rp2040-hal 0.10.0

A Rust Embedded-HAL impl for the rp2040 microcontroller
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).

## [Unreleased]

## [0.10.0] - 2024-03-10

### Added

- Implement i2c-write-iter traits - #765 @ithinuel
- Add categories and keywords to Cargo.toml - #769 @rursprung
- Add getters to the various pad overrides - #768 @ithinuel
- Add an example for using embedded-alloc - #306 @umgefahren @jannic
- Introduce async.await i2c implementation - #747 @ithinuel
- Support embedded\_hal 1.0.0 - #734 #736 #753 @jannic @jonathanpallant
- Implement defmt formatting and Debug for clocks::InitError - #751 @jannic
- Implement embedded-io Read + Write for UartPeripheral - #727 @Sympatron
- Add from\_installed\_program with correct shift direction - #715 @jannic
- Add derive(defmt::Format) to i2c::peripheral::I2CEvent - #726 @ithinuel
- Make PIO IRQ IDs into ZSTs - #723 @9ary
- Add RTC examples & expand RealTimeClock & ClockManager capabilities - #676 @ithinuel
- Allow to use ADC free-running mode without FIFO - #739 @jannic
- Add on-chip voltage regulator (VREG) voltage setting function - #757 @AkiyukiOkayasu
- Support for entering and exiting DORMANT mode - #701 @andrewh42

### Changed

- Update lower VCO frequency limit according to datasheet update - #773 @ithinuel
- Bump MSRV to 1.75 - #761 @ithinuel
- Move on-target-tests back to the work space - #762 @ithinuel
- Set startup\_delay\_multiplier of XOSC to 64, and make it configurable.
  This should increase compatibility with boards where the oscillator starts up
  more slowly than on the Raspberry Pico. - #746 @jannic
- Replace asm macros by rust macros - #730 @jannic
- Update usb-device implementation - #584 @ithinuel
- Update rp2040-pac to v0.6.0 and apply required changes - #770 @AkiyukiOkayasu
- Some reorganization of ADC code, making sure that AdcPin can only
  be created for pins that can actually be used as ADC channels - #739 @jannic
- Breaking change: Clear the input-enable flag of all pins on bank 0 in `Pins::new`.
  They will automatically be enabled when setting a pin function, so most users
  won't be affected by that change. Notable exception: If you rely on the fact that
  PIO can read all pins as input even if the pin is not configured to the PIO function,
  you may need to set the input-enable flag manually. - #755 @jannic

### Fixed

- Properly report UART break conditions - #712 @jannic
- Ensure that i2c pins have PullUp activated - #708 @jannic
- PWM: Set TOP to 0xfffe by default and fix get\_max\_duty - #744 @jannic
- Add missing ValidFunction implementation for DynFunction - #738 @ithinuel
- Fix RealTimeClock & UsbBus ownership - #725 @jnthbdn
- Make Spi::free also free up the pins - #719 @SCingolani
- Add safety comments to unsafe rom function - #721 @jannic
- Several cleanups and documentation updates - #716 #718 #720 #743 #763 #767 #776 #777 #778 #779 @jannic @ithinuel

## [0.9.1] - 2023-11-12

### Added

- Add function to enable multiple PWM slices at the same time - #668 @jlpettersson
- Add uart\_is\_busy() method - #711 @Rahix
- Re-export fugit - #573 @jannic
- Add function to clear PIO fifos - #670 @ThadHouse
- Implement WriteIter and WriteIterRead - #703 @thejpster
- Implement InputPin for all pin configurations - #689 @jannic
- Provide functions to access watchdog scratch registers - #685 @jannic
- Implement reset() and halt() functions - #613 @jannic

### Fixed

- Fix USB PLL's VCO frequency according to updated datasheet - #688 @ithinuel, @jannic
- Fix UART transmit\_flushed method - #713 @jannic
- Fix calculation of pll frequency for refdiv != 1 - #691 @vinsynth

### Changed

- Improve documentation - #692 #696 #697 #698 #699 #702 #704 #709 #714 @9names @fu5ha @ithinuel @jannic
- Migrate to eh1\_0 rc 1 - #681 @ithinuel

## [0.9.0] - 2023-09-01

### MSRV

The Minimum-Supported Rust Version (MSRV) for this release is 1.64

### Fixed

- With rust nightly and beta 1.70.0, the multi-core spawn code could get miscompiled
  due to undefined behavior in our code. This was first found in embassy (which
  uses similar code) and reported to us by @Dirbaio. - #612 @ithinuel
- Fixed embedded-hal 1.0-alpha implementation of SPI - #611 @tomgilligan
- Fixed the on-target tests - #601 @jannic
- Fix calculation of MPU RBAR value - #653 @9names @jannic
- Fix of usb device address mask - #639 @mrdxxm
- Fix on target tests - #624 @jannic
- Make sure clocks are initialized before creating a Timer - #618 @jannic
- Mark ReadTarget and WriteTarget as unsafe - #621 @jannic
- Fix typo in rom_data.rs - #675 @jlpettersson

