roxmltree 0.17.0

Represent an XML as a read-only tree.
Represent an [XML 1.0]( document as a read-only tree.

The root point of the documentations is [`Document::parse`].

You can find more details in the [README] and the [parsing doc].

The tree structure itself is a heavily modified <>
License: ISC.

[`Document::parse`]: struct.Document.html#method.parse
[parsing doc]:

// `matches!` available since 1.42, but we target 1.36 for now.

extern crate alloc;

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
extern crate std;

use alloc::borrow::Cow;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::fmt;
use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use core::num::NonZeroU32;

pub use xmlparser::TextPos;

mod parse;
pub use crate::parse::*;

/// The <> URI.
pub const NS_XML_URI: &str = "";
/// The prefix 'xml', which is by definition bound to NS_XML_URI
const NS_XML_PREFIX: &str = "xml";

/// The <> URI.
pub const NS_XMLNS_URI: &str = "";
/// The string 'xmlns', which is used to declare new namespaces
const XMLNS: &str = "xmlns";

type Range = core::ops::Range<usize>;

/// An XML tree container.
/// A tree consists of [`Nodes`].
/// There are no separate structs for each node type.
/// So you should check the current node type yourself via [`Node::node_type()`].
/// There are only [5 types](enum.NodeType.html):
/// Root, Element, PI, Comment and Text.
/// As you can see there are no XML declaration and CDATA types.
/// The XML declaration is basically skipped, since it doesn't contain any
/// valuable information (we support only UTF-8 anyway).
/// And CDATA will be converted into a Text node as is, without
/// any preprocessing (you can read more about it
/// [here](
/// Also, the Text node data can be accessed from the text node itself or from
/// the parent element via [`Node::text()`] or [`Node::tail()`].
/// [`Nodes`]: struct.Node.html
/// [`Node::node_type()`]: struct.Node.html#method.node_type
/// [`Node::text()`]: struct.Node.html#method.text
/// [`Node::tail()`]: struct.Node.html#method.tail
pub struct Document<'input> {
    /// An original data.
    /// Required for `text_pos_at` methods.
    text: &'input str,
    nodes: Vec<NodeData<'input>>,
    attrs: Vec<AttributeData<'input>>,
    namespaces: Namespaces<'input>,

impl<'input> Document<'input> {
    /// Returns the root node.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e/>").unwrap();
    /// assert!(doc.root().is_root());
    /// assert!(doc.root().first_child().unwrap().has_tag_name("e"));
    /// ```
    pub fn root<'a>(&'a self) -> Node<'a, 'input> {
        Node {
            id: NodeId::new(0),
            d: &self.nodes[0],
            doc: self,

    /// Returns the node of the tree with the given NodeId.
    /// Note: NodeId::new(0) represents the root node
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("\
    /// <p>
    ///     text
    /// </p>
    /// ").unwrap();
    /// use roxmltree::NodeId;
    /// assert_eq!(doc.get_node(NodeId::new(0)).unwrap(), doc.root());
    /// assert_eq!(doc.get_node(NodeId::new(1)), doc.descendants().find(|n| n.has_tag_name("p")));
    /// assert_eq!(doc.get_node(NodeId::new(2)), doc.descendants().find(|n| n.is_text()));
    /// assert_eq!(doc.get_node(NodeId::new(3)), None);
    /// ```
    pub fn get_node<'a>(&'a self, id: NodeId) -> Option<Node<'a, 'input>> {
        self.nodes.get(id.get_usize()).map(|data| Node {
            d: data,
            doc: self,

    /// Returns the root element of the document.
    /// Unlike `root`, will return a first element node.
    /// The root element always exists.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<!-- comment --><e/>").unwrap();
    /// assert!(doc.root_element().has_tag_name("e"));
    /// ```
    pub fn root_element<'a>(&'a self) -> Node<'a, 'input> {
        // `expect` is safe, because the `Document` is guarantee to have at least one element.
            .expect("XML documents must contain a root element")

    /// Returns an iterator over document's descendant nodes.
    /// Shorthand for `doc.root().descendants()`.
    pub fn descendants(&self) -> Descendants<'_, 'input> {

