rot13 0.1.1

Encodes a String as ROT13
  • Coverage
  • 50%
    1 out of 2 items documented1 out of 2 items with examples
  • Size
  • Source code size: 2.10 kB This is the summed size of all the files inside the package for this release.
  • Documentation size: 110.56 kB This is the summed size of all files generated by rustdoc for all configured targets
  • Links
  • marekventur/rust-rot13
    0 2 0
  • Dependencies
  • Versions
  • Owners
  • marekventur


A simple ROT13 encryption function. Can be applied on encrypted code again to reveal the plain text.

ROT13 works by shifting every character in the alphabet by 13 elements. This implementation maintains upper/lower cases and ignores non-[A-Za-z] characters, thus is safe to use on any string.

Takes a &str and returns a String.

This crate was created as an exercise for me to learn Rust, but it's tested and fully working (as far as I can tell), so go for it.


extern crate rot13;

fn main() {
    println!("{}", rot13::rot13("Hello World!"));