rosu-pp 0.9.3

osu! difficulty and pp calculation for all modes
//! A standalone crate to calculate star ratings and performance points for all [osu!]( gamemodes.
//! Async is supported through features, see below.
//! ## Usage
//! ```no_run
//! use rosu_pp::{Beatmap, BeatmapExt};
//! # /*
//! // Parse the map yourself
//! let map = match Beatmap::from_path("/path/to/file.osu") {
//!     Ok(map) => map,
//!     Err(why) => panic!("Error while parsing map: {}", why),
//! };
//! # */ let map = Beatmap::default();
//! // If `BeatmapExt` is included, you can make use of some methods
//! // on `Beatmap` to make your life simpler like `BeatmapExt::pp`.
//! let result = map.pp()
//!     .mods(24) // HDHR
//!     .combo(1234)
//!     .accuracy(99.2)
//!     .n_misses(2)
//!     .calculate();
//! println!("PP: {}", result.pp());
//! // If you want to reuse the current map-mod combination, make use of the previous result!
//! // If attributes are given, then stars & co don't have to be recalculated.
//! let next_result = map.pp()
//!     .mods(24) // HDHR
//!     .attributes(result) // recycle
//!     .combo(543)
//!     .n_misses(5)
//!     .n50(3)
//!     .accuracy(96.5)
//!     .calculate();
//! println!("Next PP: {}", next_result.pp());
//! let stars = map.stars()
//!     .mods(16)  // HR
//!     .calculate()
//!     .stars();
//! let max_pp = map.max_pp(16).pp();
//! println!("Stars: {} | Max PP: {}", stars, max_pp);
//! ```
//! ## With async
//! If either the `async_tokio` or `async_std` feature is enabled, beatmap parsing will be async.
//! ```no_run
//! use rosu_pp::{Beatmap, BeatmapExt};
//! # /*
//! // Parse the map asynchronously
//! let map = match Beatmap::from_path("/path/to/file.osu").await {
//!     Ok(map) => map,
//!     Err(why) => panic!("Error while parsing map: {}", why),
//! };
//! # */ let map = Beatmap::default();
//! // The rest stays the same
//! let result = map.pp()
//!     .mods(24) // HDHR
//!     .combo(1234)
//!     .n_misses(2)
//!     .accuracy(99.2)
//!     .calculate();
//! println!("PP: {}", result.pp());
//! ```
//! ## Gradual calculation
//! Sometimes you might want to calculate the difficulty of a map or performance of a score after each hit object.
//! This could be done by using `passed_objects` as the amount of objects that were passed so far.
//! However, this requires to recalculate the beginning again and again, we can be more efficient than that.
//! Instead, you should use [`GradualDifficultyAttributes`] and [`GradualPerformanceAttributes`]:
//! ```no_run
//! use rosu_pp::{
//!     Beatmap, BeatmapExt, GradualPerformanceAttributes, ScoreState,
//!     taiko::TaikoScoreState,
//! };
//! # /*
//! let map = match Beatmap::from_path("/path/to/file.osu") {
//!     Ok(map) => map,
//!     Err(why) => panic!("Error while parsing map: {}", why),
//! };
//! # */
//! # let map = Beatmap::default();
//! let mods = 8 + 64; // HDDT
//! // If you're only interested in the star rating or other difficulty value,
//! // use `GradualDifficultyAttributes`, either through its function `new`
//! // or through the method `BeatmapExt::gradual_difficulty`.
//! let gradual_difficulty = map.gradual_difficulty(mods);
//! // Since `GradualDifficultyAttributes` implements `Iterator`, you can use
//! // any iterate function on it, use it in loops, collect them into a `Vec`, ...
//! for (i, difficulty) in gradual_difficulty.enumerate() {
//!     println!("Stars after object {}: {}", i, difficulty.stars());
//! }
//! // Gradually calculating performance values does the same as calculating
//! // difficulty attributes but it goes the extra step and also evaluates
//! // the state of a score for these difficulty attributes.
//! let mut gradual_performance = map.gradual_performance(mods);
//! // The default score state is kinda chunky because it considers all modes.
//! let state = ScoreState {
//!     max_combo: 1,
//!     n_geki: 0, // only relevant for mania
//!     n_katu: 0, // only relevant for mania and ctb
//!     n300: 1,
//!     n100: 0,
//!     n50: 0,
//!     n_misses: 0,
//! };
//! // Process the score state after the first object
//! let curr_performance = match gradual_performance.process_next_object(state) {
//!     Some(perf) => perf,
//!     None => panic!("the map has no hit objects"),
//! };
//! println!("PP after the first object: {}", curr_performance.pp());
//! // If you're only interested in maps of a specific mode, consider
//! // using the mode's gradual calculator instead of the general one.
//! // Let's assume it's a taiko map.
//! // Instead of starting off with `BeatmapExt::gradual_performance` one could have
//! // created the struct via `TaikoGradualPerformanceAttributes::new`.
//! let mut gradual_performance = match gradual_performance {
//!     GradualPerformanceAttributes::Taiko(gradual) => gradual,
//!     _ => panic!("the map was not taiko but {:?}", map.mode),
//! };
//! // A little simpler than the general score state.
//! let state = TaikoScoreState {
//!     max_combo: 11,
//!     n300: 9,
//!     n100: 1,
//!     n_misses: 1,
//! };
//! // Process the next 10 objects in one go
//! let curr_performance = match gradual_performance.process_next_n_objects(state, 10) {
//!     Some(perf) => perf,
//!     None => panic!("the last `process_next_object` already processed the last object"),
//! };
//! println!("PP after the first 11 objects: {}", curr_performance.pp());
//! ```
//! ## Features
//! | Flag | Description |
//! |-----|-----|
//! | `default` | Beatmap parsing will be non-async |
//! | `async_tokio` | Beatmap parsing will be async through [tokio]( |
//! | `async_std` | Beatmap parsing will be async through [async-std]( |

