rojo 6.0.0-rc.4

Enables professional-grade development tools for Roblox developers
# Rojo Changelog

## Unreleased Changes

## [6.0.0 Release Candidate 4] (December 14, 2020)
* Added brand new Rojo UI ([#367]
* Added `projectName` to `/api/rojo` output.

## [6.0.0 Release Candidate 3] (November 19, 2020)
* Fixed the Rojo plugin attempting to write the non-scriptable properties `Instance.SourceAssetId` and `HttpServer.HttpEnabled`.
* Fixed the Rojo plugin's handling of null referents.

## [6.0.0 Release Candidate 2] (November 19, 2020)
* Fixed crash when malformed CSV files are put into a project. ([#310]
* Fixed incorrect string escaping when producing Lua code from JSON files. ([#314]
* Fixed performance issues introduced in Rojo 6.0.0-rc.1. ([#317]
* Fixed `rojo plugin install` subcommand failing for everyone except Rojo developers. ([#320]
* Updated default place template to take advantage of [#210]
* Enabled glob ignore patterns by default and removed the `unstable_glob_ignore` feature.
    * `globIgnorePaths` can be set on a project to a list of globs to ignore.
* The Rojo plugin now completes as much as it can from a patch without disconnecting. Warnings are shown in the console.
* Fixed 6.0.0-rc.1 regression causing instances that changed ClassName to instead... not change ClassName.

## [6.0.0 Release Candidate 1] (March 29, 2020)
This release jumped from 0.6.0 to 6.0.0. Rojo has been in use in production for many users for quite a long times, and so 6.0 is a more accurate reflection of Rojo's version than a pre-1.0 version.

* Added basic settings panel to plugin, with two settings:
    * "Open Scripts Externally": When enabled, opening a script in Studio will instead open it in your default text editor.
    * "Two-Way Sync": When enabled, Rojo will attempt to save changes to your place back to the filesystem. **Very early feature, very broken, beware!**
* Added `--color` option to force-enable or force-disable color in Rojo's output.
* Added support for turning `.json` files into `ModuleScript` instances ([#308]
* Added `rojo plugin install` and `rojo plugin uninstall` to allow Rojo to manage its Roblox Studio plugin. ([#304]
* Class names no longer need to be specified for Roblox services in Rojo projects. ([#210]
* The server half of **experimental** two-way sync is now enabled by default.
* Increased default logging verbosity in commands like `rojo build`.
* Rojo now requires a project file again, just like 0.5.4.

## [0.6.0 Alpha 3] (March 13, 2020)
* Added `--watch` argument to `rojo build`. ([#284]
* Added dark theme support to plugin. ([#241]
* Added a revamped `rojo init` command, which will now create more complete projects.
* Added the `rojo doc` command, which opens Rojo's documentation in your browser.
* Fixed many crashes from malformed projects and filesystem edge cases in `rojo serve`.
* Simplified filesystem access code dramatically.
* Improved error reporting and logging across the board.
    * Log messages have a less noisy prefix.
    * Any thread panicking now causes Rojo to abort instead of existing as a zombie.
    * Errors now have a list of causes, helping make many errors more clear.

## [0.6.0 Alpha 2] (March 6, 2020)
* Fixed `rojo upload` command always uploading models.
* Removed `--kind` parameter to `rojo upload`; Rojo now automatically uploads the correct kind of asset based on your project file.

## [0.5.4] (February 26, 2020)
This is a general maintenance release for the Rojo 0.5.x release series.

* Updated reflection database and other dependencies.
* First stable release with binaries for macOS and Linux.

## [0.6.0 Alpha 1] (January 22, 2020)

### General
* Added support for nested project files. ([#95]
* Added project file hot-reloading. ([#10]])
* Fixed Rojo dropping Ref properties ([#142]
    * This means that properties like `PrimaryPart` now work!
* Improved live sync protocol to reduce round-trips and improve syncing consistency.
* Improved support for binary model files and places.

### Command Line
* Added `--verbose`/`-v` flag, which can be specified multiple times to increase verbosity.
* Added support for automatically finding Roblox Studio's auth cookie for `rojo upload` on Windows.
* Added support for building, serving and uploading sources that aren't Rojo projects.
* Improved feedback from `rojo serve`.
* Removed support for legacy `roblox-project.json` projects, deprecated in an early Rojo 0.5.0 alpha.
* Rojo no longer traverses directories upwards looking for project files.
    * Though undocumented, Rojo 0.5.x will search for a project file contained in any ancestor folders. This feature was removed to better support other 0.6.x features.

### Roblox Studio Plugin
* Added "connecting" state to improve experience when live syncing.
* Added "error" state to show errors in a place that isn't the output panel.
* Improved diagnostics for when the Rojo plugin cannot create an instance.

