rpki 0.15.9

A library for validating and creating RPKI data.
//! Handling of IP and AS resources.
//! The types in this module implement the certificate extensions defined in
//! [RFC 3779] for including IP address and autonomous system resources in
//! certificates in the restricted form specified by [RFC 6487] for use in
//! RPKI.
//! There are two such resources: [`IpResources`] implements the IP Address
//! Delegation Extension and [`AsResources`] implements the Autonomous System
//! Identifier Delegation Extension.
//! [`AsResources`]: struct.AsResources.html
//! [`IpResources`]: struct.IpResources.html
//! [RFC 3779]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3779
//! [RFC 6487]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6487

pub use self::asres::{
    AsBlock, AsBlocks, AsBlocksBuilder, Asn, AsResources, AsResourcesBuilder,
    InheritedAsResources, OverclaimedAsResources,
pub use self::choice::ResourcesChoice;
pub use self::ipres::{
    Addr, AddressFamily, InheritedIpResources, IpBlock, IpBlocks, Ipv4Blocks,
    Ipv6Blocks, IpBlocksBuilder, IpBlocksForFamily, IpResources,
    IpResourcesBuilder, OverclaimedIpResources, OverclaimedIpv4Resources,
    OverclaimedIpv6Resources, Prefix
pub use self::set::{
    ResourceDiff, ResourceSet

mod asres;
mod chain;
mod choice;
mod ipres;
mod set;