roqoqo 0.5.1

Rust Quantum Computing Toolkit by HQS
// Copyright © 2021 HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
// License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either
// express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

use quote::quote;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs;
use std::process::Command;
use std::str::FromStr;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::visit::{self, Visit};
use syn::{AttrStyle, File, Ident, ItemImpl, ItemStruct, Path, Token, Type, TypePath};

/// Visitor scanning rust source code for struct belonging to enums
struct Visitor {
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to Operation enum
    operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to SingleQubitOperation enum
    single_qubit_operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to TwoQubitOperation enum
    two_qubit_operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to MultiQubitOperation enum
    multi_qubit_operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to PragmaOperation enum
    pragma_operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to PragmaNoiseOperation enum
    pragma_noise_operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to GateOperation enum
    gate_operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to Rotation enum
    rotations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to Definition enum
    definitions: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to ConstantGateOperation enum
    constant_gate_operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to SingleQubitGateOperation enum
    single_qubit_gate_operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to TwoQubitGateOperation enum
    two_qubit_gate_operations: Vec<Ident>,
    // Identifiers of structs belonging to MultiQubitGateOperation enum
    multi_qubit_gate_operations: Vec<Ident>,

impl Visitor {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            operations: Vec::new(),
            single_qubit_operations: Vec::new(),
            two_qubit_operations: Vec::new(),
            multi_qubit_operations: Vec::new(),
            pragma_operations: Vec::new(),
            pragma_noise_operations: Vec::new(),
            gate_operations: Vec::new(),
            rotations: Vec::new(),
            definitions: Vec::new(),
            constant_gate_operations: Vec::new(),
            single_qubit_gate_operations: Vec::new(),
            two_qubit_gate_operations: Vec::new(),
            multi_qubit_gate_operations: Vec::new(),

/// Struct for parsed derive macro arguments. Used to identify structs belonging to enums
struct DeriveMacroArguments(HashSet<String>);

impl DeriveMacroArguments {
    pub fn contains(&self, st: &str) -> bool {

impl Parse for DeriveMacroArguments {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::parse::Result<Self> {
        // Parse arguments as comma separated list allowing for normal identifiers (like Debug) and colon
        // separated paths (like roqoqo::derive::Operate)
        let arguments = Punctuated::<Path, Token![,]>::parse_terminated(input)?;
                .map(|p| match p.get_ident() {
                    Some(id) => id.to_string(),
                    _ => p
                        .expect("Last path segment can not be accessed")

impl<'ast> Visit<'ast> for Visitor {
    // Only visit struct declarations
    fn visit_item_struct(&mut self, i: &'ast ItemStruct) {
        // Check attributes
        for att in i.attrs.clone() {
            let path = att.path.get_ident().map(|id| id.to_string());
            // only consider the derive attribute, if no derive attribute is present don't add anything
            // to the internal storage of the visitor
            if matches!(, AttrStyle::Outer) && path == Some("derive".to_string()) {
                //let tokens: TokenStream = att.tokens.into();
                let parsed_arguments: DeriveMacroArguments =
                    att.parse_args().expect("parsing failed 1");
                // If the parsed arguments contains Operate it derives Operate and the identifier of the enum
                // is added to the internal list of the visitor
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Operate") {
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Operate")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperateSingleQubit")
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Operate")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperateTwoQubit")
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Operate")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperateMultiQubit")
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Operate")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperatePragma")
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Operate")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperatePragma")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperatePragmaNoise")
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Operate") && parsed_arguments.contains("OperateGate")
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Rotate") {
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Define") {
                if parsed_arguments.contains("Operate")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperateConstantGate")
                if parsed_arguments.contains("OperateGate")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperateSingleQubit")
                if parsed_arguments.contains("OperateGate")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperateTwoQubit")
                if parsed_arguments.contains("OperateGate")
                    && parsed_arguments.contains("OperateMultiQubit")

        visit::visit_item_struct(self, i);

