rovella_logger 0.1.4

A simple logger that is used by the rovella game library (the rest of the library is still in developement)
# The Rovella Logger

#### This is a simple low overhead logger than uses `eprintln` and `println` with `format` to log text and other data.

## Examples

### The fatal macro is shown below and the other macros follow this pattern

macro_rules! log_fatal {
    ($($args:tt)*) => {
        eprintln!("\x1b[1;92m{} \x1b[30;41m[FATAL]: {} \x1b[0m",
            format!("[{}:{}]", file!(), line!()),
### The macro can be used just like println but it gives some extra info (along with color)


extern crate rovella_logger;

log_fatal!("Fatal error with code: {}", 4); // output => [src\] [FATAL]: Fatal error with code: 4 

log_fatal!("Fatal");                        // output => [src\] [FATAL]: Fatal

### Macros with a security level below error don't compile to anything in release mode


extern crate rovella_logger;

log_warn!("I'm only in debug mode {}", 4); // output => ...
log_info!("I'm only in deubg mode");       // output => ...