## [0.5.3] (October 15, 2019)
* Fixed an issue where Rojo would throw an error when encountering recently-added instance classes.

## [0.5.2] (October 14, 2019)
* Fixed an issue where `LocalizationTable` instances would have their column order randomized. ([#173]

## [0.5.1] (October 4, 2019)
* Fixed an issue where Rojo would drop changes if they happened too quickly ([#252]
* Improved diagnostics for when the Rojo plugin cannot create an instance.
* Updated dependencies
    * This brings Rojo's reflection database from client release 395 to client release 404.

## [0.5.0] (August 27, 2019)
* Changed `.model.json` naming, which may require projects to migrate ambiguous cases:
    * The file name now takes precedence over the `Name` field in the model, like Rojo 0.4.x.
    * The `Name` field of the top-level instance is now optional. It's recommended that you remove it from your models.
    * Rojo will emit a warning when `Name` is specified and does not match the name from the file.
* Fixed `Rect` values being set to `0, 0, 0, 0` when synced with the Rojo plugin. ([#201]
* Fixed live-syncing of `PhysicalProperties`, `NumberSequence`, and `ColorSequence` values

## [0.5.0 Alpha 13] (August 2, 2019)
* Bumped minimum Rust version to 1.34.0.
* Fixed default port documentation in `rojo serve --help` ([#219]
* Fixed BrickColor support by upgrading Roblox-related dependencies

## [0.5.0 Alpha 12] (July 2, 2019)
* Added `.meta.json` files
    * `init.meta.json` files replace `init.model.json` files from Rojo 0.4.x ([#183]
    * Other `.meta.json` files allow attaching extra data to other files ([#189]
* Added support for infinite and NaN values in types like `Vector2` when building models and places.
    * These types aren't supported for live-syncing yet due to limitations around JSON encoding.
* Added support for using `SharedString` values when building XML models and places.
* Added support for live-syncing `CollectionService` tags.
* Added a warning when building binary place files, since they're still experimental and have bugs.
* Added a warning when trying to use Rojo 0.5.x with a Rojo 0.4.x-only project.
* Added a warning when a Rojo project contains keys that start with `$`, which are reserved names. ([#191]
* Rojo now throws an error if unknown keys are found most files.
* Added an icon to the plugin's toolbar button
* Changed the plugin to use a docking widget for all UI.
* Changed the plugin to ignore unknown properties when live-syncing.
    * Rojo's approach to this problem might change later, like with a strict model mode ([#190] or another approach.
* Upgraded to reflection database from client release 388.
* Updated Rojo's branding to shift the color palette to make it work better on dark backgrounds

## [0.5.0 Alpha 11] (May 29, 2019)
* Added support for implicit property values in JSON model files ([#154]
* `Content` propertyes can now be specified in projects and model files as regular string literals.
* Added support for `BrickColor` properties.
* Added support for properties added in client release 384, like `Lighting.Technology` being set to `"ShadowMap"`.
* Improved performance when working with XML models and places
* Fixed serializing empty `Content` properties as XML
* Fixed serializing infinite and NaN floating point properties in XML
* Improved compatibility with XML models
* Plugin should now be able to live-sync more properties, and ignore ones it can't, like `Lighting.Technology`.

## 0.5.0 Alpha 10
* This release was a dud due to [issue #176] and was rolled back.

## [0.5.0 Alpha 9] (April 4, 2019)
* Changed `rojo build` to use buffered I/O, which can make it up to 2x faster in some cases.
    * Building [*Road Not Taken*] to an `rbxlx` file dropped from 150ms to 70ms on my machine
* Fixed `LocalizationTable` instances being made from `csv` files incorrectly interpreting empty rows and columns. ([#149]
* Fixed CSV files with entries that parse as numbers causing Rojo to panic. ([#152]
* Improved error messages when malformed CSV files are found in a Rojo project.

## [0.5.0 Alpha 8] (March 29, 2019)
* Added support for a bunch of new types when dealing with XML model/place files:
    * `ColorSequence`
    * `Float64`
    * `Int64`
    * `NumberRange`
    * `NumberSequence`
    * `PhysicalProperties`
    * `Ray`
    * `Rect`
    * `Ref`
* Improved server instance ordering behavior when files are added during a live session ([#135]
* Fixed error being thrown when trying to unload the Rojo plugin.
* Added partial fix for [issue #141] for `Lighting.Technology`, which should restore live sync functionality for the default project file.

