rp2040-hal 0.7.0

A Rust Embeded-HAL impl for the rp2040 microcontroller
//! Universal Serial Bus (USB)
// See [Chapter 4 Section 1](https://datasheets.raspberrypi.org/rp2040/rp2040_datasheet.pdf) for more details
//! ## Usage
//! Initialize the Usb Bus forcing the VBUS detection.
//! ```no_run
//! use rp2040_hal::{clocks::init_clocks_and_plls, pac, Sio, usb::UsbBus, watchdog::Watchdog};
//! use usb_device::class_prelude::UsbBusAllocator;
//! const XOSC_CRYSTAL_FREQ: u32 = 12_000_000; // Typically found in BSP crates
//! let mut pac = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
//! let mut watchdog = Watchdog::new(pac.WATCHDOG);
//! let mut clocks = init_clocks_and_plls(
//!     pac.XOSC,
//!     pac.CLOCKS,
//!     pac.PLL_SYS,
//!     pac.PLL_USB,
//!     &mut pac.RESETS,
//!     &mut watchdog
//! ).ok().unwrap();
//! let usb_bus = UsbBusAllocator::new(UsbBus::new(
//!         pac.USBCTRL_REGS,
//!         pac.USBCTRL_DPRAM,
//!         clocks.usb_clock,
//!         true,
//!         &mut pac.RESETS,
//!     ));
//! // Use the usb_bus as usual.
//! ```
//! See [pico_usb_serial.rs](https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/tree/main/boards/pico/examples/pico_usb_serial.rs) for more complete examples
//! ## Enumeration issue with small EP0 max packet size
//! During enumeration Windows hosts send a `StatusOut` after the `DataIn` packet of the first
//! `Get Descriptor` resquest even if the `DataIn` isn't completed (typically when the `max_packet_size_ep0`
//! is less than 18bytes). The next request is a `Set Address` that expect a `StatusIn`.
//! The issue is that by the time the previous `DataIn` packet is acknoledged and the `StatusOut`
//! followed by `Setup` are received, the usb stack may have already prepared the next `DataIn` payload
//! in the EP0 IN mailbox resulting in the payload being transmitted to the host instead of the
//! `StatusIn` for the `Set Address` request as expected by the host.
//! To avoid that issue, the EP0 In mailbox should be invalidated between the `Setup` packet and the
//! next `StatusIn` initiated by the host. The workaround implemented clears the available bit of the
//! EP0 In endpoint's buffer to stop the device from sending the data instead of the status packet.
//! This workaround has the caveat that the poll function must be called between those two which
//! are only separated by a few microseconds.
//! If the required timing cannot be met, using an maximum packet size of the endpoint 0 above 18bytes
//! (e.g. `.max_packet_size_ep0(64)`) should avoid that issue.
//! ## Issue on RP2040B0 and RP2040B1: USB device fails to exit RESET state on busy USB bus.
//! The feature `rp2040-e5`implements the workaround described by [RP2040-E5](https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/rp2040/rp2040-datasheet.pdf#%5B%7B%22num%22%3A630%2C%22gen%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%22name%22%3A%22XYZ%22%7D%2C115%2C158.848%2Cnull%5D).
//! The workaround requires the GPIO block to be released from its reset and has for side effect
//! that GPIO15 will be stolen for a few hundred microseconds each time a Reset is detected on the
//! USB bus.
//! The pin will be temporarily put in "bus keep" mode, weakly pulling the output towards its current
//! logic level. In absence of external loads, the current logic level will be maintained.
//! A user will lose control of the pin's output and reading from it may not reflect the actual state
//! of the external pin.
//! ```no_run
//! # use rp2040_hal::{clocks::init_clocks_and_plls, pac, usb::UsbBus, watchdog::Watchdog};
//! # use usb_device::class_prelude::UsbBusAllocator;
//! use rp2040_hal::{gpio::Pins, Sio};
//! # const XOSC_CRYSTAL_FREQ: u32 = 12_000_000; // Typically found in BSP crates
//! #
//! # let mut pac = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
//! # let mut watchdog = Watchdog::new(pac.WATCHDOG);
//! # let mut clocks = init_clocks_and_plls(
//! #     pac.XOSC,
//! #     pac.CLOCKS,
//! #     pac.PLL_SYS,
//! #     pac.PLL_USB,
//! #     &mut pac.RESETS,
//! #     &mut watchdog
//! # ).ok().unwrap();
//! #
//! // required for the errata 5's workaround to function properly.
//! let sio = Sio::new(pac.SIO);
//! let _pins = Pins::new(
//!     pac.IO_BANK0,
//!     pac.PADS_BANK0,
//!     sio.gpio_bank0,
//!     &mut pac.RESETS,
//! );
//! #
//! # let usb_bus = UsbBusAllocator::new(UsbBus::new(
//! #         pac.USBCTRL_REGS,
//! #         pac.USBCTRL_DPRAM,
//! #         clocks.usb_clock,
//! #         true,
//! #         &mut pac.RESETS,
//! #     ));
//! # // Use the usb_bus as usual.
//! ```

