[][src]Crate rosu

rosu is a wrapper for osu! written in rust.

The wrapper provides access to the osu!api's beatmap, user, score, user-best, user-recent, and match endpoints with a request struct for each endpoint, e.g. BestRequest for the user-best endpoint.

An API key can be generated here.

Simply initialize an Osu client with the api key, formulate a request such as a UserRequest, and then retrieve the data by calling the request's queue method with a reference to the client as argument.


use chrono::{offset::TimeZone, DateTime, Utc};
use rosu::{
    backend::{BeatmapRequest, BestRequest, MatchRequest, UserRequest},
    Osu, OsuError,

async fn main() -> Result<(), OsuError> {
    // Initialize the client
    let osu = Osu::new("osu_api_key");

    // --- Retrieving top scores ---

    // Accumulate all important arguments for the request
    let request = BestRequest::with_username("Badewanne3")
    // Asynchronously send the request through the osu client
    let mut scores: Vec<Score> = request.queue(&osu).await?;
    match scores.pop() {
        Some(score) => {
            // Retrieve user of the score
            let user = score.get_user(&osu, GameMode::STD).await?;
            // ...
        None => println!("No top scores found"),

    // --- Retrieving beatmaps ---

    let since_date: DateTime<Utc> = Utc
        .datetime_from_str("2018-11-13 23:01:28", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    let request = BeatmapRequest::new()
    let mut maps: Vec<Beatmap> = request.queue(&osu).await?;
    if let Some(map) = maps.pop() {
        let leaderboard: Vec<Score> = map.get_global_leaderboard(&osu, 13).await?;
        // ...

    // --- Retrieving user ---

    let user = UserRequest::with_username("Badewanne3")
    // ...

    // --- Retrieving match ---

    let osu_match = MatchRequest::with_match_id(58494587)

    // ...



serializeProvides serialization for all structs in the models dirserde-repr
metricsMake the client count each request type and enable a method on the client to get a prometheus::IntCounterVecprometheus
cacheCache API results through a redis connection for a given durationdarkredis, serialize


pub use backend::OsuResult;



Contains the client and the request logic


Contains all osu! related data structs



The main osu client. Pass this into a queue method of some request to retrieve and parse the data.