## [0.5.0 Alpha 6] (March 19, 2019)
* Fixed `rojo init` giving unexpected results by upgrading to `rbx_dom_weak` 1.1.0
* Fixed live server not responding when the Rojo plugin is connected ([#133]
* Updated default place file:
    * Improved default properties to be closer to Studio's built-in 'Baseplate' template
    * Added a baseplate to the project file (Thanks, [@AmaranthineCodices]!)
* Added more type support to Rojo plugin
* Fixed some cases where the Rojo plugin would leave around objects that it knows should be deleted
* Updated plugin to correctly listen to `Plugin.Unloading` when installing or uninstalling new plugins

## [0.5.0 Alpha 5] (March 1, 2019)
* Upgraded core dependencies, which improves compatibility for lots of instance types
    * Upgraded from `rbx_tree` 0.2.0 to `rbx_dom_weak` 1.0.0
    * Upgraded from `rbx_xml` 0.2.0 to `rbx_xml` 0.4.0
    * Upgraded from `rbx_binary` 0.2.0 to `rbx_binary` 0.4.0
* Added support for non-primitive types in the Rojo plugin.
    * Types like `Color3` and `CFrame` can now be updated live!
* Fixed plugin assets flashing in on first load ([#121]
* Changed Rojo's HTTP server from Rouille to Hyper, which reduced the release size by around a megabyte.
* Added property type inference to projects, which makes specifying services a lot easier ([#130]
* Made error messages from invalid and missing files more user-friendly

## [0.5.0 Alpha 4] (February 8, 2019)
* Added support for nested partitions ([#102]
* Added support for 'transmuting' partitions ([#112]
* Added support for aliasing filesystem paths ([#105]
* Changed Windows builds to statically link the CRT ([#89]

## [0.5.0 Alpha 3] (February 1, 2019)
* Changed default project file name from `roblox-project.json` to `default.project.json` ([#120]
    * The old file name will still be supported until 0.5.0 is fully released.
* Added warning when loading project files that don't end in `.project.json`
    * This new extension enables Rojo to distinguish project files from random JSON files, which is necessary to support nested projects.
* Added new (empty) diagnostic page served from the server
* Added better error messages for when a file is missing that's referenced by a Rojo project
* Added support for visualization endpoints returning GraphViz source when Dot is not available
* Fixed an in-memory filesystem regression introduced recently ([#119]

## [0.5.0 Alpha 2] (January 28, 2019)
* Added support for `.model.json` files, compatible with 0.4.x
* Fixed in-memory filesystem not handling out-of-order filesystem change events
* Fixed long-polling error caused by a promise mixup ([#110]

## [0.5.0 Alpha 1] (January 25, 2019)
* Changed plugin UI to be way prettier
    * Thanks to [Reselim] for the design!
* Changed plugin error messages to be a little more useful
* Removed unused 'Config' button in plugin UI
* Fixed bug where bad server responses could cause the plugin to be in a bad state
* Upgraded to rbx\_tree, rbx\_xml, and rbx\_binary 0.2.0, which dramatically expands the kinds of properties that Rojo can handle, especially in XML.

## [0.5.0 Alpha 0] (January 14, 2019)
* "Epiphany" rewrite, in progress since the beginning of time
* New live sync protocol
    * Uses HTTP long polling to reduce request count and improve responsiveness
* New project format
    * Hierarchical, preventing overlapping partitions
* Added `rojo build` command
    * Generates `rbxm`, `rbxmx`, `rbxl`, or `rbxlx` files out of your project
    * Usage: `rojo build <PROJECT> --output <OUTPUT>.rbxm`
* Added `rojo upload` command
    * Generates and uploads a place or model to out of your project
    * Usage: `rojo upload <PROJECT> --cookie "<ROBLOSECURITY>" --asset_id <PLACE_ID>`
* New plugin
    * Only one button now, "Connect"
    * New UI to pick server address and port
    * Better error reporting
* Added support for `.csv` files turning into `LocalizationTable` instances
* Added support for `.txt` files turning into `StringValue` instances
* Added debug visualization code to diagnose problems
    * `/visualize/rbx` and `/visualize/imfs` show instance and file state respectively; they require GraphViz to be installed on your machine.
* Added optional place ID restrictions to project files
    * This helps prevent syncing in content to the wrong place
    * Multiple places can be specified, like when building a multi-place game
* Added support for specifying properties on services in project files

## [0.4.13] (November 12, 2018)
* When `rojo.json` points to a file or directory that does not exist, Rojo now issues a warning instead of throwing an error and exiting

## [0.4.12] (June 21, 2018)
* Fixed obscure assertion failure when renaming or deleting files ([#78]
* Added a `PluginAction` for the sync in command, which should help with some automation scripts ([#80]

## [0.4.11] (June 10, 2018)
* Defensively insert existing instances into RouteMap; should fix most duplication cases when syncing into existing trees.
* Fixed incorrect synchronization from `Plugin:_pull` that would cause polling to create issues
* Fixed incorrect file routes being assigned to `init.lua` and `init.model.json` files
* Untangled route handling-internals slightly

## [0.4.10] (June 2, 2018)
* Added support for `init.model.json` files, which enable versioning `Tool` instances (among other things) with Rojo. ([#66]
* Fixed obscure error when syncing into an invalid service.
* Fixed multiple sync processes occurring when a server ID mismatch is detected.

