rorm 0.4.2

A asynchronous declarative ORM written in pure rust.
//! Trait for the items inside [SelectTuple](crate::crud::query::SelectTuple)

use rorm_db::database::ColumnSelector;
use rorm_db::{Error, Row};

use crate::aggregate::{AggregatedColumn, AggregationFunc};
use crate::const_concat;
use crate::internal::field::as_db_type::AsDbType;
use crate::internal::field::{Field, FieldProxy};
use crate::internal::query_context::QueryContextBuilder;
use crate::internal::relation_path::Path;
use crate::model::Model;

/// Anything which can be used to select a single item
pub trait Selectable {
    /// The type resulting from this select item
    type Result;

    /// The table i.e. model this selects from
    type Table: Model;

    /// Number of columns to be selected
    const COLUMNS: usize = 1;

    /// Select alias to use
    const SELECT_ALIAS: &'static str;

    /// rorm-sql's format
    const SQL: ColumnSelector<'static>;

    /// Prepare the context to handle the select i.e. register potential joins
    fn prepare(builder: &mut QueryContextBuilder);

    /// Retrieve the result from a row
    fn decode(row: &Row) -> Result<Self::Result, Error>;

impl<F: Field, P: Path> Selectable for FieldProxy<F, P> {
    type Result = F::Type;

    type Table = P::Origin;

    const SELECT_ALIAS: &'static str = const_concat!(&[P::ALIAS, "__", F::NAME]);

    const SQL: ColumnSelector<'static> = ColumnSelector {
        table_name: Some(P::ALIAS),
        column_name: F::NAME,
        select_alias: Some(Self::SELECT_ALIAS),
        aggregation: None,

    fn prepare(builder: &mut QueryContextBuilder) {
        builder.add_field_proxy::<F, P>()

    fn decode(row: &Row) -> Result<Self::Result, Error> {
        let primitive: <F::Type as AsDbType>::Primitive = row.get(Self::SELECT_ALIAS)?;

impl<A, F, P> Selectable for AggregatedColumn<A, F, P>
    A: AggregationFunc,
    F: Field,
    P: Path,
    type Result = A::Result<F::Type>;

    type Table = P::Origin;

    const SELECT_ALIAS: &'static str = const_concat!(&[P::ALIAS, "__", F::NAME, "___", A::NAME]);

    const SQL: ColumnSelector<'static> = ColumnSelector {
        table_name: Some(P::ALIAS),
        column_name: F::NAME,
        select_alias: Some(Self::SELECT_ALIAS),
        aggregation: Some(A::SQL),

    fn prepare(builder: &mut QueryContextBuilder) {
        builder.add_field_proxy::<F, P>()

    fn decode(row: &Row) -> Result<Self::Result, Error> {