use core::cell::RefCell;

use crate::clocks::UsbClock;
use crate::pac::RESETS;
use crate::pac::USBCTRL_DPRAM;
use crate::pac::USBCTRL_REGS;
use crate::resets::SubsystemReset;

use critical_section::{self, Mutex};

use usb_device::{
    bus::{PollResult, UsbBus as UsbBusTrait},
    endpoint::{EndpointAddress, EndpointType},
    Result as UsbResult, UsbDirection, UsbError,

#[cfg(feature = "rp2040-e5")]
mod errata5;

fn ep_addr_to_ep_buf_ctrl_idx(ep_addr: EndpointAddress) -> usize {
    ep_addr.index() * 2 + (if ep_addr.is_in() { 0 } else { 1 })
struct Endpoint {
    ep_type: EndpointType,
    max_packet_size: u16,
    buffer_offset: u16,
impl Endpoint {
    unsafe fn get_buf_parts(&self) -> (*mut u8, usize) {
        const DPRAM_BASE: *mut u8 = USBCTRL_DPRAM::ptr() as *mut u8;
        if self.ep_type == EndpointType::Control {
            (DPRAM_BASE.offset(0x100), self.max_packet_size as usize)
        } else {
                DPRAM_BASE.offset(0x180 + (self.buffer_offset * 64) as isize),
                self.max_packet_size as usize,

    fn get_buf(&self) -> &'static [u8] {
        unsafe {
            let (base, len) = self.get_buf_parts();
            core::slice::from_raw_parts(base as *const _, len)
    fn get_buf_mut(&self) -> &'static mut [u8] {
        unsafe {
            let (base, len) = self.get_buf_parts();
            core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(base, len)

struct Inner {
    ctrl_reg: USBCTRL_REGS,
    ctrl_dpram: USBCTRL_DPRAM,
    in_endpoints: [Option<Endpoint>; 16],
    out_endpoints: [Option<Endpoint>; 16],
    next_offset: u16,
    read_setup: bool,
    #[cfg(feature = "rp2040-e5")]
    errata5_state: Option<errata5::Errata5State>,
impl Inner {
    fn new(ctrl_reg: USBCTRL_REGS, ctrl_dpram: USBCTRL_DPRAM) -> Self {
        Self {
            in_endpoints: Default::default(),
            out_endpoints: Default::default(),
            next_offset: 0,
            read_setup: false,
            #[cfg(feature = "rp2040-e5")]
            errata5_state: None,

    fn ep_allocate(
        &mut self,
        ep_addr: Option<EndpointAddress>,
        ep_dir: UsbDirection,
        ep_type: EndpointType,
        max_packet_size: u16,
    ) -> UsbResult<EndpointAddress> {
        let ep_addr = ep_addr
            .or_else(|| {
                let eps = if ep_dir == UsbDirection::In {
                } else {
                // find free end point
                let mut iter = eps.enumerate();
                // reserve ep0 for the control endpoint
                if ep_type != EndpointType::Control {
                iter.find(|(_, ep)| ep.is_none())
                    .map(|(index, _)| EndpointAddress::from_parts(index, ep_dir))

        let is_ep0 = ep_addr.index() == 0;
        let is_ctrl_ep = ep_type == EndpointType::Control;
        if !(is_ep0 ^ !is_ctrl_ep) {
            return Err(UsbError::Unsupported);

        let eps = if ep_addr.is_in() {
            &mut self.in_endpoints
        } else {
            &mut self.out_endpoints
        let maybe_ep = eps
        if maybe_ep.is_some() {
            return Err(UsbError::InvalidEndpoint);