### Changed

- multicore: remove the requirement on the closure to never return - #594 @ithinuel
- Updated dependency on rp2040-boot2 to version 0.3.0. - @jannic
  This doubles the flash access speed to the value used by the C SDK by
  default. So it should usually be safe. However, if you are overclocking
  the RP2040, you might need to lower the flash speed accordingly.
- Doc: Several improvements have been made to documentation: #607 #597 #661 #633 #632 #629 #679
- DMA: Check for valid word sizes at compile time - #600 @jannic
- Use an enum for core identification. - @ithinuel
- Merge DynPin and Pin into Pin. The type class used in Pin now have a runtime variant allowing for
  the creation of uniform array of pins (eg: `[Pin<DynPinId, PinFnSio, PullDown>]`). - @ithinuel
- Fix miss defined ValidPinMode bound allowing any Bank0 pin to be Xip and any Qspi pin to be any
  other function (except for clock). - @ithinuel
- Use `let _ =` to ignore result rather than `.ok();` as this gives a false sense the result is
  checked. - @ithinuel
- Reduce code repetition in i2c modules. - @ithinuel
- Rename `DontInvert` to `Normal`. - @ithinuel
- Prevent the creation of multiple instances of `adc::TempSensor` - @ithinuel
- Update dependency on rp2040-pac to 0.5.0 - #662 @jannic
- Migrate rp2040-hal to edition 2021 - #651 @ithinuel
- Fix lifetimes and mutability of get_buf and get_buf_mut - #649 @adrianparvino
- Rename dma::SingleChannel::listen_irq* to enable_irq* - #648 @nilclass
- Update embedded-hal alpha support to version 1.0.0-alpha.11 - #642 @jannic

### Added

- timer::Timer implements the embedded-hal delay traits and Copy/Clone - #614 @ithinuel @jannic
- DMA: Allow access to the DMA engine's byteswapping feature - #603 @Gip-Gip
- Added `AdcPin` wrapper to disable digital function for ADC operations - @ithinuel
- Added `Sealed` supertrait to `PIOExt` - @ithinuel
- Added pins to `Spi` to fix inconsistencies in gpio bounds in peripheral (i2c, uart, spi) - @ithinuel
- Added `sio::Sio::read_bank0() -> u32` to provide single instruction multiple io read.
- Implement WriteTarget for PWM top and cc registers. - #646 @mBornand
- Add the ability to initialise the ring oscillator with a known frequency - #640 @hardiesoft
- Add ADC free-running mode & FIFO - #626 @nilclass
- Add DMA support for free-running ADC capture - #636 @nilclass
- Make SPI set_format accept frame format - #653 @NelsonAPenn

## [0.8.1] - 2023-05-05

### Added

- Re-enabled implementations of traits from embedded-hal-nb 1.0.0-alpha.1 - #569 @jannic
- PIO: Added `set_mov_status_config` to `PIOBuilder` - #566 @Gip-gip
- memory.x: Added SRAM4 and SRAM5 blocks - #578 @jannic
- DMA: Added memory-to-memory example - #579 @jlpettersson

### Changed

- pwm::Slice::has_overflown() returns the raw interrupt flag, without masking/forcing. - #562 @jannic
- Update embedded-hal alpha support to version 1.0.0-alpha.10 - #582 @jannic
- Update embedded-hal-nb alpha support to version 1.0.0-alpha.2 - #582 @jannic
- DMA: Fixed an issue where `check_irq0` would check `irq1` on channel 1 - #580 @jlpettersson
- Serial: Fixed possible overflow of the baudrate calculation - #583 @ArchUsr64
- Doc: Several improvements have been made to documentation: #567 #570 #574 #575 #577 #586
- CI: A few improvements have been made to CI pipelines: #555 #587 #588

## [0.8.0] - 2023-02-16

### Added

- Add SPI slave support - @zaksabeast
- Add set_base_1and0 to interpolator - @tomgilligan
- Add DMA support, with implementations for SPI, PIO, UART - @9names, @mgottschlag, @Nashenas88
- Add alarm cancellation feature - @MuratUrsavas
- Add Pin::id() - @jannic
- Add interrupt functions for DynPin - @larsarv