#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg), deny(broken_intra_doc_links))]

/// Everything about osu!catch.
pub mod catch;

/// Everything about osu!mania.
pub mod mania;

/// Everything about osu!standard.
pub mod osu;

/// Everything about osu!taiko.
pub mod taiko;

/// Beatmap parsing
pub mod parse;

/// Beatmap and contained types
pub mod beatmap;
pub use beatmap::{Beatmap, BeatmapExt, GameMode};

mod gradual;
pub use gradual::{GradualDifficultyAttributes, GradualPerformanceAttributes, ScoreState};

mod pp;
pub use pp::{AnyPP, AttributeProvider, HitResultPriority};

mod stars;
pub use stars::AnyStars;

mod curve;
mod mods;
mod util;

pub use catch::{CatchPP, CatchStars};
pub use mania::{ManiaPP, ManiaStars};
pub use osu::{OsuPP, OsuStars};
pub use taiko::{TaikoPP, TaikoStars};

pub use mods::Mods;
pub use parse::{ParseError, ParseResult};
pub use util::SortedVec;

/// The result of calculating the strains on a map.
/// Suitable to plot the difficulty of a map over time.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Strains {
    /// osu!standard strain values.
    /// osu!taiko strain values.
    /// osu!catch strain values.
    /// osu!mania strain values.

impl Strains {
    /// Time in ms inbetween two strains.
    pub fn section_len(&self) -> f64 {
        match self {
            Strains::Osu(strains) => strains.section_len,
            Strains::Taiko(strains) => strains.section_len,
            Strains::Catch(strains) => strains.section_len,
            Strains::Mania(strains) => strains.section_len,

    /// Returns the number of strain peaks per skill.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Strains::Osu(strains) => strains.len(),
            Strains::Taiko(strains) => strains.len(),
            Strains::Catch(strains) => strains.len(),
            Strains::Mania(strains) => strains.len(),

/// The result of a difficulty calculation based on the mode.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum DifficultyAttributes {
    /// osu!standard difficulty calculation result.
    /// osu!taiko difficulty calculation result.
    /// osu!catch difficulty calculation result.
    /// osu!mania difficulty calculation result.

impl DifficultyAttributes {
    /// The star value.
    pub fn stars(&self) -> f64 {
        match self {
            Self::Osu(attrs) => attrs.stars,
            Self::Taiko(attrs) => attrs.stars,
            Self::Catch(attrs) => attrs.stars,
            Self::Mania(attrs) => attrs.stars,

