rosu-pp 0.9.3

osu! difficulty and pp calculation for all modes
use super::{
    OsuDifficultyAttributes, OsuPerformanceAttributes, OsuScoreState, PERFORMANCE_BASE_MULTIPLIER,
use crate::{
    AnyPP, Beatmap, DifficultyAttributes, GameMode, HitResultPriority, Mods, OsuStars,

/// Performance calculator on osu!standard maps.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rosu_pp::{OsuPP, Beatmap};
/// # /*
/// let map: Beatmap = ...
/// # */
/// # let map = Beatmap::default();
/// let pp_result = OsuPP::new(&map)
///     .mods(8 + 64) // HDDT
///     .combo(1234)
///     .accuracy(98.5)
///     .n_misses(1)
///     .calculate();
/// println!("PP: {} | Stars: {}", pp_result.pp(), pp_result.stars());
/// let next_result = OsuPP::new(&map)
///     .attributes(pp_result) // reusing previous results for performance
///     .mods(8 + 64)  // has to be the same to reuse attributes
///     .accuracy(99.5)
///     .calculate();
/// println!("PP: {} | Stars: {}", next_result.pp(), next_result.stars());
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct OsuPP<'map> {
    pub(crate) map: &'map Beatmap,
    pub(crate) attributes: Option<OsuDifficultyAttributes>,
    pub(crate) mods: u32,
    pub(crate) acc: Option<f64>,
    pub(crate) combo: Option<usize>,

    pub(crate) n300: Option<usize>,
    pub(crate) n100: Option<usize>,
    pub(crate) n50: Option<usize>,
    pub(crate) n_misses: Option<usize>,
    pub(crate) passed_objects: Option<usize>,
    pub(crate) clock_rate: Option<f64>,
    pub(crate) hitresult_priority: Option<HitResultPriority>,

impl<'map> OsuPP<'map> {
    /// Create a new performance calculator for osu!standard maps.
    pub fn new(map: &'map Beatmap) -> Self {
        Self {
            attributes: None,
            mods: 0,
            acc: None,
            combo: None,

            n300: None,
            n100: None,
            n50: None,
            n_misses: None,
            passed_objects: None,
            clock_rate: None,
            hitresult_priority: None,

    /// Convert the map into another mode.
    pub fn mode(self, mode: GameMode) -> AnyPP<'map> {
        match mode {
            GameMode::Osu => AnyPP::Osu(self),
            GameMode::Taiko => AnyPP::Taiko(self.into()),
            GameMode::Catch => AnyPP::Catch(self.into()),
            GameMode::Mania => AnyPP::Mania(self.into()),

    /// Provide the result of a previous difficulty or performance calculation.
    /// If you already calculated the attributes for the current map-mod combination,
    /// be sure to put them in here so that they don't have to be recalculated.
    pub fn attributes(mut self, attributes: impl OsuAttributeProvider) -> Self {
        if let Some(attributes) = attributes.attributes() {
            self.attributes = Some(attributes);


    /// Specify mods through their bit values.
    /// See [](
    pub fn mods(mut self, mods: u32) -> Self {
        self.mods = mods;


    /// Specify the max combo of the play.
    pub fn combo(mut self, combo: usize) -> Self {
        self.combo = Some(combo);


    /// Specify how hitresults should be generated.
    /// Defauls to [`HitResultPriority::BestCase`].
    pub fn hitresult_priority(mut self, priority: HitResultPriority) -> Self {
        self.hitresult_priority = Some(priority);


    /// Specify the amount of 300s of a play.
    pub fn n300(mut self, n300: usize) -> Self {
        self.n300 = Some(n300);


    /// Specify the amount of 100s of a play.
    pub fn n100(mut self, n100: usize) -> Self {
        self.n100 = Some(n100);


    /// Specify the amount of 50s of a play.
    pub fn n50(mut self, n50: usize) -> Self {
        self.n50 = Some(n50);


    /// Specify the amount of misses of a play.
    pub fn n_misses(mut self, n_misses: usize) -> Self {
        self.n_misses = Some(n_misses);


    /// Amount of passed objects for partial plays, e.g. a fail.
    /// If you want to calculate the performance after every few objects, instead of
    /// using [`OsuPP`] multiple times with different `passed_objects`, you should use
    /// [`OsuGradualPerformanceAttributes`](crate::osu::OsuGradualPerformanceAttributes).
    pub fn passed_objects(mut self, passed_objects: usize) -> Self {
        self.passed_objects = Some(passed_objects);


