serial Query or Reset Query"

    /// Checks the version of a PDU-
    /// Returns an error with the error PDU if the version doesn’t match with
    /// what we agreed upon earlier.
    fn check_version(
        &mut self,
        header: pdu::Header
    ) -> Result<(), Query> {
        if let Some(current) = self.version {
            if current != header.version() {
                        "version switched during connection"
            else {
        else if header.version() > 1 {
                    "only versions 0 and 1 supported"
        else {
            self.version = Some(header.version());

    /// Checks that the size of a PDU matches an expected size.
    /// Returns an error response if not.
    fn check_length(header: pdu::Header, expected: u32) -> Result<(), Query> {
        if header.length() != expected {
                    "invalid length"
        else {

/// # Sending
impl<Sock: Socket, Source: PayloadSource> Connection<Sock, Source> {
    /// Sends out a response to a serial query.
    /// The client’s current state is in `state`. Responds accordingly on
    /// whether the source is ready and there is or isn’t a diff for that
    /// state. Only returns an error when the socket goes kaputt.
    async fn serial(&mut self, state: State) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
        debug!("RTR server: request for serial {}", state.serial());
        if !self.source.ready() {
            return pdu::Error::new(
                self.version(), 2, b"", b"Running initial validation"
            ).write(&mut self.sock).await;
        match self.source.diff(state) {
            Some((state, mut diff)) => {
                debug!("RTR server: source has a diff");
                    self.version(), state,
                ).write(&mut self.sock).await?;
                while let Some((payload, action)) = diff.next() {
                        self.version(), action.into_flags(), payload
                    ).write(&mut self.sock).await?;
                let timing = self.source.timing();
                    self.version(), state, timing
                ).write(&mut self.sock).await?;
                self.sock.update(state, false);
            None => {
                debug!("RTR server: source ain't got no diff for that.");
                    &mut self.sock

    /// Sends out a response to a reset query.
    /// Responds accordingly based on whether or not the source is ready.
    /// Only returns an error if writing to the socket fails.
    async fn reset(&mut self) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
        if !self.source.ready() {
            return pdu::Error::new(
                self.version(), 2, "", b"Running initial validation"
            ).write(&mut self.sock).await;
        let (state, mut iter) = self.source.full();
            self.version(), state
        ).write(&mut self.sock).await?;
        while let Some(payload) = iter.next() {
                self.version(), Action::Announce.into_flags(), payload
            ).write(&mut self.sock).await?;
        let timing = self.source.timing();
            self.version(), state, timing
        ).write(&mut self.sock).await?;
        self.sock.update(state, true);

    /// Sends an error response.
    async fn error(
        &mut self, err: pdu::Error
    ) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
        err.write(&mut self.sock).await?;

    /// Sends a serial notify query.
    /// The state for the notify is taken from the source.
    async fn notify(&mut self) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
        let state = self.source.notify();
            self.version(), state
        ).write(&mut self.sock).await

//------------ Query ---------------------------------------------------------

/// What a server was asked to do next.
enum Query {
    /// A serial query with the given state was received from the client.

    /// A reset query as received from the client.

    /// The client misbehaved resulting in this error to be sent to it.

    /// The source has new data available.

//------------ NotifySender --------------------------------------------------

/// A sender to notify a server that there are updates available.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NotifySender(broadcast::Sender<()>);

impl NotifySender {
    /// Creates a new notify sender.
    pub fn new() -> NotifySender {

    /// Notifies the server that there are updates available.
    pub fn notify(&mut self) {
        // Sending only fails if all receivers have been dropped. We can
        // ignore that case.
        let _ = self.0.send(());

    fn subscribe(&self) -> NotifyReceiver {

impl Default for NotifySender {
    fn default() -> Self {

//------------ NotifyReceiver ------------------------------------------------

/// The receiver for notifications.
/// This type is used by connections.
struct NotifyReceiver(Option<broadcast::Receiver<()>>);

impl NotifyReceiver {
    pub async fn recv(&mut self) {
        use tokio::sync::broadcast::error::{RecvError, TryRecvError};

        if let Some(ref mut rx) = self.0 {
            match rx.recv().await {
                Ok(()) => {
                Err(RecvError::Lagged(_)) => {
                    // We don’t really care about missed messages since our
                    // messages have no meaning.
                    // I think we need to get the latest value, though, but
                    // again, we don’t care.
                    if let Err(TryRecvError::Closed) = rx.try_recv() {
                    else {
                Err(RecvError::Closed) => { /* fall through */ }
        self.0 = None;