Module rootfind::solver [] [src]

Root finding algorithms.

Fucntions typically have to be wrapped before use. See the wrap module for how to do this.

Custom convergence criteria can be supplied. Canned ones exist in the convergence module.


Using Newton-Raphson:

use rootfind::solver::newton_raphson;
use rootfind::convergence::DeltaX;
use rootfind::wrap::RealFnAndFirst;

// function and its derivative
let in_f = |x: f64| -x*x + 2.0*x + 1.0;
let in_df = |x: f64| -2.0*x + 2.0;
let f = RealFnAndFirst::new(&in_f, &in_df);

// convergence criteria
let conv = DeltaX::new(1e-9);

// invoke Newton-Raphson
let max_iterations = 20;
let root = newton_raphson(&f, 3.0, &conv, max_iterations).expect("root");

// root at x=1+sqrt(2)
assert!((root-2.41421356237).abs() < 1e-9);

Using Bisection Method or False Position:

use rootfind::bracket::Bounds;
use rootfind::solver::{bisection, false_position_illinios};
use rootfind::wrap::RealFn;

// function... no derivatives needed!
let in_f = |x: f64| -x*x + 2.0*x + 1.0;
let f = RealFn::new(&in_f);

// invoke bisection
let max_iterations = 20;
let root = bisection(&f, &Bounds::new(2.0, 3.0), 100).expect("root");
assert!((root-2.41421356237).abs() < 1e-9);

// invoke false position
let max_iterations = 20;
let root = false_position_illinios(&f, &Bounds::new(2.0, 3.0), 100).expect("root");
assert!((root-2.41421356237).abs() < 1e-9);



Root finding error conditions.



Root finding via Bisection Method.


Illinois variant of Regula Falsi.


Root finding using Halley's method.


Root finding using Newton-Raphson.