    /// Calculates `TextPos` in the original document from position in bytes.
    /// **Note:** this operation is expensive.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use roxmltree::*;
    /// let doc = Document::parse("\
    /// <!-- comment -->
    /// <e/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.text_pos_at(10), TextPos::new(1, 11));
    /// assert_eq!(doc.text_pos_at(9999), TextPos::new(2, 5));
    /// ```
    pub fn text_pos_at(&self, pos: usize) -> TextPos {

    /// Returns the input text of the original document.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use roxmltree::*;
    /// let doc = Document::parse("<e/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.input_text(), "<e/>");
    /// ```
    pub fn input_text(&self) -> &'input str {

impl<'input> fmt::Debug for Document<'input> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        if !self.root().has_children() {
            return write!(f, "Document []");

        macro_rules! writeln_indented {
            ($depth:expr, $f:expr, $fmt:expr) => {
                for _ in 0..$depth { write!($f, "    ")?; }
                writeln!($f, $fmt)?;
            ($depth:expr, $f:expr, $fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => {
                for _ in 0..$depth { write!($f, "    ")?; }
                writeln!($f, $fmt, $($arg)*)?;

        fn print_into_iter<
            T: fmt::Debug,
            E: ExactSizeIterator<Item = T>,
            I: IntoIterator<Item = T, IntoIter = E>,
            prefix: &str,
            data: I,
            depth: usize,
            f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
        ) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
            let data = data.into_iter();
            if data.len() == 0 {
                return Ok(());

            writeln_indented!(depth, f, "{}: [", prefix);
            for v in data {
                writeln_indented!(depth + 1, f, "{:?}", v);
            writeln_indented!(depth, f, "]");


        fn print_children(
            parent: Node,
            depth: usize,
            f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
        ) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
            for child in parent.children() {
                if child.is_element() {
                    writeln_indented!(depth, f, "Element {{");
                    writeln_indented!(depth, f, "    tag_name: {:?}", child.tag_name());
                    print_into_iter("attributes", child.attributes(), depth + 1, f)?;
                    print_into_iter("namespaces", child.namespaces(), depth + 1, f)?;

                    if child.has_children() {
                        writeln_indented!(depth, f, "    children: [");
                        print_children(child, depth + 2, f)?;
                        writeln_indented!(depth, f, "    ]");

                    writeln_indented!(depth, f, "}}");
                } else {
                    writeln_indented!(depth, f, "{:?}", child);


        writeln!(f, "Document [")?;
        print_children(self.root(), 1, f)?;
        writeln!(f, "]")?;


/// A list of supported node types.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum NodeType {
    /// The root node of the `Document`.
    /// An element node.
    /// Only an element can have a tag name and attributes.
    /// A processing instruction.
    /// A comment node.
    /// A text node.

/// A processing instruction.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct PI<'input> {
    pub target: &'input str,
    pub value: Option<&'input str>,

/// A short range.
/// Just like Range, but only for `u32` and copyable.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct ShortRange {
    start: u32,
    end: u32,

impl From<Range> for ShortRange {
    fn from(range: Range) -> Self {
        // Casting to `u32` should be safe since we have a 4GiB input data limit.
        debug_assert!(range.start <= core::u32::MAX as usize);
        debug_assert!(range.end <= core::u32::MAX as usize);
        ShortRange::new(range.start as u32, range.end as u32)

impl ShortRange {
    fn new(start: u32, end: u32) -> Self {
        ShortRange { start, end }

    fn to_urange(self) -> Range {
        self.start as usize..self.end as usize

/// A node ID stored as `u32`.
/// An index into a `Tree`-internal `Vec`.
/// Note that this value should be used with care since `roxmltree` doesn't
/// check that `NodeId` actually belongs to a selected `Document`.
/// So you can end up in a situation, when `NodeId` produced by one `Document`
/// is used to select a node in another `Document`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct NodeId(NonZeroU32);

impl NodeId {
    /// Construct a new `NodeId` from a `u32`.
    /// `u32` is more than enough since we have a 4GiB input data limit anyway.
    pub fn new(id: u32) -> Self {
        debug_assert!(id < core::u32::MAX);

