route 0.1.1

Route URL paths with safe parameter extraction


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This crate is my attempt at a safe helper for mapping URL routes to handlers for rust web applications.

There are several routing libraries already available, but all of the ones I have been able to find share a common problem: path patterns are defined as strings, and URL parameters get parsed out at runtime and stashed in some kind of Map that handlers have to .get() and .unwrap() to access. I want to extract parameters without unwrapping, and I want rust's type system to ensure that I'm not making mistakes!

The current form is a macro, route_fn!, which creates a function mapping a path: &str to a member of an enum that you provide:

#[macro use]
extern crate route;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Page<'a> {
    User(&'a str),
    Account(&'a str),

route_fn!(route -> Page {
    (/)                         => Page::Home,
    (/"blog")                   => Page::BlogIndex,
    (/"blog"/[id: u32])         => Page::BlogPost(id),
    (/"blog"/[id: u32]/"edit")  => Page::BlogEdit(id),
    (/"blog"/[id: u32]/[_])     => Page::BlogEdit(id),  // ignored slug
    (/"u"/[handle])             => Page::User(handle),
    (/"me"[/rest..])            => Page::Account(rest),
}, Page::NotFound);

You can now use the function Fn(&str) -> Page called 'route' created by the macro to match paths:

fn test_route() {
    assert_eq!(route("/"), Page::Home);
    assert_eq!(route("/blog"), Page::BlogIndex);
    assert_eq!(route("/blog/42"), Page::BlogPost(42));
    assert_eq!(route("/blog/42/edit"), Page::BlogEdit(42));
    assert_eq!(route("/u/uniphil"), Page::User("uniphil"));
    assert_eq!(route("/asdf"), Page::NotFound);
    assert_eq!(route("/blog/abc"), Page::NotFound);
    assert_eq!(route("/me/a/b/c/d/e/f/g"), Page::Account("/a/b/c/d/e/f/g"));

route() will return a member of Page, so if you want to map it to, say, an Iron handler:

fn home_handler() -> IronResult<Response> {
    Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, "Hello world!")))

fn blog_post_handler(id: u32) -> IronResult<Response> {
    Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, format!("This is blog post #{}", id))))

fn route_handler(req: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
    match route(req.url.path()) {
        Page::Home => home_handler(),
        Page::BlogPost(id) => blog_post_handler(id),

fn main() {