rosy 0.0.9

Ruby bindings for Rust.
//! [![Banner](](
//! This crate provides high-level bindings to the [Ruby] virtual machine.
//! # Installation
//! This crate is available [on][crate] and can be used by adding the
//! following to your project's [`Cargo.toml`]:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! rosy = "0.0.9"
//! ```
//! Rosy has functionality that is only available for certain Ruby versions. The
//! following features can currently be enabled:
//! - `ruby_2_6`
//! For example:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies.rosy]
//! version = "0.0.9"
//! features = ["ruby_2_6"]
//! ```
//! Finally add this to your crate root (`` or ``):
//! ```
//! extern crate rosy;
//! ```
//! # Initialization
//! The Ruby virtual machine is initialized via [`vm::init`]:
//! ```
//! rosy::vm::init().expect("Failed to initialize Ruby");
//! ```
//! This should be called
//! once by the thread expected to be associated with Ruby. All mutations to
//! Ruby objects from there on are only safe from that same thread since the VM
//! is not known to be thread-safe.
//! # Cleaning Up
//! When done with the Ruby VM, one should call [`vm::destroy`], which will
//! return a status code appropriate for exiting the program.
//! ```
//! # rosy::vm::init().unwrap();
//! if let Err(code) = unsafe { rosy::vm::destroy() } {
//!     code.exit_process();
//! }
//! ```
//! # Catching Ruby Exceptions
//! With Rosy, your Rust code can be [`protected`](fn.protected.html) from Ruby
//! exceptions when calling unchecked functions that may throw.
//! Not catching an exception from Rust will result in a segmentation fault at
//! best. As a result, every function that throws an exception is annotated as
//! [`unsafe`] in Rust-land. If a function is found to not uphold this
//! invariant, please report it at [issue #4][issue4] or file a pull request to
//! fix this.
//! ```
//! # rosy::vm::init().unwrap();
//! use rosy::{Object, String};
//! let string = String::from("hello\r\n");
//! rosy::protected(|| unsafe {
//! }).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(string.len(), 5);
//! ```
//! [`Cargo.toml`]:
//! [crate]:
//! [Ruby]:
//! [`vm::init`]: vm/fn.init.html
//! [`vm::destroy`]: vm/fn.destroy.html
//! [`unsafe`]:
//! [issue4]:

#![cfg_attr(nightly, feature(doc_cfg))]
#![cfg_attr(all(test, nightly), feature(test))]

#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]

#[cfg(all(test, nightly))]
extern crate test;


#[path = "ruby_bindings/"]
mod ruby;

mod rosy;
mod protected;
mod util;
pub mod array;
pub mod exception;
pub mod gc;
pub mod hash;
pub mod meta;
pub mod mixin;
pub mod num;
pub mod object;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod range;
pub mod string;
pub mod symbol;
pub mod vm;

pub use protected::*;

#[doc(inline)] // prelude
pub use self::{
    exception::{AnyException, Exception},
    mixin::{Mixin, Class, Module},
    num::{Float, Integer},
    object::{AnyObject, Object, RosyObject},
    symbol::{Symbol, SymbolId},

/// A simplified form of
/// [`Result`]( for
/// when exceptions are caught.
pub type Result<T = (), E = AnyException> = std::result::Result<T, E>;