        // We are using `NonZeroUsize` to reduce overhead of `Option<NodeId>`.
        NodeId(NonZeroU32::new(id + 1).unwrap())

    /// Returns the `u32` representation of the `NodeId`.
    pub fn get(self) -> u32 {
        self.0.get() - 1

    /// Returns the `usize` representation of the `NodeId`.
    pub fn get_usize(self) -> usize {
        self.get() as usize

impl From<u32> for NodeId {
    fn from(id: u32) -> Self {

impl From<usize> for NodeId {
    fn from(id: usize) -> Self {
        // We already checked that `id` is limited by u32::MAX.
        debug_assert!(id <= core::u32::MAX as usize);
        NodeId::new(id as u32)

enum NodeKind<'input> {
    Element {
        tag_name: ExpandedNameIndexed<'input>,
        attributes: ShortRange,
        namespaces: ShortRange,
    Comment(&'input str),
    Text(Cow<'input, str>),

struct NodeData<'input> {
    parent: Option<NodeId>,
    prev_sibling: Option<NodeId>,
    next_subtree: Option<NodeId>,
    last_child: Option<NodeId>,
    kind: NodeKind<'input>,
    #[cfg(feature = "positions")]
    pos: usize,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct AttributeData<'input> {
    name: ExpandedNameIndexed<'input>,
    value: Cow<'input, str>,
    #[cfg(feature = "positions")]
    pos: usize,

/// An attribute.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Attribute<'a, 'input: 'a> {
    doc: &'a Document<'input>,
    data: &'a AttributeData<'input>,

impl<'a, 'input> Attribute<'a, 'input> {
    /// Returns attribute's namespace URI.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns:n='' a='b' n:a='c'/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attributes().nth(0).unwrap().namespace(), None);
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attributes().nth(1).unwrap().namespace(), Some(""));
    /// ```
    pub fn namespace(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {

    /// Returns attribute's name.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns:n='' a='b' n:a='c'/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attributes().nth(0).unwrap().name(), "a");
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attributes().nth(1).unwrap().name(), "a");
    /// ```
    pub fn name(&self) -> &'a str {

    /// Returns attribute's value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns:n='' a='b' n:a='c'/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attributes().nth(0).unwrap().value(), "b");
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attributes().nth(1).unwrap().value(), "c");
    /// ```
    pub fn value(&self) -> &'a str {

    /// Returns attribute's position in bytes in the original document.
    /// You can calculate a human-readable text position via [Document::text_pos_at].
    /// ```text
    /// <e attr='value'/>
    ///    ^
    /// ```
    /// [Document::text_pos_at]: struct.Document.html#method.text_pos_at
    #[cfg(feature = "positions")]
    pub fn position(&self) -> usize {

impl PartialEq for Attribute<'_, '_> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Attribute<'_, '_>) -> bool { ==
            && ==

impl fmt::Debug for Attribute<'_, '_> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
            "Attribute {{ name: {:?}, value: {:?} }}",

/// A namespace.
/// Contains URI and *prefix* pair.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Namespace<'input> {
    name: Option<&'input str>,
    uri: Cow<'input, str>,

impl<'input> Namespace<'input> {
    /// Returns namespace name/prefix.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns:n=''/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().namespaces().nth(0).unwrap().name(), Some("n"));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns=''/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().namespaces().nth(0).unwrap().name(), None);
    /// ```
    pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&str> {

    /// Returns namespace URI.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns:n=''/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().namespaces().nth(0).unwrap().uri(), "");
    /// ```
    pub fn uri(&self) -> &str {

struct Namespaces<'input> {
    // Deduplicated namespace values used throughout the document
    values: Vec<Namespace<'input>>,
    // Indices into the above in tree order as the document is parsed
    tree_order: Vec<NamespaceIdx>,
    // Indices into the above sorted by value used for deduplication
    sorted_order: Vec<NamespaceIdx>,

impl<'input> Namespaces<'input> {
    fn push_ns<'temp>(
        &mut self,
        name: Option<&'input str>,
        uri: BorrowedText<'input, 'temp>,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        debug_assert_ne!(name, Some(""));

        let idx = match self.sorted_order.binary_search_by(|idx| {
            let value = &self.values[idx.0 as usize];