    fn visit_item_impl(&mut self, i: &'ast ItemImpl) {
        // Check implementation
        if let Some((_, trait_path, _)) = i.trait_.clone() {
            let trait_name = match trait_path.get_ident() {
                Some(id) => id.to_string(),
                _ => trait_path
                    .expect("Last path segment can not be accessed")
            if let Type::Path(TypePath { path: p, .. }) = *i.self_ty.clone() {
                let id = match p.get_ident() {
                    Some(id) => id.clone(),
                    _ => p
                        .expect("Last path segment can not be accessed")

                if trait_name.as_str() == "Operate" {
                if trait_name.as_str() == "OperateSingleQubitGate" {
                if trait_name.as_str() == "OperateGate" {
                if trait_name.as_str() == "OperateTwoQubitGate" {
                if trait_name.as_str() == "OperatePragmaNoise" {
                if trait_name.as_str() == "OperateMultiQubitGate" {
        visit::visit_item_impl(self, i);

const SOURCE_FILES: &[&str] = &[

fn main() {
    // create a visitor that will go through source code and collect the identifiers of structs that belong ad variants
    // in the Operation enum, those that belong in the SingleQubitGateOperationEnum and so on
    let mut vis = Visitor::new();
    // iterate over all source files where Operations are supposed to be located
    for source_location in SOURCE_FILES {
        let source = fs::read_to_string(source_location).expect("Unable to open source file");
        let code = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from_str(&source).expect("Could not lex code");
        let syntax_tree: File = syn::parse2(code).unwrap();

    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of operation enum
    let operations_quotes = vis.operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
        #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of operation enum
    let single_qubit_operations_quotes = vis.single_qubit_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
        #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of operation enum
    let two_qubit_operations_quotes = vis.two_qubit_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
        #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of operation enum
    let multi_qubit_operations_quotes = vis.multi_qubit_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
        #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of pragma enum
    let pragma_operations_quotes = vis.pragma_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
        #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of pragma enum
    let pragma_noise_operations_quotes = vis.pragma_noise_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
        #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of pragma enum
    let gate_operations_quotes = vis.gate_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
        #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of definition enum
    let rotations_quotes = vis.rotations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
            #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of definition enum
    let definitions_quotes = vis.definitions.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
            #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of operation enum
    let constant_gate_operations_quote = vis.constant_gate_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
        #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of operation enum
    let single_qubit_gate_operations_quote =
        vis.single_qubit_gate_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
            let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
            quote! {
                #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of operation enum
    let two_qubit_gate_operations_quote = vis.two_qubit_gate_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
        #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStreams for variants of operation enum
    let multi_qubit_gate_operations_quote = vis.multi_qubit_gate_operations.into_iter().map(|v| {
        let msg = format!("Variant for {}", v);
        quote! {
            #[doc = #msg]
    // Construct TokenStream for auto-generated rust file containing the enums
    let final_quote = quote! {

        use crate::operations::*;

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [Operate]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, Substitute)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum Operation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperateSingleQubit]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperateSingleQubit)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum SingleQubitOperation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperateTwoQubit]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperateTwoQubit)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum TwoQubitOperation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperateMultiQubit]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperateMultiQubit)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum MultiQubitOperation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperatePragma]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperatePragma)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum PragmaOperation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperatePragmaNoise]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperatePragma, OperatePragmaNoise)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum PragmaNoiseOperation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperateGate]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperateGate)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum GateOperation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [Rotate]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperateGate, Rotate)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum Rotation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [Define]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, Define)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum Definition {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperateConstantGate]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperateGate, OperateConstantGate)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum ConstantGateOperation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperateSingleQubitGate]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperateGate, OperateSingleQubit, OperateSingleQubitGate)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum SingleQubitGateOperation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperateTwoQubitGate]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperateGate, OperateTwoQubit, OperateTwoQubitGate)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum TwoQubitGateOperation {

        /// Enum of all Operations implementing [OperateMultiQubitGate]
        #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, InvolveQubits, Operate, OperateTryFromEnum, Substitute, OperateGate, OperateMultiQubit, OperateMultiQubitGate)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "serialize", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
        pub enum MultiQubitGateOperation {

    let final_str = format!("{}", final_quote);
    if std::env::var("DOCS_RS").is_err() {
        // Write to file
        fs::write("src/operations/", final_str)
            .expect("Could not write to file");
        // Try to format auto generated operations
        let _unused_output = Command::new("rustfmt")