        // Validate buffer size. From datasheet (
        // Data Buffers are typically 64 bytes long as this is the max normal packet size for most FS packets.
        // For Isochronous endpoints a maximum buffer size of 1023 bytes is supported.
        // For other packet types the maximum size is 64 bytes per buffer.
        if (ep_type != EndpointType::Isochronous && max_packet_size > 64) || max_packet_size > 1023
            return Err(UsbError::Unsupported);

        if ep_addr.index() == 0 {
            *maybe_ep = Some(Endpoint {
                buffer_offset: 0, // not used on CTRL ep
        } else {
            // size in 64bytes units.
            // NOTE: the compiler is smart enough to recognize /64 as a 6bit right shift so let's
            // keep the division here for the sake of clarity
            let aligned_sized = (max_packet_size + 63) / 64;
            if (self.next_offset + aligned_sized) > (4096 / 64) {
                return Err(UsbError::EndpointMemoryOverflow);

            let buffer_offset = self.next_offset;
            self.next_offset += aligned_sized;

            *maybe_ep = Some(Endpoint {

    fn ep_reset_all(&mut self) {
            .modify(|_, w| w.ep0_int_1buf().set_bit());
        // expect ctrl ep to receive on DATA first
        self.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[0].write(|w| w.pid_0().set_bit());
        self.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[1].write(|w| w.pid_0().set_bit());
        self.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[1].write(|w| w.available_0().set_bit());

        for (index, ep) in itertools::interleave(
            self.in_endpoints.iter().skip(1),  // skip control endpoint
            self.out_endpoints.iter().skip(1), // skip control endpoint
        .filter_map(|(i, ep)| ep.as_ref().map(|ep| (i, ep)))
            use pac::usbctrl_dpram::ep_control::ENDPOINT_TYPE_A;
            let ep_type = match ep.ep_type {
                EndpointType::Bulk => ENDPOINT_TYPE_A::BULK,
                EndpointType::Isochronous => ENDPOINT_TYPE_A::ISOCHRONOUS,
                EndpointType::Control => ENDPOINT_TYPE_A::CONTROL,
                EndpointType::Interrupt => ENDPOINT_TYPE_A::INTERRUPT,
            // configure
            // ep 0 in&out are not part of index (skipped before enumeration)
            self.ctrl_dpram.ep_control[index].modify(|_, w| unsafe {
                w.buffer_address().bits(0x180 + (ep.buffer_offset << 6))
            // reset OUT ep and prepare IN ep to accept data
            let buf_control = &self.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[index + 2];
            if (index & 1) == 0 {
                // first write occur on DATA0 so prepare the pid bit to be flipped
                buf_control.write(|w| w.pid_0().set_bit());
            } else {
                buf_control.write(|w| unsafe {
                buf_control.modify(|_, w| w.available_0().set_bit());

    fn ep_write(&mut self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress, buf: &[u8]) -> UsbResult<usize> {
        let index = ep_addr.index();
        let ep = self

        let buf_control = &self.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[index * 2];
        if buf_control.read().available_0().bit_is_set() {
            return Err(UsbError::WouldBlock);

        let ep_buf = ep.get_buf_mut();
        if ep_buf.len() < buf.len() {
            return Err(UsbError::BufferOverflow);

        buf_control.modify(|r, w| unsafe {
            w.length_0().bits(buf.len() as u16);
        buf_control.modify(|_, w| w.available_0().set_bit());


    fn ep_read(&mut self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress, buf: &mut [u8]) -> UsbResult<usize> {
        let index = ep_addr.index();
        let ep = self

        let buf_control = &self.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[index * 2 + 1];
        let buf_control_val = buf_control.read();

        let process_setup = index == 0 && self.read_setup;
        if process_setup {
            // assume we want to read the setup request
            // the OUT packet will be either data or a status zlp
            let len = 8;
            let ep_buf =
                unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(USBCTRL_DPRAM::ptr() as *const u8, len) };
            if len > buf.len() {
                return Err(UsbError::BufferOverflow);