            (, value.uri.as_ref()).cmp(&(name, uri.as_str()))
        }) {
            Ok(sorted_idx) => self.sorted_order[sorted_idx],
            Err(sorted_idx) => {
                if self.values.len() > core::u16::MAX as usize {
                    return Err(Error::NamespacesLimitReached);
                let idx = NamespaceIdx(self.values.len() as u16);
                self.values.push(Namespace {
                    uri: uri.to_cow(),
                self.sorted_order.insert(sorted_idx, idx);



    fn push_ref(&mut self, tree_idx: usize) {
        let idx = self.tree_order[tree_idx];

    fn exists(&self, start: usize, prefix: Option<&str>) -> bool {
            .any(|idx| self.values[idx.0 as usize].name == prefix)

    fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) {

    fn get(&self, idx: NamespaceIdx) -> &Namespace<'input> {
        &self.values[idx.0 as usize]

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct NamespaceIdx(u16);

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct ExpandedNameIndexed<'input> {
    namespace_idx: Option<NamespaceIdx>,
    local_name: &'input str,

impl<'input> ExpandedNameIndexed<'input> {
    fn namespace<'a>(&self, doc: &'a Document<'input>) -> Option<&'a Namespace<'input>> {|idx| doc.namespaces.get(idx))

    fn as_expanded_name<'a>(&self, doc: &'a Document<'input>) -> ExpandedName<'a, 'input> {
        ExpandedName {
            uri: self.namespace(doc).map(Namespace::uri),
            name: self.local_name,

/// An expanded name.
/// Contains an namespace URI and name pair.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ExpandedName<'a, 'b> {
    uri: Option<&'a str>,
    name: &'b str,

impl<'a, 'b> ExpandedName<'a, 'b> {
    /// Returns a namespace URI.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e xmlns=''/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().tag_name().namespace(), Some(""));
    /// ```
    pub fn namespace(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {

    /// Returns a local name.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().tag_name().name(), "e");
    /// ```
    pub fn name(&self) -> &'b str {

impl fmt::Debug for ExpandedName<'_, '_> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        match self.namespace() {
            Some(ns) => write!(f, "{{{}}}{}", ns,,
            None => write!(f, "{}",,

impl<'a, 'b> From<&'b str> for ExpandedName<'a, 'b> {
    fn from(v: &'b str) -> Self {
        ExpandedName { uri: None, name: v }

impl<'a, 'b> From<(&'a str, &'b str)> for ExpandedName<'a, 'b> {
    fn from(v: (&'a str, &'b str)) -> Self {
        ExpandedName {
            uri: Some(v.0),
            name: v.1,

/// A node in a document.
/// # Document Order
/// The implementation of the `Ord` traits for `Node` is based on the concept of *document-order*.
/// In layman's terms, document-order is the order in which one would see each element if
/// one opened a document in a text editor or web browser and scrolled down.
/// Document-order convention is followed in XPath, CSS Counters, and DOM selectors API
/// to ensure consistent results from selection.
/// One difference in `roxmltree` is that there is the notion of more than one document
/// in existence at a time. While Nodes within the same document are in document-order,
/// Nodes in different documents will be grouped together, but not in any particular
/// order.
/// As an example, if we have a Document `a` with Nodes `[a0, a1, a2]` and a
/// Document `b` with Nodes `[b0, b1]`, these Nodes in order could be either
/// `[a0, a1, a2, b0, b1]` or `[b0, b1, a0, a1, a2]` and roxmltree makes no
/// guarantee which it will be.
/// Document-order is defined here in the
/// [W3C XPath Recommendation](
/// The use of document-order in DOM Selectors is described here in the
/// [W3C Selectors API Level 1](
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Node<'a, 'input: 'a> {
    /// Node's ID.
    id: NodeId,

