rouille 3.2.0

High-level idiomatic web framework.
# Changelog

## Version 3.2

- Add `ResponseBody::from_reader_and_size` for constructing a `ResponseBody`
  from a `Reader` and an already known size such that `Content-Length` may be
  set on the response.

## Version 3.1.1

- Replace all uses of deprecated `try!` with `?` to suppress warnings that can
  leak out of macro contexts.

## Version 3.1.0

- Add `Server::poll_timeout()` for polling more efficiently.
- Add `Server::stoppable()` for running a single, cancellable server thread.
- Add `Server::join()` for finalising all in-flight requests before shutting down.
- [Prevent infinite loop on Websocket EOF]
- Update `tiny-http` to 0.8.1 containing fixes for:
  - HTTPS deadlock where one request holds a locked resource while another is
    attempting HTTPS negotiation
  - Fix [RUSTSEC-2020-0031]
  - Don't set `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` on 1xx or 204 responses (which can lead
    to clients hanging).
- Bump minimum support Rust version to 1.41.1

## Version 3.0.0

- Bump minimum supported Rust version to 1.34.2
- embedded, exposed `url` version increased to 2.0
- Don't use deprecated `Error::description()`

## Version 2.2.0

- Bump minimum supported Rust version to 1.20.0.
- Expose that the `Request` body (accessible with ``)
  has a `Send` bound.

## Version 2.1.0

- Replace `flate2` with `deflate`
- Fixed handling of url-encoded path components in route!() macro. 
  Previously, URL was eagerly decoded and thus would fail to match
  intended routes if special characters were used (such as ? or /).
  Now, individual matched components are decoded after matching.
- Added `Response::empty_204`.
- Added ssl feature and new_ssl constructor to Server, for https
  support. The certificate and private key must be supplied by user.

## Version 2.0.0

- Dropped the use of [rustc-serialize]
  in favor of using [serde]
- Updated `multipart` to 0.13. The `input::multipart::get_multipart_input` function returns
  types reexported from `multipart` which have small but breaking API changes.
- Update `Server` with an option to use a thread pool to process requests

## Version 1.0.0

- `input::cookies` changed to return an iterator that yields `(&str, &str)`.

## Version 0.4.2

- The `content_encoding` module now supports brotli.
- Added an `accept!` macro similar to a `match` expression that chooses a block depending on the
  value of the `Accept` header of the request.
- Added `proxy::full_proxy`. It behaves the same as `proxy` but returns more status codes and less
- Added `Response::from_data`, `from_file`, `with_content_disposition_attachment`, `empty_406`,
  `with_public_cache`, `with_private_cache`, `with_no_cache`, `without_header`,
  `with_additional_header` and `with_unique_header` for easier response manipulation.
- Added `Request::headers()` that provides an iterator to the list of headers.
- Added `input::priority_header_preferred` and `input::parse_priority_header` to easily parse
  request headers such as `Accept` or `Accept-Language`.
- MIME types that contain "font" are now also compressed by the `content_encoding` module.
- Changed `text/xml` to `application/xml` in the MIME types auto-determination.

## Version 0.4.1

- Added a `Server` struct as an alternative to `start_server` for manual control over the behavior.
- Added a `content_encoding::apply` function that applies `Content-Encoding` to a response.
- The `try_or_400!` macro now returns a response whose body describes the error in JSON.
- The `try_or_400!` macro now requires the error to implement the `std::error::Error` trait.

## Version 0.4.0

- Added support for websockets with the `websocket` module.
- Added `Request::do_not_track()` to query the DNT header.
- Renamed `get_json_input()` to `json_input()`.
- Renamed `get_cookies()` to `cookies()`.
- Renamed `get_basic_http_auth()` to `basic_http_auth()`.
- The logs now show the time of the start of the request processing. 
- `Request::header()` now returns a `Option<&str>` instead of `Option<String>`.
- `Response::svg()` and `Response::html()` now take a `Into<String>` instead of a `Into<Vec<u8>>`.
- Renamed `Response::error()` and `success()` to `is_error()` and `is_success()`.
- The `headers` field of `Response` are now `Vec<(Cow<'static, str>, Cow<'static, str>)>` instead
  of `Vec<(String, String)>`.
- Removed `Response::redirect` and replaced it with `redirect_301`, `redirect_302`, etc.
- Added `Response::with_etag()` to add an ETag header to a response.
- Added an `upgrade` field to `Response`, necessary for websockets.
- Fixed being able to set the value of the Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers.
- `plain_text_body` now has a limit of 1 MB of data before returning an error.
- Added `plain_text_body_with_limit` which does the same as `plain_text_body` but with a
  customizable limit.
- Implemented the `std::error::Error` trait on all error types.
- Added `Response::into_reader_and_size()` to retreive a `Read` object from a `ResponseBody`.
- Fixed issue with static files not being found on Windows because of `/` and `\` mismatch.

## Version 0.3.3

- Added the `proxy` module with basic reverse proxy.

## Version 0.3.2

- Added the `rouille::input::plain_text_body` function.

## Version 0.3.1

- Empty Vecs are now allowed for POST input.

## Version 0.3.0

- Reworked POST input. You can now use the `post_input!` macro instead of creating a decodable
- Removed the `input::session` module and replaced it with the `session` module. Sessions no longer
  store data in a hashmap, but instead only provide a way to generate a unique ID per client.

## Version 0.2.0

- Fixed the `+` character in the query string not being replaced with a space as it should.
- `Request::data()` now returns an `Option<impl Read>` instead of a `Vec<u8>`. If `data()` is
  called twice, the second call will return `None`.
- `RouteError` has been removed. You are now encouraged to return a `Response` everywhere instead
  of a `Result<Response, RouteError>`.
- The `try_or_400!`, `find_route!` and `assert_or_4OO!` macros and the `match_assets` function have
  been adjusted for the previous change.
- Added a `try_or_404!` macro similar to `try_or_400!`.
- In the case of a panic, the response with status code 500 that the server answers now contains a
  small text in its body, indicating the user that an internal server error occured.
- Added `Response::empty_400()`, `Response::empty_404()`, `Response::success()` and