    /// Adjust the clock rate used in the calculation.
    /// If none is specified, it will take the clock rate based on the mods
    /// i.e. 1.5 for DT, 0.75 for HT and 1.0 otherwise.
    pub fn clock_rate(mut self, clock_rate: f64) -> Self {
        self.clock_rate = Some(clock_rate);


    /// Provide parameters through an [`OsuScoreState`].
    pub fn state(mut self, state: OsuScoreState) -> Self {
        let OsuScoreState {
        } = state;

        self.combo = Some(max_combo);
        self.n300 = Some(n300);
        self.n100 = Some(n100);
        self.n50 = Some(n50);
        self.n_misses = Some(n_misses);


    /// Specify the accuracy of a play between `0.0` and `100.0`.
    /// This will be used to generate matching hitresults.
    pub fn accuracy(mut self, acc: f64) -> Self {
        self.acc = Some(acc / 100.0);


    fn generate_hitresults(&self, max_combo: usize) -> OsuScoreState {
        let n_objects = self.passed_objects.unwrap_or(;
        let priority = self.hitresult_priority.unwrap_or_default();

        let mut n300 = self.n300.unwrap_or(0);
        let mut n100 = self.n100.unwrap_or(0);
        let mut n50 = self.n50.unwrap_or(0);
        let n_misses = self.n_misses.unwrap_or(0);

        if let Some(acc) = self.acc {
            let target_total = (acc * (n_objects * 6) as f64).round() as usize;

            match (self.n300, self.n100, self.n50) {
                (Some(_), Some(_), Some(_)) => {
                    let remaining = n_objects.saturating_sub(n300 + n100 + n50 + n_misses);

                    match priority {
                        HitResultPriority::BestCase => n300 += remaining,
                        HitResultPriority::WorstCase => n50 += remaining,
                (Some(_), Some(_), None) => n50 = n_objects.saturating_sub(n300 + n100 + n_misses),
                (Some(_), None, Some(_)) => n100 = n_objects.saturating_sub(n300 + n50 + n_misses),
                (None, Some(_), Some(_)) => n300 = n_objects.saturating_sub(n100 + n50 + n_misses),
                (Some(_), None, None) => {
                    let delta = (target_total - n_objects.saturating_sub(n_misses))
                        .saturating_sub(n300 * 5);

                    n100 = delta % 5;
                    n50 = n_objects.saturating_sub(n300 + n100 + n_misses);

                    let curr_total = 6 * n300 + 2 * n100 + n50;

                    if curr_total < target_total {
                        let n = (target_total - curr_total).min(n50);
                        n50 -= n;
                        n100 += n;
                    } else {
                        let n = (curr_total - target_total).min(n100);
                        n100 -= n;
                        n50 += n;
                (None, Some(_), None) => {
                    let delta =
                        (target_total - n_objects.saturating_sub(n_misses)).saturating_sub(n100);

                    n300 = delta / 5;

                    if n300 + n100 + n_misses > n_objects {
                        n300 -= (n300 + n100 + n_misses) - n_objects;

                    n50 = n_objects - n300 - n100 - n_misses;
                (None, None, Some(_)) => {
                    let delta = target_total - n_objects.saturating_sub(n_misses);

                    n300 = delta / 5;
                    n100 = delta % 5;

                    if n300 + n100 + n50 + n_misses > n_objects {
                        let too_many = n300 + n100 + n50 + n_misses - n_objects;

                        if too_many > n100 {
                            n300 -= too_many - n100;
                            n100 = 0;
                        } else {
                            n100 -= too_many;

                    n100 += n_objects.saturating_sub(n300 + n100 + n50 + n_misses);

                    let curr_total = 6 * n300 + 2 * n100 + n50;

                    if curr_total < target_total {
                        let n = n100.min((target_total - curr_total) / 4);
                        n100 -= n;
                        n300 += n;
                    } else {
                        let n = n300.min((curr_total - target_total) / 4);
                        n300 -= n;
                        n100 += n;
                (None, None, None) => {
                    let delta = target_total - n_objects.saturating_sub(n_misses);

