rouille 3.6.2

High-level idiomatic web framework.
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Rouille developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.

//! Apply content encodings (such as gzip compression) to the response.
//! This module provides access to the content encodings supported by a request as well as
//! a function to automatically apply common content encodings to a response.
//! # Basic example
//! Here is a basic example showing how to use content encodings:
//! ```
//! use rouille::Request;
//! use rouille::Response;
//! use rouille::content_encoding;
//! fn handle_request(request: &Request) -> Response {
//!     let response = Response::text("Hello world");
//!     content_encoding::apply(&request, response)
//! }
//! ```
use input;
use Request;
use Response;

/// Applies content encoding to the response.
/// Analyzes the `Accept-Encoding` header of the request. If one of the encodings is recognized and
/// supported by rouille, it adds a `Content-Encoding` header to the `Response` and encodes its
/// body.
/// If the response already has a `Content-Encoding` header, this function is a no-op.
/// If the response has a `Content-Type` header that isn't textual content, this function is a
/// no-op.
/// The gzip encoding is supported only if you enable the `gzip` feature of rouille (which is
/// enabled by default).
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rouille::content_encoding;
/// use rouille::Request;
/// use rouille::Response;
/// fn handle(request: &Request) -> Response {
///     content_encoding::apply(request, Response::text("hello world"))
/// }
/// ```
pub fn apply(request: &Request, mut response: Response) -> Response {
    // Only text should be encoded. Otherwise just return.
    if !response_is_text(&response) {
        return response;

    // If any of the response's headers is equal to `Content-Encoding`, ignore the function
    // call and return immediately.
    if response
        .any(|&(ref key, _)| key.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Content-Encoding"))
        return response;

    // Now let's get the list of content encodings accepted by the request.
    // The list should be ordered from the most desired to the least desired.
    let encoding_preference = ["br", "gzip", "x-gzip", "identity"];
    let accept_encoding_header = request.header("Accept-Encoding").unwrap_or("");
    if let Some(preferred_index) = input::priority_header_preferred(
    ) {
        match encoding_preference[preferred_index] {
            "br" => brotli(&mut response),
            "gzip" | "x-gzip" => gzip(&mut response),
            _ => (),


// Returns true if the Content-Type of the response is a type that should be encoded.
// Since encoding is purely an optimization, it's not a problem if the function sometimes has
// false positives or false negatives.
fn response_is_text(response: &Response) -> bool {
    response.headers.iter().any(|&(ref key, ref value)| {
        if !key.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Content-Type") {
            return false;

        let content_type = value.to_lowercase();
            || content_type.contains("javascript")
            || content_type.contains("json")
            || content_type.contains("xml")
            || content_type.contains("font")

#[cfg(feature = "gzip")]
fn gzip(response: &mut Response) {
    use deflate::deflate_bytes_gzip;
    use std::io;
    use std::mem;
    use ResponseBody;

        .push(("Content-Encoding".into(), "gzip".into()));
    let previous_body = mem::replace(&mut, ResponseBody::empty());
    let (mut raw_data, size) = previous_body.into_reader_and_size();
    let mut src = match size {
        Some(size) => Vec::with_capacity(size),
        None => Vec::new(),
    io::copy(&mut raw_data, &mut src).expect("Failed reading response body while gzipping");
    let zipped = deflate_bytes_gzip(&src); = ResponseBody::from_data(zipped);

#[cfg(not(feature = "gzip"))]
fn gzip(response: &mut Response) {}

#[cfg(feature = "brotli")]
fn brotli(response: &mut Response) {
    use brotli::enc::reader::CompressorReader;
    use std::mem;
    use ResponseBody;

        .push(("Content-Encoding".into(), "br".into()));
    let previous_body = mem::replace(&mut, ResponseBody::empty());
    let (raw_data, _) = previous_body.into_reader_and_size();
    // Using default Brotli parameters: 0 buffer_size == 4096, compression level 6, lgwin == 22 = ResponseBody::from_reader(CompressorReader::new(raw_data, 0, 6, 22));

#[cfg(not(feature = "brotli"))]
fn brotli(response: &mut Response) {}

mod tests {
    use content_encoding;
    use Request;
    use Response;

