routing 0.6.2

A secured storage DHT
# Routing - Change Log

## [0.6.2]
- Reject clients if the routing table is too small.
- Fix computation of remaining required signatures for StructuredData.
- Limit the number of concurrently joining nodes.
- Remove unneeded files.
- Expand documentation.
- Distinct message IDs for added and lost nodes.
- Ignore double puts in the example.

## [0.6.1]
- Update core to send on only first connection

## [0.6.0]
- Further updates to examples
- Moved CI scripts to use Stable Rust

## [0.5.3]
- Getting examples updated
- Updating the API to expose the routing node name and close group

## [0.5.2]
- Bug fix - Blocking InterfaceError not returning
- Changing mutable to immutable for stop() function in

## [0.5.1]
- Expose ImmutableDataType

## [0.5.0]
- Cleanup of routing API.
- Exposing of success and failure event for GET, PUT, POST and DELETE
- Separating XorName and Routing Table into their own crates

## [0.4.2]
- Remove wildcard dependencies

## [0.4.1] Updated to CRUST 0.4

## [0.4.0] Updated to CRUST 0.3
- [#711] remove unneeded state on ::connect
- [MAID-1366] update routing to crust 0.3 API
- [#369] enforce LINT checks

## [0.3.12]
- [MAID-1360] unit tests for RoutingCore
- [MAID-1357] unit tests for message and refresh accumulator
- [MAID-1359] unit tests for Relay
- [MAID-1362] more unit tests for StructuredData, Types and Utils
- [MAID-1350] introduce simple measuring tools for establishing the threshold for the accumulators
- [MAID-1348] ChurnNode for integration tests

## [0.3.11]
- [#699] implement debug for StructuredData
- [#696] expose NAME_TYPE_LEN and random traits
- [#695] correct style error in
- [#692] add cause and event::DoRefresh for improvements to churn
- [#691] update QA libsodium documentation
- [#690] correct failing test
- [MAID-1361] unit tests for id, public_id, error, data, direct_messages
- [MAID-1356] unit test
- [MAID-1358] unit test signed_message

## [0.3.10]
- [#685] use latest accumulator

## [0.3.9]
- [MAID-1349] refresh_request to use authority
- [MAID-1363] remove
- [MAID-1344] ::error::ResponseError::LowBalance
- [MAID-1364] clean out
- [#663] only churn on QUORUM connected nodes
- [#662] enable dynamic caching
- [#670] update Travis with ElfUtils
- [#669] update Travis with

## [0.3.8]
- [#664] update to match Crust's api change

## [0.3.7] Unique signed messages
- [#660] Unique SignedMessage with random bits and routing event loop

## [0.3.6]
-  Fixed [#560] Removed unstable features.
-  Updated "hello" messages
-  Updated cache-handling in line with current Routing requirements
-  Further work on churn handling

## [0.3.5] improvements to ResponseError and testing

- [#647] CI disallow failures on windows x86 (32bit) architecture
- [#646] correct ResponseError::HadToClearSacrificial to return NameType and u32 size
- [#645] key_value_store to test < Client | ClientManager > < ClientManager | NaeManager > behaviour

## [0.3.4] Improvements to filter and accumulator behavior

- [#642] improve filter to block resolved messages
- [#640] Enable duplicate get requests

## [0.3.3] Events and refresh

- [#638] debug formatting for Data
- [#637] our authority API update
- [#626] refresh messages
- [#636] rustfmt formatting
- [#634] rename fob to public_id in routing table
- [#628] initial handlers for cache
- [#624] remove peers from example CLI, small improvements
- [#620] event bootstrapped, connected, disconnected
- [#623] maximum allowed size for structured data

## [0.3.2] Final public API for version 0.3

- internal bug fixes
- partial restoration of unit tests
- fine-tuning public API in correspondence with user projects

## [0.3.1] Implementing internal functionality

- [#582] implement routing public api channel to routing_node
- [#580] review message_received in routing_node
- [#579] simplify example to a pure DHT (no client_managers)
- [#578] implement connect request and connect response
- [#577] implement sending events to user
- [#576] implement accumulator as stand-in for sentinel
- [#575] temporarily remove sentinel dependency
- [#574] fix sodiumoxide problems with Travis CI
- [#573] use signature as filter type, deprecating message id
- [#572] implement request network name
- [#571] refactor example to new api
- [#567] implement generic send for signed message
- [#566] implement bootstrap connections in core
- [#565] implement target nodes in core
- [#564] pruning and clean up

## [0.3.0] Unified Data and refactor for channel interface
- [MAID-1158] Unified Data
    - [MAID-1159] Implement PlainData
    - [MAID-1160] Implement ImmutableData
    - [MAID-1163] Implement StructuredData
    - [MAID-1165] StructuredData::is_valid_successor
    - [MAID-1166] Unit Tests for PlainData and ImmutableData
    - [MAID-1167] Unit Tests for StructuredData
    - [MAID-1168] Unit Test IsValidSuccessor for StructuredData
    - [MAID-1171] Implement UnifiedData enum
    - [MAID-1172] Update with UnifiedData: GetData and GetDataResponse
    - [MAID-1173] Update with UnifiedData: PutData and PutDataResponse
    - [MAID-1175] Update with UnifiedData: RoutingMembrane RoutingClient Put and Get
    - [MAID-1176] Update with UnifiedData: Interfaces and churn
- [MAID-1179] Implement Post and PostResponse
- [MAID-1170] Update RoutingClient and relay node: RoutingMessage
- [MAID-1251] Remove option first from routing node
- [MAID-1255] RFC 0001 - Use public key for id on all messages
    - [MAID-1256] Remove redundant field header.source.reply_to
    - [MAID-1257] Modify Authority enum
- [MAID-1063] replace MessageTypeTag with full enum.