            // Next packet will be on DATA1 so clear pid_0 so it gets flipped by next buf config
            self.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[0].modify(|_, w| w.pid_0().clear_bit());
            // clear setup request flag
            self.ctrl_reg.sie_status.write(|w| w.setup_rec().set_bit());

            // clear any out standing out flag e.g. in case a zlp got discarded
            self.ctrl_reg.buff_status.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(2) });

            let is_in_request = (buf[0] & 0x80) == 0x80;
            let data_length = u16::from(buf[6]) | (u16::from(buf[7]) << 8);
            let expect_data_or_zlp = is_in_request || data_length != 0;

            buf_control.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
            // enable if and only if a dataphase is expected.
            buf_control.modify(|_, w| w.available_0().bit(expect_data_or_zlp));

            self.read_setup = false;
        } else {
            if buf_control_val.full_0().bit_is_clear() {
                return Err(UsbError::WouldBlock);
            let len = buf_control_val.length_0().bits().into();
            if len > buf.len() {
                return Err(UsbError::BufferOverflow);

            // Clear OUT flag once it is read.
                .write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1 << (index * 2 + 1)) });

            buf_control.modify(|r, w| unsafe {
            if index != 0 || len == ep.max_packet_size.into() {
                // only mark as available on the control endpoint if and only if the packet was
                // max_packet_size
                buf_control.modify(|_, w| w.available_0().set_bit());

/// Usb bus
pub struct UsbBus {
    inner: Mutex<RefCell<Inner>>,

impl UsbBus {
    /// Create new usb bus struct and bring up usb as device.
    pub fn new(
        ctrl_reg: USBCTRL_REGS,
        ctrl_dpram: USBCTRL_DPRAM,
        _pll: UsbClock,
        force_vbus_detect_bit: bool,
        resets: &mut RESETS,
    ) -> Self {

        unsafe {
            let raw_ctrl_reg =
                core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(USBCTRL_REGS::ptr() as *mut u32, 1 + 0x98 / 4);

            let raw_ctrl_pdram =
                core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(USBCTRL_DPRAM::ptr() as *mut u32, 1 + 0xfc / 4);

        ctrl_reg.usb_muxing.modify(|_, w| {

        if force_vbus_detect_bit {
            ctrl_reg.usb_pwr.modify(|_, w| {
        ctrl_reg.main_ctrl.modify(|_, w| {

        Self {
            inner: Mutex::new(RefCell::new(Inner::new(ctrl_reg, ctrl_dpram))),

    /// Generates a resume request on the bus.
    pub fn remote_wakeup(&self) {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();
            inner.ctrl_reg.sie_ctrl.modify(|_, w| w.resume().set_bit());

impl UsbBusTrait for UsbBus {
    fn alloc_ep(
        &mut self,
        ep_dir: UsbDirection,
        ep_addr: Option<EndpointAddress>,
        ep_type: EndpointType,
        max_packet_size: u16,
        _interval: u8,
    ) -> UsbResult<EndpointAddress> {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let mut inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();

            inner.ep_allocate(ep_addr, ep_dir, ep_type, max_packet_size)

    fn enable(&mut self) {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();
            // at this stage ep's are expected to be in their reset state
            // TODO: is it worth having a debug_assert for that here?

