rpi-led-matrix 0.4.0

Bindings for Hzeller's RPi-RGB-Led-Matrix
//! Rust bindings for the C++ library [rpi-rgb-led-matrix](https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix).
//! # Example Usage
//! ```
//! use rpi_led_matrix::{LedMatrix, LedColor};
//! let matrix = LedMatrix::new(None, None).unwrap();
//! let mut canvas = matrix.offscreen_canvas();
//! for red in (0..255).step_by(16) {
//!     for green in (0..255).step_by(16) {
//!         for blue in (0..255).step_by(16) {
//!             canvas.fill(&LedColor { red, green, blue });
//!             canvas = matrix.swap(canvas);
//!         }
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! # Features
//! ## `embeddedgraphics` (default)
//! pulls in the [`embedded-graphics`](embedded_graphics_core) crate and implements
//! [`DrawTarget`](embedded_graphics_core::draw_target::DrawTarget) so that you can use all of the
//! [`embedded-graphics`](embedded_graphics_core) abstractions.
//! ## `args`
//! Pulls in [`clap`], enabling the [`args`](self::args) module which adds LED matrix arguments for
//! configuration to your [`clap::App`].
//! ## `c-stubs`
//! Passthrough argument to [`rpi-led-matrix-sys`](rpi_led_matrix_sys). See their documentation for more info.
//! ## `stdcpp-static-link`
//! Passthrough argument to [`rpi-led-matrix-sys`](rpi_led_matrix_sys). See their documentation for more info.
extern crate libc;

#[cfg(feature = "args")]
pub mod args;
mod canvas;
mod font;
mod led_color;
mod matrix;
mod options;

// import all of the C FFI functions
pub(crate) use rpi_led_matrix_sys as ffi;

// re-export objects to the root
pub use canvas::LedCanvas;
pub use font::LedFont;
pub use led_color::LedColor;
pub use matrix::LedMatrix;
pub use options::{LedMatrixOptions, LedRuntimeOptions};