- [#557] channel architecture and simplified message

## [0.2.8] - Version updates and minor fixes

- Updated dependencies' versions
- Fixed lint warnings caused by latest Rust nightly

## [0.2.7] - Activate act on churn

- [#426] close bootstrap connection
- [#426] routing acts on churn
- [#426] group size 8; quorum 6
- [#426] improve refresh routing_table
- [#426] cache on connect_response
- [#426] reflect own group: on FindGroupResponse in our range is seen, ask for FindGroup for our name.

## [0.2.6] - Temporary patch for Vault behaviour

- [#424] Patch for Vaults handle put behaviour

## [0.2.1 - 0.2.5] - debug with upper layers

- [0.2.5] [#421]( Set Authority unauthorised put to ManagedNode to accommodate Vaults for now
- [0.2.4] [#419]( Correct ClientInterface::HandlePutResponse
- [0.2.3] [#416]( Activate HandleChurn (but don't act on the resulting MethodCall yet)
- [0.2.2] Update sodiumoxide dependency to `*`
- [0.2.2] Update crust dependency to `*`
- [0.2.1] Update sodiumoxide dependency to `0.0.5`

## [0.1.72] - documentation

- Fix master documentation url in readme
- [#406] enable handler for unauthorised put
- [#369] clean up unneeded features

## [0.1.71] - Finish Rust-2

- [#360] Fix intermittent failure in Relay
- [#372] Introduce unit tests for Routing Membrane
- [#388] Handle PutDataResponse for routing_client
- [#395] Preserve message_id

## [0.1.70] - Activate AccountTransfer

- [#354] Fix release builds
- [MAID-1069] OurCloseGroup Authority
- [#363] Refresh message and ad-hoc accumulator
- [#290] Remove NodeInterface::handle_get_key
- [#373] Reduce group size for QA to 23

## [0.1.64] - bug fixes

- [#330] Who-Are-You / I-Am message for identifying new connections
- [#312] Fix never-connecting client
- [#343] Filter escalating number of connect requests
- [#342] Clean up overloaded debug command line printout
- [#347] Relay GetDataResponses and cached GetDataResponses back to relayed node

## [0.1.63] - bug fixes

- [#314] simple_key_value_store input validation lacking
- [#324] simple_key_value_store peer option
- [#336] Routing `0.1.62` causes API inconsistency in usage of RoutingClient

## [0.1.62] - restructure core of routing

- [MAID-1037] Address relocation
  - [MAID-1038] Integrate handlers with RelayMap
  - [MAID-1039] put_public_id handler
- [MAID-1052] Message Handling
  - [MAID-1055] full review of implementation of handlers
  - [MAID-1057] make event loop in routing_node internal
- [MAID-1062] extract all_connections into a module
- [MAID-1070] drop_bootstrap in coordination with CRUST
- [MAID-1071] Implement relay id exchange for client node
- [MAID-1066] Routing Example : update to internal event loop

## [0.1.61] - Relay module, relocatable Id, update NodeInterface

- [MAID-1114] Relay module
- [MAID-1060] update Interface for Vaults
- [MAID-1040] enable Id, PublicId and NodeInfo with 'relocated' name

## [0.1.60] - essential logical corrections
- [MAID-1007] limit swarm to targeted group
 - [MAID-1105] delay RoutingTable new ConnectRequests
 - [MAID-1106] examine Not For Us
- [MAID-1032]
correct name calculation of pure Id
- [MAID-1034] ConnectResponse needs to include original signed ConnectRequest
- [MAID-1043] remove old sentinel
- [MAID-1059] rename types::Action -> types::MessageAction; rename RoutingNodeAction -> MethodCall

## [0.1.1]
- Remove FailedToConnect Event

## [0.1.0]

- Re-expose crust::Endpoint as routing::routing_client::Endpoint

## [0.0.9]

- Move bootstrap out of routing
- Complete Routing Node Interface to accomodate churn
- Add caching to node interface
- Handle ID Caching
- Handle Cache / Get / Check calls
- Routing message handling
- Sentinel:
  - Handover existing implementation
  - Account transfer merge
  - Group response merge
  - Signature checks
- Check Authority (Ensure use and implementation of Authority is in line with the design doc / blog.)
- Implement unauthorised_put in routing_node and routing_client (this skips Sentinel checks)
- Implement routing connections management
- Added encodable/decodable for ClientIdPacket

Version 0.1.1

## [0.0.7 - 0.0.8]

- Bootstrap handler implementation
- Bootstrap handler test
- Create sort and bucket index methods
- Implement routing table
- Test routing table
- Implement sentinel (initial)
- Finalise sentinel in line with tests
- Implement client node
- Test sentinel
- Implement routing message types (Connect FindNode)
- Test message types
- Implement Get Put Post messages
- Version 0.0.8

## [0.0.6]

- Set up facade design pattern
- Test facade pattern
- Set up accumulator
- Accumulator tests
- Message header
- Message header tests
- API version 0.0.6