    /// The tree containing the node.
    doc: &'a Document<'input>,

    /// Node's data.
    d: &'a NodeData<'input>,

impl Eq for Node<'_, '_> {}

impl PartialEq for Node<'_, '_> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        (, self.doc as *const _) == (, other.doc as *const _)

impl PartialOrd for Node<'_, '_> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl Ord for Node<'_, '_> {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
        (, self.doc as *const _).cmp(&(, other.doc as *const _))

impl Hash for Node<'_, '_> {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {;
        (self.doc as *const Document).hash(state);
        (self.d as *const NodeData).hash(state);

impl<'a, 'input: 'a> Node<'a, 'input> {
    /// Returns node's type.
    pub fn node_type(&self) -> NodeType {
        match self.d.kind {
            NodeKind::Root => NodeType::Root,
            NodeKind::Element { .. } => NodeType::Element,
            NodeKind::PI { .. } => NodeType::PI,
            NodeKind::Comment(_) => NodeType::Comment,
            NodeKind::Text(_) => NodeType::Text,

    /// Checks that node is a root node.
    pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool {
        self.node_type() == NodeType::Root

    /// Checks that node is an element node.
    pub fn is_element(&self) -> bool {
        self.node_type() == NodeType::Element

    /// Checks that node is a processing instruction node.
    pub fn is_pi(&self) -> bool {
        self.node_type() == NodeType::PI

    /// Checks that node is a comment node.
    pub fn is_comment(&self) -> bool {
        self.node_type() == NodeType::Comment

    /// Checks that node is a text node.
    pub fn is_text(&self) -> bool {
        self.node_type() == NodeType::Text

    /// Returns node's document.
    pub fn document(&self) -> &'a Document<'input> {

    /// Returns node's tag name.
    /// Returns an empty name with no namespace if the current node is not an element.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e xmlns=''/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().tag_name().namespace(), Some(""));
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().tag_name().name(), "e");
    /// ```
    pub fn tag_name(&self) -> ExpandedName<'a, 'input> {
        match self.d.kind {
            NodeKind::Element { ref tag_name, .. } => tag_name.as_expanded_name(self.doc),
            _ => "".into(),

    /// Checks that node has a specified tag name.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e xmlns=''/>").unwrap();
    /// assert!(doc.root_element().has_tag_name("e"));
    /// assert!(doc.root_element().has_tag_name(("", "e")));
    /// assert!(!doc.root_element().has_tag_name("b"));
    /// assert!(!doc.root_element().has_tag_name(("", "e")));
    /// ```
    pub fn has_tag_name<'n, 'm, N>(&self, name: N) -> bool
        N: Into<ExpandedName<'n, 'm>>,
        let name = name.into();

        match self.d.kind {
            NodeKind::Element { ref tag_name, .. } => match name.namespace() {
                Some(_) => tag_name.as_expanded_name(self.doc) == name,
                None => tag_name.local_name ==,
            _ => false,

    /// Returns node's default namespace URI.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e xmlns=''/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().default_namespace(), Some(""));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e xmlns:n=''/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().default_namespace(), None);
    /// ```
    pub fn default_namespace(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
            .map(|v| v.uri.as_ref())

    /// Returns a prefix for a given namespace URI.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e xmlns:n=''/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().lookup_prefix(""), Some("n"));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e xmlns:n=''/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().lookup_prefix(""), Some("n"));
    /// ```
    pub fn lookup_prefix(&self, uri: &str) -> Option<&'a str> {
        if uri == NS_XML_URI {
            return Some(NS_XML_PREFIX);

            .find(|ns| ns.uri == uri)

    /// Returns an URI for a given prefix.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e xmlns:n=''/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().lookup_namespace_uri(Some("n")), Some(""));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e xmlns=''/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().lookup_namespace_uri(None), Some(""));
    /// ```
    pub fn lookup_namespace_uri(&self, prefix: Option<&'a str>) -> Option<&'a str> {
            .find(|ns| == prefix)
            .map(|v| v.uri.as_ref())

