routerify 2.0.0

A lightweight, idiomatic, composable and modular router implementation with middleware support for the Rust HTTP library
version = "0.2"

default-features = false
features = ["full"]
version = "0.14"

version = "1"

version = "2"

version = "1"
version = "0.4.0"

version = "0.3"

package = "netlify_lambda_http"
version = "0.2.0"

version = "2"

version = "1.0"

features = ["full"]
version = "1"

version = "2"

all = []
default = []

authors = ["Rousan Ali <>"]
categories = ["asynchronous", "web-programming", "web-programming::http-server"]
description = "A lightweight, idiomatic, composable and modular router implementation with middleware support for the Rust HTTP library"
edition = "2018"
homepage = ""
keywords = ["hyper", "hyper-rs", "router", "routing", "middleware"]
license = "MIT"
name = "routerify"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "2.0.0"
all-features = true

features = ["all"]