    /// The maximum combo of the map.
    pub fn max_combo(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Self::Osu(attrs) => attrs.max_combo,
            Self::Taiko(attrs) => attrs.max_combo,
            Self::Catch(attrs) => attrs.max_combo(),
            Self::Mania(attrs) => attrs.max_combo,

impl From<osu::OsuDifficultyAttributes> for DifficultyAttributes {
    fn from(attributes: osu::OsuDifficultyAttributes) -> Self {

impl From<taiko::TaikoDifficultyAttributes> for DifficultyAttributes {
    fn from(attributes: taiko::TaikoDifficultyAttributes) -> Self {

impl From<catch::CatchDifficultyAttributes> for DifficultyAttributes {
    fn from(attributes: catch::CatchDifficultyAttributes) -> Self {

impl From<mania::ManiaDifficultyAttributes> for DifficultyAttributes {
    fn from(attributes: mania::ManiaDifficultyAttributes) -> Self {

/// The result of a performance calculation based on the mode.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PerformanceAttributes {
    /// osu!standard performance calculation result.
    /// osu!taiko performance calculation result.
    /// osu!catch performance calculation result.
    /// osu!mania performance calculation result.

impl PerformanceAttributes {
    /// The pp value.
    pub fn pp(&self) -> f64 {
        match self {
            Self::Osu(attrs) => attrs.pp,
            Self::Taiko(attrs) => attrs.pp,
            Self::Catch(attrs) => attrs.pp,
            Self::Mania(attrs) => attrs.pp,

    /// The star value.
    pub fn stars(&self) -> f64 {
        match self {
            Self::Osu(attrs) => attrs.stars(),
            Self::Taiko(attrs) => attrs.stars(),
            Self::Catch(attrs) => attrs.stars(),
            Self::Mania(attrs) => attrs.stars(),

    /// Difficulty attributes that were used for the performance calculation.
    pub fn difficulty_attributes(&self) -> DifficultyAttributes {
        match self {
            Self::Osu(attrs) => DifficultyAttributes::Osu(attrs.difficulty.clone()),
            Self::Taiko(attrs) => DifficultyAttributes::Taiko(attrs.difficulty.clone()),
            Self::Catch(attrs) => DifficultyAttributes::Catch(attrs.difficulty.clone()),
            Self::Mania(attrs) => DifficultyAttributes::Mania(attrs.difficulty),

    /// The maximum combo of the map.
    pub fn max_combo(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Self::Osu(attrs) => attrs.difficulty.max_combo,
            Self::Taiko(attrs) => attrs.difficulty.max_combo,
            Self::Catch(attrs) => attrs.difficulty.max_combo(),
            Self::Mania(attrs) => attrs.difficulty.max_combo,

impl From<PerformanceAttributes> for DifficultyAttributes {
    fn from(attributes: PerformanceAttributes) -> Self {
        match attributes {
            PerformanceAttributes::Osu(attrs) => Self::Osu(attrs.difficulty),
            PerformanceAttributes::Taiko(attrs) => Self::Taiko(attrs.difficulty),
            PerformanceAttributes::Catch(attrs) => Self::Catch(attrs.difficulty),
            PerformanceAttributes::Mania(attrs) => Self::Mania(attrs.difficulty),

impl From<osu::OsuPerformanceAttributes> for PerformanceAttributes {
    fn from(attributes: osu::OsuPerformanceAttributes) -> Self {

impl From<taiko::TaikoPerformanceAttributes> for PerformanceAttributes {
    fn from(attributes: taiko::TaikoPerformanceAttributes) -> Self {

impl From<catch::CatchPerformanceAttributes> for PerformanceAttributes {
    fn from(attributes: catch::CatchPerformanceAttributes) -> Self {

impl From<mania::ManiaPerformanceAttributes> for PerformanceAttributes {
    fn from(attributes: mania::ManiaPerformanceAttributes) -> Self {

#[cfg(all(feature = "async_tokio", feature = "async_std"))]
compile_error!("Only one of the features `async_tokio` and `async_std` should be enabled");