rp2040-hal 0.10.1

A Rust Embedded-HAL impl for the rp2040 microcontroller
name = "rp2040-hal"
version = "0.10.1"
authors = ["The rp-rs Developers"]
edition = "2021"
homepage = "https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal"
description = "A Rust Embedded-HAL impl for the rp2040 microcontroller"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
rust-version = "1.75"
repository = "https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal"
categories = ["embedded", "hardware-support", "no-std", "no-std::no-alloc"]
keywords = ["embedded", "hal", "raspberry-pi", "rp2040", "embedded-hal"]

features = ["rt", "rom-v2-intrinsics", "defmt", "rtic-monotonic"]
targets = ["thumbv6m-none-eabi"]

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

cortex-m = "0.7.2"
embedded_hal_0_2 = { package = "embedded-hal", version = "0.2.5", features = [
] }
embedded-hal = "1.0.0"
embedded-hal-nb = "1.0.0"
embedded-hal-async = "1.0.0"
embedded-dma = "0.2.0"
embedded-io = "0.6.1"
fugit = "0.3.6"
itertools = { version = "0.10.1", default-features = false }
nb = "1.0"
rp2040-pac = { version = "0.6.0", features = ["critical-section"] }
paste = "1.0"
pio = "0.2.0"
rp2040-hal-macros = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../rp2040-hal-macros" }
usb-device = "0.3"
vcell = "0.1"
void = { version = "1.0.2", default-features = false }
rand_core = "0.6.3"
critical-section = { version = "1.0.0" }

chrono = { version = "0.4", default-features = false, optional = true }

defmt = { version = ">=0.2.0, <0.4", optional = true }

rtic-monotonic = { version = "1.0.0", optional = true }

frunk = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false }

bitfield = { version = "0.14.0" }

i2c-write-iter = { version = "1.0.0", features = ["async"], optional = true }

cortex-m-rt = "0.7"
cortex-m-rtic = "1.1.4"
panic-halt = "0.2.0"
rp2040-boot2 = "0.3.0"
hd44780-driver = "0.4.0"
pio-proc = "0.2.0"
dht-sensor = "0.2.1"
rand = { version = "0.8.5", default-features = false }
nostd_async = { version = "0.6.1", features = ["cortex_m"] }
futures = { version = "0.3.30", default-features = false, features = [
] }
defmt-rtt = "0.4.0"
panic-probe = { version = "0.3.1", features = ["print-defmt"] }
defmt = "0.3"
embedded-alloc = "0.5.1"

# Minimal startup / runtime for Cortex-M microcontrollers
rt = ["rp2040-pac/rt"]

# Memoize(cache) ROM function pointers on first use to improve performance
rom-func-cache = []

# Disable automatic mapping of language features (like floating point math) to ROM functions
disable-intrinsics = []

# This enables ROM functions for f64 math that were not present in the earliest RP2040s
rom-v2-intrinsics = []

# This enables a fix for USB errata 5: USB device fails to exit RESET state on busy USB bus.
# Only required for RP2040 B0 and RP2040 B1, but it also works for RP2040 B2 and above
# **Note that the workaround takes control of pin 15 (bank0) during usb reset so the bank needs
# to be taken out of reset before calling `UsbBus::new`**.
# Using `let pins = Pins::new(peripherals.IO_BANK0, peripherals.PADS_BANK0, sio.gpio_bank0, &mut peripherals.RESETS);`
# is enough to take the Bank 0 out of reset.
rp2040-e5 = []

# critical section that is safe for multicore use
critical-section-impl = ["critical-section/restore-state-u8"]

# Add conversion functions between chrono types and the rp2040-hal specific DateTime type
chrono = ["dep:chrono"]

# Implement `defmt::Format` for several types.
defmt = ["dep:defmt"]

# Implement `rtic_monotonic::Monotonic` based on the RP2040 timer peripheral
rtic-monotonic = ["dep:rtic-monotonic"]

# Implement `i2c-write-iter` traits
i2c-write-iter = ["dep:i2c-write-iter"]

# irq example uses cortex-m-rt::interrupt, need rt feature for that
name = "gpio_irq_example"
required-features = ["rt", "critical-section-impl"]

# irq example uses cortex-m-rt::interrupt, need rt feature for that
name = "rtc_irq_example"
required-features = ["rt", "critical-section-impl"]

# irq example uses cortex-m-rt::interrupt, need rt feature for that
name = "rtc_sleep_example"
required-features = ["rt", "critical-section-impl"]

# pwm irq input example uses cortex-m-rt::interrupt, need rt feature for that
name = "pwm_irq_input"
required-features = ["rt", "critical-section-impl"]

# vector_table example uses cortex-m-rt::interrupt, need rt feature for that
name = "vector_table"
required-features = ["rt", "critical-section-impl"]

# adc_fifo_irq example uses cortex-m-rt::interrupt, need rt feature for that
name = "adc_fifo_irq"
required-features = ["rt", "critical-section-impl"]

# adc_fifo_dma example uses cortex-m-rt::interrupt, need rt feature for that
name = "adc_fifo_dma"
required-features = ["rt", "critical-section-impl"]

name = "adc"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "adc_fifo_poll"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "alloc"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "blinky"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "dht11"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

# dormant_sleep example uses cortex-m-rt::interrupt, need rt feature for that
name = "dormant_sleep"
required-features = ["rt", "critical-section-impl"]

name = "gpio_in_out"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "i2c"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "i2c_async"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl", "rt"]

name = "i2c_async_cancelled"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl", "rt", "defmt"]

name = "lcd_display"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "mem_to_mem_dma"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "multicore_fifo_blink"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "multicore_polyblink"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "pio_blink"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "pio_dma"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "pio_proc_blink"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "pio_side_set"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "pio_synchronized"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "pwm_blink"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "pwm_blink_embedded_hal_1"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "rom_funcs"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "rosc_as_system_clock"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "spi"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "spi_dma"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "uart"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "uart_dma"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "watchdog"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]

name = "gpio_dyn_pin_array"
required-features = ["critical-section-impl"]