                    n300 = delta / 5;
                    n100 = delta % 5;
                    n50 = n_objects.saturating_sub(n300 + n100 + n_misses);

                    if let HitResultPriority::BestCase = priority {
                        // Shift n50 to n100 by sacrificing n300
                        let n = n300.min(n50 / 4);
                        n300 -= n;
                        n100 += 5 * n;
                        n50 -= 4 * n;
        } else {
            let remaining = n_objects.saturating_sub(n300 + n100 + n50 + n_misses);

            match priority {
                HitResultPriority::BestCase => {
                    if self.n300.is_none() {
                        n300 = remaining;
                    } else if self.n100.is_none() {
                        n100 = remaining;
                    } else if self.n50.is_none() {
                        n50 = remaining;
                    } else {
                        n300 += remaining;
                HitResultPriority::WorstCase => {
                    if self.n50.is_none() {
                        n50 = remaining;
                    } else if self.n100.is_none() {
                        n100 = remaining;
                    } else if self.n300.is_none() {
                        n300 = remaining;
                    } else {
                        n50 += remaining;

        OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: self.combo.unwrap_or(max_combo),

    /// Calculate all performance related values, including pp and stars.
    pub fn calculate(mut self) -> OsuPerformanceAttributes {
        let attrs = self.attributes.take().unwrap_or_else(|| {
            let mut calculator = OsuStars::new(;

            if let Some(passed_objects) = self.passed_objects {
                calculator = calculator.passed_objects(passed_objects);

            if let Some(clock_rate) = self.clock_rate {
                calculator = calculator.clock_rate(clock_rate);


        let state = self.generate_hitresults(attrs.max_combo);
        let effective_miss_count = calculate_effective_misses(&attrs, &state);

        let inner = OsuPpInner {
            mods: self.mods,
            acc: state.accuracy(),


struct OsuPpInner {
    attrs: OsuDifficultyAttributes,
    mods: u32,
    acc: f64,
    state: OsuScoreState,
    effective_miss_count: f64,

impl OsuPpInner {
    fn calculate(mut self) -> OsuPerformanceAttributes {
        let total_hits = self.state.total_hits();

        if total_hits == 0 {
            return OsuPerformanceAttributes {
                difficulty: self.attrs,

        let total_hits = total_hits as f64;

        let mut multiplier = PERFORMANCE_BASE_MULTIPLIER;

        if {
            multiplier *= (1.0 - 0.02 * self.effective_miss_count).max(0.9);

        if && total_hits > 0.0 {
            multiplier *= 1.0 - (self.attrs.n_spinners as f64 / total_hits).powf(0.85);

        if self.mods.rx() {
            // *
            // * we use OD13.3 as maximum since it's the value at which great hitwidow becomes 0
            // * this is well beyond currently maximum achievable OD which is 12.17 (DTx2 + DA with OD11)
            let (n100_mult, n50_mult) = if self.attrs.od > 0.0 {
                    1.0 - (self.attrs.od / 13.33).powf(1.8),
                    1.0 - (self.attrs.od / 13.33).powi(5),
            } else {
                (1.0, 1.0)

            // * As we're adding Oks and Mehs to an approximated number of combo breaks the result can be
            // * higher than total hits in specific scenarios (which breaks some calculations) so we need to clamp it.
            self.effective_miss_count = (self.effective_miss_count
                + self.state.n100 as f64
                + n100_mult
                + self.state.n50 as f64 * n50_mult)

        let aim_value = self.compute_aim_value();
        let speed_value = self.compute_speed_value();
        let acc_value = self.compute_accuracy_value();
        let flashlight_value = self.compute_flashlight_value();

        let pp = (aim_value.powf(1.1)
            + speed_value.powf(1.1)
            + acc_value.powf(1.1)
            + flashlight_value.powf(1.1))
        .powf(1.0 / 1.1)
            * multiplier;

        OsuPerformanceAttributes {
            difficulty: self.attrs,
            pp_acc: acc_value,
            pp_aim: aim_value,
            pp_flashlight: flashlight_value,
            pp_speed: speed_value,
            effective_miss_count: self.effective_miss_count,

    fn compute_aim_value(&self) -> f64 {
        let mut aim_value = (5.0 * (self.attrs.aim / 0.0675).max(1.0) - 4.0).powi(3) / 100_000.0;

        let total_hits = self.total_hits();

        let len_bonus = 0.95
            + 0.4 * (total_hits / 2000.0).min(1.0)
            + (total_hits > 2000.0) as u8 as f64 * (total_hits / 2000.0).log10() * 0.5;

        aim_value *= len_bonus;