    /// Returns element's attribute value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<e a='b'/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attribute("a"), Some("b"));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns:n='' a='b' n:a='c'/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attribute("a"), Some("b"));
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attribute(("", "a")), Some("c"));
    /// ```
    pub fn attribute<'n, 'm, N>(&self, name: N) -> Option<&'a str>
        N: Into<ExpandedName<'n, 'm>>,
        let name = name.into();
            .find(|a| == name)
            .map(|a| a.value())

    /// Returns element's attribute object.
    /// The same as [`attribute()`], but returns the `Attribute` itself instead of a value string.
    /// [`attribute()`]: struct.Node.html#method.attribute
    pub fn attribute_node<'n, 'm, N>(&self, name: N) -> Option<Attribute<'a, 'input>>
        N: Into<ExpandedName<'n, 'm>>,
        let name = name.into();
            .find(|a| == name)

    /// Checks that element has a specified attribute.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns:n='' a='b' n:a='c'/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert!(doc.root_element().has_attribute("a"));
    /// assert!(doc.root_element().has_attribute(("", "a")));
    /// assert!(!doc.root_element().has_attribute("b"));
    /// assert!(!doc.root_element().has_attribute(("", "a")));
    /// ```
    pub fn has_attribute<'n, 'm, N>(&self, name: N) -> bool
        N: Into<ExpandedName<'n, 'm>>,
        let name = name.into();
            .any(|a| == name)

    /// Returns element's attributes.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns:n='' a='b' n:a='c'/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().attributes().len(), 2);
    /// ```
    pub fn attributes(&self) -> Attributes<'a, 'input> {

    /// Returns element's namespaces.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse(
    ///     "<e xmlns:n=''/>"
    /// ).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().namespaces().len(), 1);
    /// ```
    pub fn namespaces(&self) -> NamespaceIter<'a, 'input> {
        let namespaces = match self.d.kind {
            NodeKind::Element { ref namespaces, .. } => {
            _ => &[],

        NamespaceIter {
            doc: self.doc,
            namespaces: namespaces.iter(),

    /// Returns node's text.
    /// - for an element will return a first text child
    /// - for a comment will return a self text
    /// - for a text node will return a self text
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("\
    /// <p>
    ///     text
    /// </p>
    /// ").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().text(),
    ///            Some("\n    text\n"));
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root_element().first_child().unwrap().text(),
    ///            Some("\n    text\n"));
    /// ```
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("<!-- comment --><e/>").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(doc.root().first_child().unwrap().text(), Some(" comment "));
    /// ```
    pub fn text(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
        match self.d.kind {
            NodeKind::Element { .. } => match self.first_child() {
                Some(child) if child.is_text() => match self.doc.nodes[].kind {
                    NodeKind::Text(ref text) => Some(text),
                    _ => None,
                _ => None,
            NodeKind::Comment(text) => Some(text),
            NodeKind::Text(ref text) => Some(text),
            _ => None,

    /// Returns element's tail text.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// let doc = roxmltree::Document::parse("\
    /// <root>
    ///     text1
    ///     <p/>
    ///     text2
    /// </root>
    /// ").unwrap();
    /// let p = doc.descendants().find(|n| n.has_tag_name("p")).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(p.tail(), Some("\n    text2\n"));
    /// ```
    pub fn tail(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
        if !self.is_element() {
            return None;

        match self.next_sibling().map(|n| {
            Some(id) => match self.doc.nodes[id.get_usize()].kind {
                NodeKind::Text(ref text) => Some(text),
                _ => None,
            None => None,

    /// Returns node as Processing Instruction.
    pub fn pi(&self) -> Option<PI<'input>> {
        match self.d.kind {
            NodeKind::PI(pi) => Some(pi),
            _ => None,

    /// Returns the parent of this node.
    pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<Self> {|id| self.doc.get_node(id).unwrap())

    /// Returns the parent element of this node.
    pub fn parent_element(&self) -> Option<Self> {
        self.ancestors().skip(1).find(|n| n.is_element())

    /// Returns the previous sibling of this node.
    pub fn prev_sibling(&self) -> Option<Self> {|id| self.doc.get_node(id).unwrap())

