rotary 0.29.0-alpha.2

A library for working with audio buffers
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//! A library for working with audio buffers
//! The buffer is constructed similarly to a `Vec<Vec<T>>`, except the interior
//! vector has a fixed size. And the buffer makes no attempt to clear data which
//! is freed when using functions such as [Dynamic::resize].
//! # Formats and topologies
//! The following are the three canonical audio formats which are supported by
//! this library:
//! * [dynamic][Dynamic] - where each channel is stored in its own
//!   heap-allocated buffer.
//! * [interleaved][Interleaved] - where each channel is interleaved, like
//!   `0:0, 1:0, 1:0, 1:1`.
//! * [sequential][Sequential] - where each channel is stored in a linear
//!   buffer, one after another. Like `0:0, 0:1, 1:0, 1:0`.
//! These all implement the [Channels] and [ChannelsMut] traits, allowing library authors
//! to abstract over any one specific format. The exact channel and frame count
//! of a buffer is known as its *topology*.
//! ```rust
//! use rotary::ChannelsMut as _;
//! let mut dynamic = rotary::dynamic![[0i16; 4]; 2];
//! let mut interleaved = rotary::interleaved![[0i16; 4]; 2];
//! let mut sequential = rotary::sequential![[0i16; 4]; 2];
//! dynamic.channel_mut(0).copy_from_iter(0i16..);
//! interleaved.channel_mut(0).copy_from_iter(0i16..);
//! sequential.channel_mut(0).copy_from_iter(0i16..);
//! ```
//! We also support [wrapping][wrap] external buffers so that they can
//! interoperate like other rotary buffers.
//! # Example: [play-mp3]
//! Play an mp3 file with [minimp3-rs], [cpal], and [rubato] for resampling.
//! This example can handle with any channel and sample rate configuration.
//! ```bash
//! cargo run --release --package rotary-examples --bin play-mp3 -- path/to/file.mp3
//! ```
//! # Examples
//! ```rust
//! use rand::Rng as _;
//! let mut buffer = rotary::Dynamic::<f32>::new();
//! buffer.resize_channels(2);
//! buffer.resize(2048);
//! /// Fill both channels with random noise.
//! let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
//! rng.fill(&mut buffer[0]);
//! rng.fill(&mut buffer[1]);
//! ```
//! For convenience we also provide several macros for constructing various
//! forms of dynamic audio buffers. These should mostly be used for testing.
//! ```rust
//! let mut buf = rotary::Dynamic::<f32>::with_topology(4, 8);
//! for channel in &mut buf {
//!     for f in channel {
//!         *f = 2.0;
//!     }
//! }
//! assert_eq! {
//!     buf,
//!     rotary::dynamic![[2.0; 8]; 4],
//! };
//! assert_eq! {
//!     buf,
//!     rotary::dynamic![[2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]; 4],
//! };
//! ```
//! [play-mp3]:
//! [minimp3-rs]:
//! [cpal]:
//! [rubato]:
//! [Dynamic::resize]:
//! [BitSet<u128>]:
//! [dynamic!]:
//! [Dynamic]:
//! [Interleaved]:
//! [Sequential]:
//! [wrap]:
//! [Channels]:
//! [ChannelsMut]:

#![deny(missing_docs, broken_intra_doc_links)]

mod macros;
pub mod buf;
pub mod dynamic;
pub mod interleaved;
pub mod io;
pub mod sequential;
mod utils;
pub mod wrap;

mod tests;

pub use self::dynamic::Dynamic;
pub use self::interleaved::Interleaved;
pub use self::sequential::Sequential;

pub use rotary_core::*;