rpa_enum 0.1.6

RPA Enum extension.
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<a href="https://crates.io/crates/rpa">![RPA Enum Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/crates.io-v0.1.6-orange.svg?longCache=true)</a>

### Rpa Enum

This library allows the use of enums for structs on projects
 that are using the library [rpa](https://gitlab.com/gexuy/public-libraries/rust/rpa).
Basically we allow the mapping of enums as strings on the database. So if we have for example
the enum:

pub enum UserType {

And then we have an structure that has a field using that as a type Rpa doesn't allow us to
map that enum into strings since diesel doesn't support that. With this library we can do that.

### How to use it

First you need to import this library like this:

version = "0.1.6"

Then we only need to use the derive RpaEnum to make things work, so the example above should look like this:

use rpa_enum::RpaEnum;

pub enum UserType {

As you can see we only need to use ``#[repr(u32)]`` as the representation and then derive RpaEnum using the trait 
from the crate like this ``use rpa_enum::RpaEnum;``

Please visit [rpa](https://gitlab.com/gexuy/public-libraries/rust/rpa) for more information on how rpa works.