    /// Returns the previous sibling element of this node.
    pub fn prev_sibling_element(&self) -> Option<Self> {
        self.prev_siblings().skip(1).find(|n| n.is_element())

    /// Returns the next sibling of this node.
    pub fn next_sibling(&self) -> Option<Self> {
            .map(|id| self.doc.get_node(id).unwrap())
            .and_then(|node| {
                let possibly_self = node
                    .expect("next_subtree will always have a previous sibling");
                if possibly_self == {
                } else {

    /// Returns the next sibling element of this node.
    pub fn next_sibling_element(&self) -> Option<Self> {
        self.next_siblings().skip(1).find(|n| n.is_element())

    /// Returns the first child of this node.
    pub fn first_child(&self) -> Option<Self> {
            .map(|_| self.doc.get_node(NodeId::new( + 1)).unwrap())

    /// Returns the first element child of this node.
    pub fn first_element_child(&self) -> Option<Self> {
        self.children().find(|n| n.is_element())

    /// Returns the last child of this node.
    pub fn last_child(&self) -> Option<Self> {|id| self.doc.get_node(id).unwrap())

    /// Returns the last element child of this node.
    pub fn last_element_child(&self) -> Option<Self> {
        self.children().filter(|n| n.is_element()).last()

    /// Returns true if this node has siblings.
    pub fn has_siblings(&self) -> bool {
        self.d.prev_sibling.is_some() || self.next_sibling().is_some()

    /// Returns true if this node has children.
    pub fn has_children(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns an iterator over ancestor nodes starting at this node.
    pub fn ancestors(&self) -> AxisIter<'a, 'input> {
        AxisIter {
            node: Some(*self),
            next: Node::parent,

    /// Returns an iterator over previous sibling nodes starting at this node.
    pub fn prev_siblings(&self) -> AxisIter<'a, 'input> {
        AxisIter {
            node: Some(*self),
            next: Node::prev_sibling,

    /// Returns an iterator over next sibling nodes starting at this node.
    pub fn next_siblings(&self) -> AxisIter<'a, 'input> {
        AxisIter {
            node: Some(*self),
            next: Node::next_sibling,

    /// Returns an iterator over first children nodes starting at this node.
    pub fn first_children(&self) -> AxisIter<'a, 'input> {
        AxisIter {
            node: Some(*self),
            next: Node::first_child,

    /// Returns an iterator over last children nodes starting at this node.
    pub fn last_children(&self) -> AxisIter<'a, 'input> {
        AxisIter {
            node: Some(*self),
            next: Node::last_child,

    /// Returns an iterator over children nodes.
    pub fn children(&self) -> Children<'a, 'input> {
        Children {
            front: self.first_child(),
            back: self.last_child(),

    /// Returns an iterator over this node and its descendants.
    pub fn descendants(&self) -> Descendants<'a, 'input> {

    /// Returns node's position in bytes in the original document.
    #[cfg(feature = "positions")]
    pub fn position(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns node's NodeId
    pub fn id(&self) -> NodeId {

impl<'a, 'input: 'a> fmt::Debug for Node<'a, 'input> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        match self.d.kind {
            NodeKind::Root => write!(f, "Root"),
            NodeKind::Element { .. } => {
                    "Element {{ tag_name: {:?}, attributes: {:?}, namespaces: {:?} }}",
            NodeKind::PI(pi) => {
                write!(f, "PI {{ target: {:?}, value: {:?} }}",, pi.value)
            NodeKind::Comment(text) => write!(f, "Comment({:?})", text),
            NodeKind::Text(ref text) => write!(f, "Text({:?})", text),

