routing 0.1.71

A secured storage DHT
// Copyright 2015 limited.
// This SAFE Network Software is licensed to you under (1) the Commercial License,
// version 1.0 or later, or (2) The General Public License (GPL), version 3, depending on which
// licence you accepted on initial access to the Software (the "Licences").
// By contributing code to the SAFE Network Software, or to this project generally, you agree to be
// bound by the terms of the MaidSafe Contributor Agreement, version 1.0.  This, along with the
// Licenses can be found in the root directory of this project at LICENSE, COPYING and CONTRIBUTOR.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the SAFE Network Software distributed
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//! This module handle all connections that are not managed by the routing table.
//! As such the relay module handles messages that need to flow in or out of the SAFE network.
//! These messages include bootstrap actions by starting nodes or relay messages for clients.

use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap};
use time::{SteadyTime};
use crust::Endpoint;
use types::{Id, PublicId};
use NameType;

const MAX_RELAY : usize = 100;

/// The relay map is used to maintain a list of contacts for whom
/// we are relaying messages, when we are ourselves connected to the network.
pub struct RelayMap {
    relay_map: BTreeMap<NameType, (PublicId, BTreeSet<Endpoint>)>,
    lookup_map: HashMap<Endpoint, NameType>,
    // FIXME : we don't want to store a value; but LRUcache can clear itself out
    // however, we want the explicit timestamp stored and clear it at routing,
    // to drop the connection on clearing; for now CM will just keep all these connections
    unknown_connections: HashMap<Endpoint, SteadyTime>,
    our_name: NameType,
    self_relocated: bool

impl RelayMap {
    /// This creates a new RelayMap.
    pub fn new(our_id: &Id) -> RelayMap {
        RelayMap {
            relay_map: BTreeMap::new(),
            lookup_map: HashMap::new(),
            unknown_connections: HashMap::new(),
            our_name: our_id.get_name(),
            self_relocated: our_id.is_self_relocated()

    /// Adds an IP Node info to the relay map if the relay map has open
    /// slots.  This returns true if Info was addded.
    /// Returns true is the endpoint is newly added, or was already present.
    /// Returns false if the threshold was reached or name is our name.
    /// Returns false if the endpoint is already assigned to a different name.
    pub fn add_ip_node(&mut self, relay_info: PublicId, relay_endpoint: Endpoint) -> bool {
        // always reject our own id
        if self.our_name == {
            return false;
        // impose limit on number of relay nodes active
        if !self.relay_map.contains_key(&
            && self.relay_map.len() >= MAX_RELAY {
            return false;
        if self.lookup_map.contains_key(&relay_endpoint) {
          return false; }
        let new_set = || { (relay_info.clone(), BTreeSet::<Endpoint>::new()) };

    /// This removes the ip_node from the relay map.
    pub fn drop_ip_node(&mut self, ip_node_to_drop: &NameType) {
        match self.relay_map.get(&ip_node_to_drop) {
            Some(relay_entry) => {
                for endpoint in relay_entry.1.iter() {
            None => return

    /// This removes the provided endpoint and returns a NameType if this endpoint
    /// was the last endpoint assocoiated with this Name; otherwise returns None.
    pub fn drop_endpoint(&mut self, endpoint_to_drop: &Endpoint) -> Option<NameType> {
        let mut old_entry = match self.lookup_map.remove(endpoint_to_drop) {
            Some(name) => {
                match self.relay_map.remove(&name) {
                    Some(entry) => Some((name, entry)),
                    None => None
            None => None
        let new_entry = match old_entry {
            Some((ref name, (ref public_id, ref mut endpoints))) => {
                Some((name, (public_id, endpoints)))
            None => None
        match new_entry {
            Some((name, (public_id, endpoints))) => {
                if endpoints.is_empty() {
                    println!("Connection {:?} lost for relayed node {:?}", endpoint_to_drop, name);
                } else {
                    self.relay_map.insert(name.clone(), (public_id.clone(), endpoints.clone()));
            None => None

    /// Returns true if we keep relay endpoints for given name.
    pub fn contains_relay_for(&self, relay_name: &NameType) -> bool {

    /// Returns true if we already have a name associated with this endpoint.
    pub fn contains_endpoint(&self, relay_endpoint: &Endpoint) -> bool {

    /// Returns Option<NameType> if an endpoint is found
    pub fn lookup_endpoint(&self, relay_endpoint: &Endpoint) -> Option<NameType> {
        match self.lookup_map.get(relay_endpoint) {
            Some(name) => Some(name.clone()),
            None => None

    /// This returns a pair of the stored PublicId and a BTreeSet of the stored Endpoints.
    pub fn get_endpoints(&self, relay_name: &NameType) -> Option<&(PublicId, BTreeSet<Endpoint>)> {

    /// This changes our name and drops any endpoint that would be stored under that name.
    /// The motivation for this behaviour is that our claim for a name will overrule any unverified
    /// other node claiming this name.
    pub fn change_our_name(&mut self, new_name: &NameType) {
        if self.relay_map.contains_key(new_name) {

        self.our_name = new_name.clone();

