roughenough 1.2.0-draft5

A Roughtime secure time sync server and client written in Rust
// Copyright 2017-2021 int08h LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! Ways to configure the Roughenough server.
//! The [ServerConfig](trait.ServerConfig.html) trait specifies the required and optional
//! parameters available for configuring a Roughenoguh server instance.
//! Implementations of `ServerConfig` obtain configurations from different back-end sources
//! such as files or environment variables.

use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::time::Duration;

use crate::Error;
use crate::key::KmsProtection;
use crate::SEED_LENGTH;

pub use self::environment::EnvironmentConfig;
pub use self::file::FileConfig;
pub use self::memory::MemoryConfig;

mod environment;
mod file;
mod memory;

/// Maximum number of requests to process in one batch and include the the Merkle tree.
pub const DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE: u8 = 64;

/// Amount of time between each logged status update.
pub const DEFAULT_STATUS_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(600);

/// Specifies parameters needed to configure a Roughenough server.
/// Parameters labeled "**Required**" must always be provided and have no default value
/// while those labeled "**Optional**" provide sane default values that can be overridden.
/// YAML Key | Environment Variable | Necessity | Description
/// --- | --- | --- | ---
/// `interface` | `ROUGHENOUGH_INTERFACE` | Required | IP address or interface name for listening to client requests
/// `port` | `ROUGHENOUGH_PORT` | Required | UDP port to listen for requests
/// `seed` | `ROUGHENOUGH_SEED` | Required | A 32-byte hexadecimal value used to generate the server's long-term key pair. **This is a secret value and must be un-guessable**, treat it with care. (If compiled with KMS support, length will vary)
/// `batch_size` | `ROUGHENOUGH_BATCH_SIZE` | Optional | The maximum number of requests to process in one batch. All nonces in a batch are used to build a Merkle tree, the root of which is signed. Default is `64` requests per batch.
/// `status_interval` | `ROUGHENOUGH_STATUS_INTERVAL` | Optional | Number of _seconds_ between each logged status update. Default is `600` seconds (10 minutes).
/// `health_check_port` | `ROUGHENOUGH_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT` | Optional | If present, enable an HTTP health check responder on the provided port. **Use with caution**.
/// `kms_protection` | `ROUGHENOUGH_KMS_PROTECTION` | Optional | If compiled with KMS support, the ID of the KMS key used to protect the long-term identity.
/// `client_stats` | `ROUGHENOUGH_CLIENT_STATS` | Optional | A value of `on` or `yes` will enable tracking of per-client request statistics that will be output each time server status is logged. Default is `off` (disabled).
/// `fault_percentage` | `ROUGHENOUGH_FAULT_PERCENTAGE` | Optional | Likelihood (as a percentage) that the server will intentionally return an invalid client response. An integer range from `0` (disabled, all responses valid) to `50` (50% of responses will be invalid). Default is `0` (disabled).
/// Implementations of this trait obtain a valid configuration from different back-end
/// sources. See:
///   * [FileConfig](struct.FileConfig.html) - configure via a YAML file
///   * [EnvironmentConfig](struct.EnvironmentConfig.html) - configure via environment variables
///   * [MemoryConfig](struct.MemoryConfig.html) - in-memory configuration for testing
pub trait ServerConfig {
    /// [Required] IP address or interface name to listen for client requests
    fn interface(&self) -> &str;

    /// [Required] UDP port to listen for requests
    fn port(&self) -> u16;

    /// [Required] A 32-byte hexadecimal value used to generate the server's
    /// long-term key pair. **This is a secret value and must be un-guessable**,
    /// treat it with care.
    fn seed(&self) -> Vec<u8>;

    /// [Optional] The maximum number of requests to process in one batch. All
    /// nonces in a batch are used to build a Merkle tree, the root of which is signed.
    /// Defaults to [DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE](constant.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE.html)
    fn batch_size(&self) -> u8;

    /// [Optional] Amount of time between each logged status update.
    fn status_interval(&self) -> Duration;

    /// [Optional] Method used to protect the seed for the server's long-term key pair.
    /// Defaults to "`plaintext`" (no encryption, seed is in the clear).
    fn kms_protection(&self) -> &KmsProtection;

    /// [Optional] If present, the TCP port to respond to Google-style HTTP "legacy health check".
    /// This is a *very* simplistic check, it emits a fixed HTTP response to all TCP connections.
    fn health_check_port(&self) -> Option<u16>;

    /// [Optional] A value of `on` or `yes` will enable tracking of per-client request statistics
    /// that will be output each time server status is logged. Default is `off` (disabled).
    fn client_stats_enabled(&self) -> bool;

    /// [Optional] Likelihood (as a percentage) that the server will intentionally return an
    /// invalid client response. An integer range from `0` (disabled, all responses valid) to `50`
    /// (~50% of responses will be invalid). Default is `0` (disabled).
    /// See the [Roughtime spec](
    /// for background and rationale.
    fn fault_percentage(&self) -> u8;

    /// Convenience function to create a `SocketAddr` from the provided `interface` and `port`
    fn udp_socket_addr(&self) -> Result<SocketAddr, Error> {
        let addr = format!("{}:{}", self.interface(), self.port());
        match addr.parse() {
            Ok(v) => Ok(v),
            Err(_) => Err(Error::InvalidConfiguration(addr)),

/// Factory function to create a `ServerConfig` _trait object_ based on the value
/// of the provided `arg`.
///   * `ENV` will return an [`EnvironmentConfig`](struct.EnvironmentConfig.html)
///   * any other value returns a [`FileConfig`](struct.FileConfig.html)
pub fn make_config(arg: &str) -> Result<Box<dyn ServerConfig>, Error> {
    if arg == "ENV" {
        match EnvironmentConfig::new() {
            Ok(cfg) => Ok(Box::new(cfg)),
            Err(e) => Err(e),
    } else {
        match FileConfig::new(arg) {
            Ok(cfg) => Ok(Box::new(cfg)),
            Err(e) => Err(e),

/// Validate configuration settings. Returns `true` if the config is valid, `false` otherwise.
pub fn is_valid_config(cfg: &dyn ServerConfig) -> bool {
    let mut is_valid = true;

    if cfg.port() == 0 {
        error!("server port not set: {}", cfg.port());
        is_valid = false;

    if cfg.interface().is_empty() {
        error!("'interface' is missing");
        is_valid = false;

    if cfg.seed().is_empty() {
        error!("'seed' value is missing");
        is_valid = false;
    } else if *cfg.kms_protection() == KmsProtection::Plaintext
        && cfg.seed().len() != SEED_LENGTH as usize
            "plaintext seed value must be 32 characters long, found {}",
        is_valid = false;
    } else if *cfg.kms_protection() != KmsProtection::Plaintext
        && cfg.seed().len() <= SEED_LENGTH as usize
        error!("KMS use enabled but seed value is too short to be an encrypted blob");
        is_valid = false;

    if cfg.batch_size() < 1 || cfg.batch_size() > 64 {
            "batch_size {} is invalid; valid range 1-64",
        is_valid = false;

    if cfg.fault_percentage() > 50 {
            "fault_percentage {} is invalid; valid range 0-50",
        is_valid = false;

    if is_valid {
        if let Err(e) = cfg.udp_socket_addr() {
                "failed to create UDP socket {}:{} {:?}",
            is_valid = false;