/// Iterator over a node's attributes
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Attributes<'a, 'input> {
    doc: &'a Document<'input>,
    attrs: core::slice::Iter<'a, AttributeData<'input>>,

impl<'a, 'input> Attributes<'a, 'input> {
    fn new(node: &Node<'a, 'input>) -> Attributes<'a, 'input> {
        let attrs = match node.d.kind {
            NodeKind::Element { ref attributes, .. } => &node.doc.attrs[attributes.to_urange()],
            _ => &[],
        Attributes {
            doc: node.doc,
            attrs: attrs.iter(),

impl<'a, 'input> Iterator for Attributes<'a, 'input> {
    type Item = Attribute<'a, 'input>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|attr| Attribute {
            doc: self.doc,
            data: attr,

    fn nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        self.attrs.nth(n).map(|attr| Attribute {
            doc: self.doc,
            data: attr,

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

impl<'a, 'input> DoubleEndedIterator for Attributes<'a, 'input> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        self.attrs.next_back().map(|attr| Attribute {
            doc: self.doc,
            data: attr,

impl ExactSizeIterator for Attributes<'_, '_> {}

/// Iterator over specified axis.
pub struct AxisIter<'a, 'input: 'a> {
    node: Option<Node<'a, 'input>>,
    next: fn(&Node<'a, 'input>) -> Option<Node<'a, 'input>>,

impl<'a, 'input: 'a> Iterator for AxisIter<'a, 'input> {
    type Item = Node<'a, 'input>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let node = self.node.take();
        self.node = node.as_ref().and_then(;

impl fmt::Debug for AxisIter<'_, '_> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
            .field("node", &self.node)
            .field("next", &"fn()")

/// Iterator over children.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Children<'a, 'input: 'a> {
    front: Option<Node<'a, 'input>>,
    back: Option<Node<'a, 'input>>,

impl<'a, 'input: 'a> Iterator for Children<'a, 'input> {
    type Item = Node<'a, 'input>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.front == self.back {
            let node = self.front.take();
            self.back = None;
        } else {
            let node = self.front.take();
            self.front = node.as_ref().and_then(Node::next_sibling);

impl<'a, 'input: 'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Children<'a, 'input> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.back == self.front {
            let node = self.back.take();
            self.front = None;
        } else {
            let node = self.back.take();
            self.back = node.as_ref().and_then(Node::prev_sibling);

/// Iterator over a node and its descendants.
pub struct Descendants<'a, 'input> {
    doc: &'a Document<'input>,
    nodes: core::iter::Enumerate<core::slice::Iter<'a, NodeData<'input>>>,
    from: usize,

impl<'a, 'input> Descendants<'a, 'input> {
    fn new(start: Node<'a, 'input>) -> Self {
        let from =;

        let until = start

        let nodes = start.doc.nodes[from..until].iter().enumerate();

        Self {
            doc: start.doc,

impl<'a, 'input> Iterator for Descendants<'a, 'input> {
    type Item = Node<'a, 'input>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|(idx, data)| Node {
            id: NodeId::from(self.from + idx),
            d: data,
            doc: self.doc,

    fn nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        self.nodes.nth(n).map(|(idx, data)| Node {
            id: NodeId::from(self.from + idx),
            d: data,
            doc: self.doc,

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

impl<'a, 'input> DoubleEndedIterator for Descendants<'a, 'input> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        self.nodes.next_back().map(|(idx, data)| Node {
            id: NodeId::from(self.from + idx),
            d: data,
            doc: self.doc,

impl ExactSizeIterator for Descendants<'_, '_> {}

impl fmt::Debug for Descendants<'_, '_> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
            .field("doc", &self.doc)
                &alloc::format!("[{} remaining node(s)]", self.nodes.len()),
            .field("from", &self.from)

/// Iterator over the namespaces attached to a node.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NamespaceIter<'a, 'input> {
    doc: &'a Document<'input>,
    namespaces: core::slice::Iter<'a, NamespaceIdx>,

impl<'a, 'input> Iterator for NamespaceIter<'a, 'input> {
    type Item = &'a Namespace<'input>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
            .map(|idx| self.doc.namespaces.get(*idx))

    fn nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<Self::Item> {
            .map(|idx| self.doc.namespaces.get(*idx))

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

impl<'a, 'input> DoubleEndedIterator for NamespaceIter<'a, 'input> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
            .map(|idx| self.doc.namespaces.get(*idx))

impl ExactSizeIterator for NamespaceIter<'_, '_> {}