routinator 0.13.2

An RPKI relying party software.
# Configuration for Running Routinator as a System Service
# ========================================================
# This configuration assumes that the repository cache is maintained in
# /var/lib/routinator/rpki-cache.
# It will start Routinator with an RTR server listening on port 3323 and
# an HTTP server listening on port 8323. Both are limited to localhost by
# default.
# You can use this configuration as /etc/routinator/routinator.conf and
# start Routinator with --config /etc/routinator/routinator.conf.
# This file contains only the relevant configuration options. For a complete
# example, see etc/routinator.conf.example in the source distribution or
# consult the manual page.

repository-dir = "/var/lib/routinator/rpki-cache"
rtr-listen = [""]
http-listen = [""]