            // Enable interrupt generation when a buffer is done, when the bus is reset,
            // and when a setup packet is received
            // this should be sufficient for device mode, will need more for host.
            inner.ctrl_reg.inte.modify(|_, w| {

            // enable pull up to let the host know we exist.
                .modify(|_, w| w.pullup_en().set_bit());
    fn reset(&self) {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let mut inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();

            // clear reset flag
            inner.ctrl_reg.sie_status.write(|w| w.bus_reset().set_bit());
                .write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0xFFFF_FFFF) });

            // reset all endpoints

            // Reset address register
            // TODO: RP2040-E5: work around implementation
            // TODO: reset all endpoints & buffer statuses
    fn set_device_address(&self, addr: u8) {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();
                .modify(|_, w| unsafe { w.address().bits(addr & 0x3F) });
            // reset ep0
            inner.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[0].modify(|_, w| w.pid_0().set_bit());
            inner.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[1].modify(|_, w| w.pid_0().set_bit());
    fn write(&self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress, buf: &[u8]) -> UsbResult<usize> {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let mut inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();
            inner.ep_write(ep_addr, buf)
    fn read(&self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress, buf: &mut [u8]) -> UsbResult<usize> {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let mut inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();
            inner.ep_read(ep_addr, buf)
    fn set_stalled(&self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress, stalled: bool) {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();

            if ep_addr.index() == 0 {
                inner.ctrl_reg.ep_stall_arm.modify(|_, w| {
                    if ep_addr.is_in() {
                    } else {

            let index = ep_addr_to_ep_buf_ctrl_idx(ep_addr);
            inner.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[index].modify(|_, w| w.stall().bit(stalled));
    fn is_stalled(&self, ep_addr: EndpointAddress) -> bool {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();
            let index = ep_addr_to_ep_buf_ctrl_idx(ep_addr);
    fn suspend(&self) {}
    fn resume(&self) {}
    fn poll(&self) -> PollResult {
        critical_section::with(|cs| {
            let mut inner = self.inner.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();

            #[cfg(feature = "rp2040-e5")]
            if let Some(state) = inner.errata5_state.take() {
                unsafe {
                    inner.errata5_state = state.update();
                return if inner.errata5_state.is_some() {
                } else {

            // check for bus reset and/or suspended states.
            let ints = inner.ctrl_reg.ints.read();
            let mut buff_status = inner.ctrl_reg.buff_status.read().bits();

            if ints.bus_reset().bit_is_set() {
                #[cfg(feature = "rp2040-e5")]
                if inner.ctrl_reg.sie_status.read().connected().bit_is_clear() {
                    inner.errata5_state = Some(errata5::Errata5State::start());
                    return PollResult::None;
                } else {
                    return PollResult::Reset;

                #[cfg(not(feature = "rp2040-e5"))]
                return PollResult::Reset;
            } else if buff_status == 0 && ints.setup_req().bit_is_clear() {
                if ints.dev_suspend().bit_is_set() {
                    inner.ctrl_reg.sie_status.write(|w| w.suspended().set_bit());
                    return PollResult::Suspend;
                } else if ints.dev_resume_from_host().bit_is_set() {
                    inner.ctrl_reg.sie_status.write(|w| w.resume().set_bit());
                    return PollResult::Resume;
                return PollResult::None;

            let (mut ep_out, mut ep_in_complete, mut ep_setup): (u16, u16, u16) = (0, 0, 0);

            // IN Complete shall only be reported once.
                .write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0x5555_5555) });

            for i in 0..32u32 {
                if buff_status == 0 {
                } else if (buff_status & 1) == 1 {
                    let is_in = (i & 1) == 0;
                    let ep_idx = i / 2;
                    if is_in {
                        ep_in_complete |= 1 << ep_idx;
                    } else {
                        ep_out |= 1 << ep_idx;
                buff_status >>= 1;

            // check for setup request
            if ints.setup_req().bit_is_set() {
                // Small max_packet_size_ep0 Work-Around
                inner.ctrl_dpram.ep_buffer_control[0].modify(|_, w| w.available_0().clear_bit());

                ep_setup |= 1;
                inner.read_setup = true;

            PollResult::Data {

    const QUIRK_SET_ADDRESS_BEFORE_STATUS: bool = false;