    // TODO: more tests for encoding stuff
    fn text_response() {

    fn non_text_response() {

    fn no_req_encodings() {
        let request = Request::fake_http("GET", "/", vec![], vec![]);
        let response = Response::html("<p>Hello world</p>");
        let encoded_response = content_encoding::apply(&request, response);
            .any(|(header_name, _)| header_name == "Content-Encoding")); // No Content-Encoding header
        let mut encoded_content = vec![];
            .read_to_end(&mut encoded_content)
            "<p>Hello world</p>"
        ); // No encoding applied

    fn empty_req_encodings() {
        let request = {
            let h = vec![("Accept-Encoding".to_owned(), "".to_owned())];
            Request::fake_http("GET", "/", h, vec![])
        let response = Response::html("<p>Hello world</p>");

        let encoded_response = content_encoding::apply(&request, response);
            .any(|(header_name, _)| header_name == "Content-Encoding")); // No Content-Encoding header
        let mut encoded_content = vec![];
            .read_to_end(&mut encoded_content)
            "<p>Hello world</p>"
        ); // No encoding applied

    fn multi_req_encoding() {
        let request = {
            let h = vec![("Accept-Encoding".to_owned(), "foo".to_owned())];
            Request::fake_http("GET", "/", h, vec![])
        let response = Response::html("<p>Hello world</p>");

        let encoded_response = content_encoding::apply(&request, response);
            .any(|(header_name, _)| header_name == "Content-Encoding")); // No Content-Encoding header
        let mut encoded_content = vec![];
            .read_to_end(&mut encoded_content)
            "<p>Hello world</p>"
        ); // No encoding applied

    fn unknown_req_encoding() {
        let request = {
            let h = vec![("Accept-Encoding".to_owned(), "x-gzip, br".to_owned())];
            Request::fake_http("GET", "/", h, vec![])
        let response = Response::html("<p>Hello world</p>");

        let encoded_response = content_encoding::apply(&request, response);
            .contains(&("Content-Encoding".into(), "br".into()))); // Brotli Content-Encoding header

    fn brotli_encoding() {
        let request = {
            let h = vec![("Accept-Encoding".to_owned(), "br".to_owned())];
            Request::fake_http("GET", "/", h, vec![])
        let response = Response::html(
            "<html><head><title>Hello world</title><body><p>Hello world</p></body></html>",

        let encoded_response = content_encoding::apply(&request, response);
            .contains(&("Content-Encoding".into(), "br".into()))); // Brotli Content-Encoding header
        let mut encoded_content = vec![];
            .read_to_end(&mut encoded_content)
                27, 75, 0, 0, 4, 28, 114, 164, 129, 5, 210, 206, 25, 30, 90, 114, 224, 114, 73,
                109, 45, 196, 23, 126, 240, 144, 77, 40, 26, 211, 228, 67, 73, 40, 236, 55, 101,
                254, 127, 147, 194, 129, 132, 65, 130, 120, 152, 249, 68, 56, 93, 2
        ); // Applied proper Brotli encoding

    fn gzip_encoding() {
        let request = {
            let h = vec![("Accept-Encoding".to_owned(), "gzip".to_owned())];
            Request::fake_http("GET", "/", h, vec![])
        let response = Response::html(
            "<html><head><title>Hello world</title><body><p>Hello world</p></body></html>",

        let encoded_response = content_encoding::apply(&request, response);
            .contains(&("Content-Encoding".into(), "gzip".into()))); // gzip Content-Encoding header
        let mut encoded_content = vec![];
            .read_to_end(&mut encoded_content)

        // The 10-byte Gzip header contains an OS ID and a 4 byte timestamp
        // which are not stable, so we skip them in this comparison. Doing a
        // literal compare here is slightly silly, but the `deflate` crate has
        // no public decompressor functions for us to test a round-trip
                179, 201, 40, 201, 205, 177, 179, 201, 72, 77, 76, 177, 179, 41, 201, 44, 201, 73,
                181, 243, 72, 205, 201, 201, 87, 40, 207, 47, 202, 73, 177, 209, 135, 8, 217, 36,
                229, 167, 84, 218, 217, 20, 160, 202, 21, 216, 217, 232, 67, 36, 244, 193, 166, 0,
                0, 202, 239, 44, 120, 76, 0, 0, 0
        ); // Applied proper gzip encoding