### Changed

- Several documentation improvements - @nmattia, @tianrking
- CI improvements - @ithinuel, @jannic
- Marked several traits as Sealed - @jannic
- Removed `pwm::PwmPinToken` and add PWM IRQ Input example - @dlkj

## [0.7.0] - 2022-12-11

### MSRV

The Minimum-Supported Rust Version (MSRV) for this release is 1.62

### Changed

- Fixed: First frame is getting lost on a USB-CDC device - @MuratUrsavas
- Moved BSP crates to separate repo at https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal-boards - @jannic
- Avoid losing USB status events by reading ints rather than sie_status in poll - @ithinuel
- Allow setting clock divisors on running state machines - @jannic
- Remove unnecessary `mut` from `static mut LOCK_OWNER: AtomicU8` in critical section impl - @zachs18
- Update dependency on rp2040-pac to 0.4.0 - @jannic
- Update embedded-hal alpha support to version 1.0.0-alpha.9 - @jannic
  (Non-blocking traits were moved to embedded-hal-nb, which is not yet supported)
- Implement UartConfig::new constructor method - @jannic
- Deprecate uart::common_configs - @jannic
- Fix spelling error in UART error discarded field - @Sizurka
- Fix contents of UART error discarded field - @Sizurka
- Fix watchdog counter load value - @Sizurka
- Fix concurrent accesses to sm_execctrl and sm_instr when sideset isn't optional - @ithinuel
- pio: Move interrupt related (en|dis)abling/forcing methods to the statemachine - @ithinuel
- Mark Timer & Alarm* Send and Sync - @ithinuel
- The feature critical-section-impl is now enabled by default from the BSP crates - @jannic
- Simplify signature of Alarm::schedule, removing generic parameter - @ithinuel
- USB: Use the dedicated write_bitmask_* functions - @ithinuel

### Added

- Add docs.rs metadata - @icedrocket
- Implement embedded-hal alpha SPI traits - @ptpaterson
- Add derive(Debug) and derive(defmt::Format) to error types - @9names
- Add ability to modify installed PIO program wrap bounds - @davidcole1340
- Add rtic-monotonic support for timer & alarms (feature gated) - @ithinuel
- Add SPI is_busy function - @papyDoctor
- Add set_fifos/set_rx_watermark/set_tx_watermark - @papyDoctor
- Add a method to allow setting the PIO's clock divisor without floats - @ithinuel
- Use TimerInstant in Timer::GetCounter & add Alarm::schedule_at - @ithinuel

### Removed

- Removed support for critical-section 0.2 (was already deprecated) - @jannic

## [0.6.1] - 2022-11-30

### Changed

- Upgraded dependency on critical-section 0.2 to 0.2.8 - @jannic
  (There is also a dependency on version 1.0.0)
- Remove critical-section impl for version 0.2 - @jannic
  Both 0.2.8 and 1.x use the same symbols internally to implement the
  critical sections, so one impl is sufficient, and having both causes
  compilation errors

## [0.6.0] - 2022-08-26

### Added

- Documentation Example for the bsp_pin! macro - @ hmvp
- Timer: Documentation & doc examples for Timers - @9names
- Add suspend, resume and remote wakeup support. - @ithinuel & @jannic
- `rp2040-e5` feature enabling the workaround for errata 5 on the USB device peripheral. - @ithinuel
- NonPwmPinMode for gpio::Disabled - @FlorianUekermann
- RAM-based interrupt vector tables - @9names
- Support for critical-section 1.0.0.
  Critical-section 0.2 is still supported (ie. a custom-impl is provided, compatible
  with the 1.0.0 implementation), to avoid a breaking change. It will be removed
  later. - @jannic
- Add support for the Interpolator. @fenax

### Changed

- Update dev dependencies on cortex-m-rtic to 1.1.2 - @jannic
- Use correct interrupt names in `timer::alarms` - @hmvp
- Update embedded-hal alpha support to version 1.0.0-alpha.8 - @jannic
- Fix PIO rx fifo status - @jannic
- Implement `From<&SomeClock> for Hertz` instead of `From<SomeClock> for Hertz`
  for the clocks in `rp2040_hal::clocks`. - @jannic
- Fix i2c example using the wrong clock. - @jannic
- Fix duty cycle handing on disabled pwm channels. - @jannic
- GPIO IRQ example: add check for interrupt source - @9names
- Align USB synchronisation requirements with the manual & pico-sdk - @ithinuel
- Update dependencies on usb-device to 0.2.9 - @ithinuel
- Use wfi in otherwise empty infinite loops in examples. - @jannic
- Use generic bootloader in examples - @jannic & @ithinuel
- Use `rp2040-hal`'s entry function. - @ithinuel
- Migrate from `embedded-time` to `fugit` - @ithinuel
- Fix PIO's `set_pins` and `set_pindirs` when `out_sticky` is set. - @jannic & @ithinuel
- Clarify usage of boot2 section - @a-gavin

