romu 0.6.0

A pseudo random number generator using the Romu algorithm.

name = "romu"

description = "A pseudo random number generator using the Romu algorithm."

authors = ["Nils Hasenbanck <>"]

keywords = ["rand", "random", "no-std", "romu"]

categories = ["algorithms", "no-std"]

license = "Apache-2.0"

readme = ""

documentation = ""

repository = ""

version = "0.6.0"

edition = "2021"

rust-version = "1.57"


getrandom = { version = "0.2", optional = true }


criterion = "0.5"


default = ["std", "tls", "getrandom"]

std = []

tls = ["std"]

unstable_tls = ["std", "tls"]

unstable_simd = []


opt-level = 3

codegen-units = 1

lto = "fat"


opt-level = 3

codegen-units = 1

lto = "fat"


name = "random"

harness = false


rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]