## [0.4.9] (May 26, 2018)
* Fixed warning when renaming or removing files that would sometimes corrupt the instance cache ([#72]
* JSON models are no longer as strict -- `Children` and `Properties` are now optional.

## [0.4.8] (May 26, 2018)
* Hotfix to prevent errors from being thrown when objects managed by Rojo are deleted

## [0.4.7] (May 25, 2018)
* Added icons to the Rojo plugin, made by [@Vorlias]! ([#70]
* Server will now issue a warning if no partitions are specified in `rojo serve` ([#40]

## [0.4.6] (May 21, 2018)
* Rojo handles being restarted by Roblox Studio more gracefully ([#67]
* Folders should no longer get collapsed when syncing occurs.
* **Significant** robustness improvements with regards to caching.
    * **This should catch all existing script duplication bugs.**
    * If there are any bugs with script duplication or caching in the future, restarting the Rojo server process will fix them for that session.
* Fixed message in plugin not being prefixed with `Rojo: `.

## [0.4.5] (May 1, 2018)
* Rojo messages are now prefixed with `Rojo: ` to make them stand out in the output more.
* Fixed server to notice file changes *much* more quickly. (200ms vs 1000ms)
* Server now lists name of project when starting up.
* Rojo now throws an error if no project file is found. ([#63]
* Fixed multiple sync operations occuring at the same time. ([#61]
* Partitions targeting files directly now work as expected. ([#57]

## [0.4.4] (April 7, 2018)
* Fix small regression introduced in 0.4.3

## [0.4.3] (April 7, 2018)
* Plugin now automatically selects `HttpService` if it determines that HTTP isn't enabled ([#58]
* Plugin now has much more robust handling and will wipe all state when the server changes.
    * This should fix issues that would otherwise be solved by restarting Roblox Studio.

## [0.4.2] (April 4, 2018)
* Fixed final case of duplicated instance insertion, caused by reconciled instances not being inserted into `RouteMap`.
    * The reconciler is still not a perfect solution, especially if script instances get moved around without being destroyed. I don't think this can be fixed before a big refactor.

## [0.4.1] (April 1, 2018)
* Merged plugin repository into main Rojo repository for easier tracking.
* Improved `RouteMap` object tracking; this should fix some cases of duplicated instances being synced into the tree.

## [0.4.0] (March 27, 2018)
* Protocol version 1, which shifts more responsibility onto the server
    * This is a **major breaking** change!
    * The server now has a content of 'filter plugins', which transform data at various stages in the pipeline
    * The server now exposes Roblox instance objects instead of file contents, which lines up with how `rojo pack` will work, and paves the way for more robust syncing.
* Added `*.model.json` files, which let you embed small Roblox objects into your Rojo tree.
* Improved error messages in some cases ([#46]

## [0.3.2] (December 20, 2017)
* Fixed `rojo serve` failing to correctly construct an absolute root path when passed as an argument
* Fixed intense CPU usage when running `rojo serve`

## [0.3.1] (December 14, 2017)
* Improved error reporting when invalid JSON is found in a `rojo.json` project
    * These messages are passed on from Serde

## [0.3.0] (December 12, 2017)
* Factored out the plugin into a separate repository
* Fixed server when using a file as a partition
    * Previously, trailing slashes were put on the end of a partition even if the read request was an empty string. This broke file reading on Windows when a partition pointed to a file instead of a directory!
* Started running automatic tests on Travis CI (#9)

## [0.2.3] (December 4, 2017)
* Plugin only release
* Tightened `init` file rules to only match script files
    * Previously, Rojo would sometimes pick up the wrong file when syncing

## [0.2.2] (December 1, 2017)
* Plugin only release
* Fixed broken reconciliation behavior with `init` files

## [0.2.1] (December 1, 2017)
* Plugin only release
* Changes default port to 8000

## [0.2.0] (December 1, 2017)
* Support for `init.lua` like rbxfs and rbxpacker
* More robust syncing with a new reconciler

## [0.1.0] (November 29, 2017)
* Initial release, functionally very similar to [rbxfs]