Crate rpi_led_matrix[][src]

Expand description

Rust bindings for the C++ library rpi-rgb-led-matrix.

Example Usage

use rpi_led_matrix::{LedMatrix, LedColor};
let matrix = LedMatrix::new(None, None).unwrap();
let mut canvas = matrix.offscreen_canvas();
for red in (0..255).step_by(16) {
    for green in (0..255).step_by(16) {
        for blue in (0..255).step_by(16) {
            canvas.fill(&LedColor { red, green, blue });
            canvas = matrix.swap(canvas);


embeddedgraphics (default)

pulls in the embedded-graphics crate and implements DrawTarget so that you can use all of the embedded-graphics abstractions.


Pulls in clap, enabling the args module which adds LED matrix arguments for configuration to your clap::App.


Passthrough argument to rpi-led-matrix-sys. See their documentation for more info.

Passthrough argument to rpi-led-matrix-sys. See their documentation for more info.


Provides functions to add arguments to control various parameters of your RGB LED matrix.


The Rust handle for the matrix canvas to draw on.

The Rust handle representing a color you’d like to display.

The Rust handle for LedFont.

The Rust handle for the RGB matrix.

Options related to the LED matrix, like rows/cols/HW mapping

Options related to how the runtime operates, like GPIO slowdown or daemon/sudo privileges