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An implementation of the Roughtime secure time synchronization protocol.

Roughtime aims to achieve rough time synchronisation in a secure way that doesn’t depend on any particular time server, and in such a way that, if a time server does misbehave, clients end up with cryptographic proof of it.


Roughtime messages are represented by RtMessage which implements the mapping of Roughtime u32 tags to byte-strings.

Keys and Signing

Roughtime uses an Ed25519 key pair as the server’s long-term identity and a second key pair (signed by the long-term key) as a delegated on-line (ephemeral) key.

LongTermKey and OnlineKey implement these elements of the protocol. The sign module provides signing and verification operations.


A Roughtime client can be found in src/bin/client.rs. To run the client:

$ cargo run --release --bin client roughtime.int08h.com 2002

Consult the client’s --help output for all runtime options.


The core Roughtime server implementation is in src/server.rs and the server’s CLI can be found in src/bin/roughenough-server.rs.

The server has multiple ways it can be configured, see ServerConfig for the configuration trait and


Ways to configure the Roughenough server.

Adds deliberate errors to client responses as part of the Roughtime Ecosystem.

Representations and management of Roughtime’s online and long-term Ed25519 keys

Protect the server’s long-term key with envelope encryption and a key management system.

Merkle Tree implementation that uses the Roughtime leaf and node tweak values.

Extract nonces from requests

Organizes requests and corresponding replies

Implements the Roughenough server functionality.

A multi-step (init-update-finish) interface for Ed25519 signing and verification

Facilities for tracking client requests to the server


A Roughtime protocol message; a map of u32 tags to arbitrary byte-strings.


Error types generated by this implementation

An unsigned 32-bit value (key) that maps to a byte-string (value).


Prefixed to the server’s certificate before generating or verifying certificate’s signature

Minimum size (in bytes) of a client request

Size (in bytes) of an Ed25519 public key

Size (in bytes) of server’s time uncertainty value

RFC first field magic value

Size (in bytes) of seeds used to derive private keys

Size (in bytes) of an Ed25519 signature

Prefixed to the server’s response before generating or verifying the server’s signature

Size (in bytes) of server’s timestamp value

Value prepended to leaves prior to hashing

Value prepended to nodes prior to hashing

Version of Roughenough


Roughenough version string enriched with any compile-time optional features