        // * Penalize misses by assessing # of misses relative to the total # of objects.
        // * Default a 3% reduction for any # of misses.
        if self.effective_miss_count > 0.0 {
            aim_value *= 0.97
                * (1.0 - (self.effective_miss_count / total_hits).powf(0.775))

        aim_value *= self.get_combo_scaling_factor();

        let ar_factor = if self.mods.rx() {
        } else if > 10.33 {
            0.3 * ( - 10.33)
        } else if < 8.0 {
            0.05 * (8.0 -
        } else {

        // * Buff for longer maps with high AR.
        aim_value *= 1.0 + ar_factor * len_bonus;

        if self.mods.hd() {
            // * We want to give more reward for lower AR when it comes to aim and HD. This nerfs high AR and buffs lower AR.
            aim_value *= 1.0 + 0.04 * (12.0 -;

        // * We assume 15% of sliders in a map are difficult since there's no way to tell from the performance calculator.
        let estimate_diff_sliders = self.attrs.n_sliders as f64 * 0.15;

        if self.attrs.n_sliders > 0 {
            let estimate_slider_ends_dropped =
                ((self.state.n100 + self.state.n50 + self.state.n_misses)
                    .min(self.attrs.max_combo - self.state.max_combo) as f64)
                    .clamp(0.0, estimate_diff_sliders);
            let slider_nerf_factor = (1.0 - self.attrs.slider_factor)
                * (1.0 - estimate_slider_ends_dropped / estimate_diff_sliders).powi(3)
                + self.attrs.slider_factor;

            aim_value *= slider_nerf_factor;

        aim_value *= self.acc;
        // * It is important to consider accuracy difficulty when scaling with accuracy.
        aim_value *= 0.98 + self.attrs.od * self.attrs.od / 2500.0;


    fn compute_speed_value(&self) -> f64 {
        if self.mods.rx() {
            return 0.0;

        let mut speed_value =
            (5.0 * (self.attrs.speed / 0.0675).max(1.0) - 4.0).powi(3) / 100_000.0;

        let total_hits = self.total_hits();

        let len_bonus = 0.95
            + 0.4 * (total_hits / 2000.0).min(1.0)
            + (total_hits > 2000.0) as u8 as f64 * (total_hits / 2000.0).log10() * 0.5;

        speed_value *= len_bonus;

        // * Penalize misses by assessing # of misses relative to the total # of objects.
        // * Default a 3% reduction for any # of misses.
        if self.effective_miss_count > 0.0 {
            speed_value *= 0.97
                * (1.0 - (self.effective_miss_count / total_hits).powf(0.775))

        speed_value *= self.get_combo_scaling_factor();

        let ar_factor = if > 10.33 {
            0.3 * ( - 10.33)
        } else {

        // * Buff for longer maps with high AR.
        speed_value *= 1.0 + ar_factor * len_bonus;

        if self.mods.hd() {
            // * We want to give more reward for lower AR when it comes to aim and HD.
            // * This nerfs high AR and buffs lower AR.
            speed_value *= 1.0 + 0.04 * (12.0 -;

        // * Calculate accuracy assuming the worst case scenario
        let relevant_total_diff = total_hits - self.attrs.speed_note_count;
        let relevant_n300 = (self.state.n300 as f64 - relevant_total_diff).max(0.0);
        let relevant_n100 = (self.state.n100 as f64
            - (relevant_total_diff - self.state.n300 as f64).max(0.0))
        let relevant_n50 = (self.state.n50 as f64
            - (relevant_total_diff - (self.state.n300 + self.state.n100) as f64).max(0.0))

        let relevant_acc = if self.attrs.speed_note_count.abs() <= f64::EPSILON {
        } else {
            (relevant_n300 * 6.0 + relevant_n100 * 2.0 + relevant_n50)
                / (self.attrs.speed_note_count * 6.0)

        // * Scale the speed value with accuracy and OD.
        speed_value *= (0.95 + self.attrs.od * self.attrs.od / 750.0)
            * ((self.acc + relevant_acc) / 2.0).powf((14.5 - (self.attrs.od).max(8.0)) / 2.0);