    /// On unknown NewConnection, register the endpoint we are connected to.
    pub fn register_unknown_connection(&mut self, endpoint: Endpoint) {
        // TODO: later prune and drop old unknown connections
        self.unknown_connections.insert(endpoint, SteadyTime::now());

    /// When we receive an "I am" message on this connection, drop it
    pub fn remove_unknown_connection(&mut self, endpoint: &Endpoint) -> Option<Endpoint> {
        match self.unknown_connections.remove(endpoint) {
            Some(addded_timestamp) => Some(endpoint.clone()), // return the endpoint
            None => None

    /// Returns true if the endpoint has been registered as an unknown NewConnection
    pub fn lookup_unknown_connection(&self, endpoint: &Endpoint) -> bool {

    /// Returns true if the relay map was instantiated with a self_relocated id.
    /// A self_relocated id should only be used by the first node to start a network.
    pub fn zero_node(&self) -> bool {

/// Bootstrap endpoints are used to connect to the network before
/// routing table connections are established.
pub struct BootstrapEndpoints {
    bootstrap_endpoints: Vec<Endpoint>,

mod test {
    use super::*;
    use crust::Endpoint;
    use types::{Id, PublicId};
    use std::net::SocketAddr;
    use std::str::FromStr;
    use rand::random;

    fn generate_random_endpoint() -> Endpoint {
        Endpoint::Tcp(SocketAddr::from_str(&format!("{}", random::<u16>())).unwrap())

    fn add() {
        let our_id : Id = Id::new();
        let our_public_id = PublicId::new(&our_id);
        let our_name = our_id.get_name();
        let mut relay_map = RelayMap::new(&our_id);
        assert_eq!(false, relay_map.add_ip_node(our_public_id.clone(), generate_random_endpoint()));
        assert_eq!(0, relay_map.relay_map.len());
        assert_eq!(0, relay_map.lookup_map.len());
        while relay_map.relay_map.len() < super::MAX_RELAY {
            let new_endpoint = generate_random_endpoint();
            if !relay_map.contains_endpoint(&new_endpoint) {
                assert_eq!(true, relay_map.add_ip_node(PublicId::new(&Id::new()),
                    new_endpoint)); };
        assert_eq!(false, relay_map.add_ip_node(PublicId::new(&Id::new()),

    fn drop() {
        let our_id : Id = Id::new();
        let our_name = our_id.get_name();
        let mut relay_map = RelayMap::new(&our_id);
        let test_public_id = PublicId::new(&Id::new());
        let test_endpoint = generate_random_endpoint();
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.add_ip_node(test_public_id.clone(),
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.contains_relay_for(&;
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.contains_endpoint(&test_endpoint));
        assert_eq!(false, relay_map.contains_relay_for(&;
        assert_eq!(false, relay_map.contains_endpoint(&test_endpoint));
        assert_eq!(None, relay_map.get_endpoints(&;

    fn add_conflicting_endpoints() {
        let our_id : Id = Id::new();
        let our_name = our_id.get_name();
        let mut relay_map = RelayMap::new(&our_id);
        let test_public_id = PublicId::new(&Id::new());
        let test_endpoint = generate_random_endpoint();
        let test_conflicting_public_id = PublicId::new(&Id::new());
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.add_ip_node(test_public_id.clone(),
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.contains_relay_for(&;
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.contains_endpoint(&test_endpoint));
        assert_eq!(false, relay_map.add_ip_node(test_conflicting_public_id.clone(),
        assert_eq!(false, relay_map.contains_relay_for(&

    fn add_multiple_endpoints() {
        let our_id : Id = Id::new();
        let our_name = our_id.get_name();
        let mut relay_map = RelayMap::new(&our_id);
        assert!(super::MAX_RELAY - 1 > 0);
        // ensure relay_map is all but full, so multiple endpoints are not counted as different
        // relays.
        while relay_map.relay_map.len() < super::MAX_RELAY - 1 {
            let new_endpoint = generate_random_endpoint();
            if !relay_map.contains_endpoint(&new_endpoint) {
                assert_eq!(true, relay_map.add_ip_node(PublicId::new(&Id::new()),
                    new_endpoint)); };
        let test_public_id = PublicId::new(&Id::new());

        let mut test_endpoint_1 = generate_random_endpoint();
        let mut test_endpoint_2 = generate_random_endpoint();
        loop {
            if !relay_map.contains_endpoint(&test_endpoint_1) { break; }
            test_endpoint_1 = generate_random_endpoint(); };
        loop {
            if !relay_map.contains_endpoint(&test_endpoint_2) { break; }
            test_endpoint_2 = generate_random_endpoint(); };
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.add_ip_node(test_public_id.clone(),
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.contains_relay_for(&;
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.contains_endpoint(&test_endpoint_1));
        assert_eq!(false, relay_map.add_ip_node(test_public_id.clone(),
        assert_eq!(true, relay_map.add_ip_node(test_public_id.clone(),

    // TODO: add test for drop_endpoint

    // TODO: add tests for unknown_connections