romulus 0.2.0

a stream editor like sed

# Romulus

A modern alternative to sed

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## Versions

Currently while under development I will only be bumping patch versions rather then the normal minor versions 
until I feel like as if romulus is a somewhat mature release and ready for v1

## Sample

given a executable file parse\_ifconfig such as

#! /usr/bin/env romulus -f

/^(?P<inter>[a-zA-Z0-9]+): /,/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+:/ {
	/inet (?P<ip>[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})/ {
		print("${inter}: ${ip}")

running `ifconfig | parse_ifconfig` should yield your current network interfaces which have ips

Running the following prints all the hashes of the docker images that have kube in the name

docker images | romulus -e '2,$ & [/kube/, _, hash] print hash'

## Installation

Currenty the only supported way to install romulus is to install by source code

$ cargo install romulus

## Features

When rust programs are compiled a feature list may be passed.

### color

On by default.

Error messages and other such things use ansi color codes.

### envvar

On by default.

Preloads all the environmental variables into the base variable stack

### stdin-tty

Off by default

Allows processing from interactive terminal.

### bind

Off by default

Allows the use of the bind statement (expirimental).  Sets global variable from local variable.