        // * Scale the speed value with # of 50s to punish doubletapping.
        speed_value *= 0.99_f64.powf(
            (self.state.n50 as f64 >= total_hits / 500.0) as u8 as f64
                * (self.state.n50 as f64 - total_hits / 500.0),


    fn compute_accuracy_value(&self) -> f64 {
        if self.mods.rx() {
            return 0.0;

        // * This percentage only considers HitCircles of any value - in this part
        // * of the calculation we focus on hitting the timing hit window.
        let amount_hit_objects_with_acc = self.attrs.n_circles;

        let better_acc_percentage = if amount_hit_objects_with_acc > 0 {
            let sub = self.state.total_hits() - amount_hit_objects_with_acc;

            // * It is possible to reach a negative accuracy with this formula. Cap it at zero - zero points.
            if self.state.n300 < sub {
            } else {
                ((self.state.n300 - sub) * 6 + self.state.n100 * 2 + self.state.n50) as f64
                    / (amount_hit_objects_with_acc * 6) as f64
        } else {

        // * Lots of arbitrary values from testing.
        // * Considering to use derivation from perfect accuracy in a probabilistic manner - assume normal distribution.
        let mut acc_value = 1.52163_f64.powf(self.attrs.od) * better_acc_percentage.powi(24) * 2.83;

        // * Bonus for many hitcircles - it's harder to keep good accuracy up for longer.
        acc_value *= (amount_hit_objects_with_acc as f64 / 1000.0)

        // * Increasing the accuracy value by object count for Blinds isn't ideal, so the minimum buff is given.
        if self.mods.hd() {
            acc_value *= 1.08;

        if self.mods.fl() {
            acc_value *= 1.02;


    fn compute_flashlight_value(&self) -> f64 {
        if !self.mods.fl() {
            return 0.0;

        let mut flashlight_value = self.attrs.flashlight * self.attrs.flashlight * 25.0;

        let total_hits = self.total_hits();

        // * Penalize misses by assessing # of misses relative to the total # of objects. Default a 3% reduction for any # of misses.
        if self.effective_miss_count > 0.0 {
            flashlight_value *= 0.97
                * (1.0 - (self.effective_miss_count / total_hits).powf(0.775))

        flashlight_value *= self.get_combo_scaling_factor();

        // * Account for shorter maps having a higher ratio of 0 combo/100 combo flashlight radius.
        flashlight_value *= 0.7
            + 0.1 * (total_hits / 200.0).min(1.0)
            + (total_hits > 200.0) as u8 as f64 * 0.2 * ((total_hits - 200.0) / 200.0).min(1.0);

        // * Scale the flashlight value with accuracy _slightly_.
        flashlight_value *= 0.5 + self.acc / 2.0;
        // * It is important to also consider accuracy difficulty when doing that.
        flashlight_value *= 0.98 + self.attrs.od * self.attrs.od / 2500.0;


    fn get_combo_scaling_factor(&self) -> f64 {
        if self.attrs.max_combo == 0 {
        } else {
            ((self.state.max_combo as f64).powf(0.8) / (self.attrs.max_combo as f64).powf(0.8))

    fn total_hits(&self) -> f64 {
        self.state.total_hits() as f64

fn calculate_effective_misses(attrs: &OsuDifficultyAttributes, state: &OsuScoreState) -> f64 {
    // * Guess the number of misses + slider breaks from combo
    let mut combo_based_miss_count = 0.0;

    if attrs.n_sliders > 0 {
        let full_combo_threshold = attrs.max_combo as f64 - 0.1 * attrs.n_sliders as f64;

        if (state.max_combo as f64) < full_combo_threshold {
            combo_based_miss_count = full_combo_threshold / (state.max_combo as f64).max(1.0);

    // * Clamp miss count to maximum amount of possible breaks
    combo_based_miss_count =
        combo_based_miss_count.min((state.n100 + state.n50 + state.n_misses) as f64);

    combo_based_miss_count.max(state.n_misses as f64)