### Removed

- Unnecessary cortex_m::interrupt::free in timer.rs - @jannic
- Unused embassy-traits deps - @9names

## [0.5.0] - 2022-06-13

### MSRV

The Minimum-Supported Rust Version (MSRV) for this release is 1.61

### Added

- RP2040 specific #[entry] macro that releases spinlocks - @jannic
- Start multiple state machines in sync with each other - @astraw
- Unsafe fn for freeing all spinlocks when you can't use the RP2040 entry macro (eg RTIC) - @9names
- Optional feature for enabling defmt formatting for i2c errors - @ithinuel
- Accessor for getting the offset of an installed PIO program - @fenax

### Changed

- Use thread send safe UART* marker when splitting, improves UART ergonmics - @marius-meissner
- Improve performance for hardware division intrinsics. Internal intrinsics cleanup - @Sizurka
- Provide a better alarm abstraction - @ithinuel
- Update Multicore::spawn to be able to take a closure without requiring alloc.
  Improve Multicore ergonomics and add example for how to use new API - @Liamolucko
- Allow PIO program to be 32 instructions long, was previously limited to 31 - @jannic
- Fix Typos - @mqy, @danbev
- Replace generic pio::Tx::write<T> with write_u8_replicated, write_u16_replicated, and update
  write to take a u32. The generic version was too easy to misuse. - @9names

### Removed

- I2c async driver. Use new one at https://github.com/ithinuel/rp2040-async-i2c/ - @ithinuel
- Unused fields from UartPeripheral and Reader - @jannic

## [0.4.0] - 2022-03-09

### Added

- ROM function caching
- ROM version lookup function
- Compiler intrinsics for ROM functions
- Compiler intrinsics for hardware divider
- Document bsp_pins! macro
- UART IRQ examples
- PIO side-set example
- Stopped PIO state machines can change their clock divider
- Added HAL IRQ example

### Changed

- Rewrite UART driver to own its pins
- Improve UART defaults
- Fix repeated-read in i2c embassy driver
- Fix bug in i2c peripheral state machine
- Fix race condition in alarm
- Fix safety bugs in hardware divider
- Enable watchdog reset trigger bits when watchdog enabled
- Update spinlocks to use new PAC API
- Use generics to improve spinlock implementation
- Update critical_section to use new spinlock implementation
- Update embedded-hal alpha support to version 1.0.0-alpha.7
- Avoid 64-bit division in clock calculations
- Update pio and pio-proc to 0.2.0

## [0.3.0] - 2021-12-19

### MSRV

The Minimum-Supported Rust Version (MSRV) for this release is 1.54.

### Added

- Implementation of the `critical-section` API
- Embedded HAL 1.0-alpha6 support
- I²C Controller and Peripheral support
- Multi-core support, including spin-locks and SIO FIFO
- RTC support
- USB Device support
- Timer support
- PIO support
- Implementation of `rng_core::RngCore` for `RingOscillator`
- ADC example
- GPIO Interrupt support
- Multi-core FIFO example
- PIO LED Blinky example
- ROM Functions example
- SPI example
- Watchdog example
- ADC documentation
- Lots of bug fixes :)

### Changed

- Modified PIO API for better ergonomics
- Updated PAC to 0.2.0
- Exported common driver structs from top-level (e.g. it's now `Sio`, not `sio::Sio`)

## [0.2.0] - 2021-08-14

### Added

- Updated version with support for:
  - Ring Oscillator
  - Crystal Oscillator
  - Plls
  - Watchdog
  - Clocks
  - GPIO
  - PWM
  - ADC
  - SPI
  - I²C
  - Resets
  - UART
  - Hardware divide/modulo

## [0.1.0] - 2021-01-21

- Initial release

[Unreleased]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.10.0...HEAD
[0.10.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.9.1...v0.10.0
[0.9.1]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.9.0...v0.9.1
[0.9.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.8.1...v0.9.0
[0.8.1]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.8.0...v0.8.1
[0.8.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.7.0...v0.8.0
[0.7.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.6.0...v0.7.0
[0.6.1]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.6.0...v0.6.1
[0.6.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.5.0...v0.6.0
[0.5.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.4.0...v0.5.0
[0.4.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.3.0...v0.4.0
[0.3.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0
[0.2.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/compare/v0.1.0...v0.2.0
[0.1.0]: https://github.com/rp-rs/rp-hal/releases/tag/v0.1.0