/// Abstract type to provide flexibility when passing difficulty attributes to a performance calculation.
pub trait OsuAttributeProvider {
    /// Provide the actual difficulty attributes.
    fn attributes(self) -> Option<OsuDifficultyAttributes>;

impl OsuAttributeProvider for OsuDifficultyAttributes {
    fn attributes(self) -> Option<OsuDifficultyAttributes> {

impl OsuAttributeProvider for OsuPerformanceAttributes {
    fn attributes(self) -> Option<OsuDifficultyAttributes> {

impl OsuAttributeProvider for DifficultyAttributes {
    fn attributes(self) -> Option<OsuDifficultyAttributes> {
        if let Self::Osu(attributes) = self {
        } else {

impl OsuAttributeProvider for PerformanceAttributes {
    fn attributes(self) -> Option<OsuDifficultyAttributes> {
        if let Self::Osu(attributes) = self {
        } else {

#[cfg(not(any(feature = "async_tokio", feature = "async_std")))]
mod test {
    use super::*;
    use crate::Beatmap;

    fn test_data() -> (Beatmap, OsuDifficultyAttributes) {
        let path = "./maps/2785319.osu";
        let map = Beatmap::from_path(path).unwrap();

        let attrs = OsuDifficultyAttributes {
            aim: 2.8693628443424104,
            speed: 2.533869745015772,
            flashlight: 2.288770487900865,
            slider_factor: 0.9803052946037858,
            speed_note_count: 210.36373973116545,
            ar: 9.300000190734863,
            od: 8.800000190734863,
            hp: 5.0,
            n_circles: 307,
            n_sliders: 293,
            n_spinners: 1,
            stars: 5.669858729379631,
            max_combo: 909,

        (map, attrs)

    fn hitresults_n300_n100_n_misses_best() {
        let (map, attrs) = test_data();
        let max_combo = attrs.max_combo();

        let state = OsuPP::new(&map)

        let expected = OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: 500,
            n300: 300,
            n100: 20,
            n50: 279,
            n_misses: 2,

        assert_eq!(state, expected);

    fn hitresults_n300_n50_n_misses_best() {
        let (map, attrs) = test_data();
        let max_combo = attrs.max_combo();

        let state = OsuPP::new(&map)

        let expected = OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: 500,
            n300: 300,
            n100: 289,
            n50: 10,
            n_misses: 2,

        assert_eq!(state, expected);

    fn hitresults_n50_n_misses_worst() {
        let (map, attrs) = test_data();
        let max_combo = attrs.max_combo();

        let state = OsuPP::new(&map)

        let expected = OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: 500,
            n300: 0,
            n100: 589,
            n50: 10,
            n_misses: 2,

        assert_eq!(state, expected);

    fn hitresults_n300_n100_n50_n_misses_worst() {
        let (map, attrs) = test_data();
        let max_combo = attrs.max_combo();

        let state = OsuPP::new(&map)

        let expected = OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: 500,
            n300: 300,
            n100: 50,
            n50: 249,
            n_misses: 2,

        assert_eq!(state, expected);

    fn hitresults_acc_n_misses_best() {
        let (map, attrs) = test_data();
        let max_combo = attrs.max_combo();

        let state = OsuPP::new(&map)

        let expected = OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: 500,
            n300: 584,
            n100: 15,
            n50: 0,
            n_misses: 2,

            "{}% vs {}%",

    fn hitresults_acc_n100_n_misses_best() {
        let (map, attrs) = test_data();
        let max_combo = attrs.max_combo();

        let state = OsuPP::new(&map)

        let expected = OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: 500,
            n300: 562,
            n100: 15,
            n50: 22,
            n_misses: 2,

            "{}% vs {}%",

    fn hitresults_acc_n50_n_misses_best() {
        let (map, attrs) = test_data();
        let max_combo = attrs.max_combo();

        let state = OsuPP::new(&map)

        let expected = OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: 500,
            n300: 560,
            n100: 29,
            n50: 10,
            n_misses: 2,

            "{}% vs {}%",

    fn hitresults_acc_best() {
        let (map, attrs) = test_data();
        let max_combo = attrs.max_combo();

        let state = OsuPP::new(&map)

        let expected = OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: 500,
            n300: 511,
            n100: 89,
            n50: 1,
            n_misses: 0,

            "{}% vs {}%",

    fn hitresults_acc_worst() {
        let (map, attrs) = test_data();
        let max_combo = attrs.max_combo();

        let state = OsuPP::new(&map)

        let expected = OsuScoreState {
            max_combo: 500,
            n300: 528,
            n100: 4,
            n50: 69,
            n_misses: 0,

            "{}% vs {}%",