
Lulz on demand!

This here rofl crate, aptly named, is capable of the extraordinary feat of putting text on images. And not just still images: it does cover animated GIFs as well!

In other words, the crate can be used to create memes, which purists generally refer to as image macros.

Much example

extern crate rofl;

# use std::error::Error;
# use std::io::Write;
# use std:: fs;
# fn zoidberg() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
let engine = rofl::Engine::new("data/templates", "data/fonts");
let image_macro = rofl::ImageMacro {
    template: "zoidberg".into(),
    captions: vec![
        rofl::Caption::text_at(rofl::VAlign::Top, "Need an example?"),
        rofl::Caption::text_at(rofl::VAlign::Bottom, "Why not Zoidberg?"),
let output = engine.caption(image_macro)?;

let mut file = fs::OpenOptions::new().write(true).open("zoidberg.png")?;
#   Ok(())
# }

Very concepts

To create memes, you need two types of media resources (in addition to impeccable wit):

  • templates -- named images & animated GIFs that we can put text on
  • fonts to render the text with (like "Impact" or "Comic Sans")

Those resources have to be provided to the captioning Engine.

In the simple above, they are just files contained within some directories. If you're doing something more complicated -- like a website where users can upload their own images -- you can implement your own Loaders for templates or even fonts.

A meme is defined by the ImageMacro structure. These can be deserialized from JSON or query strings if desired.


Go forth and meme!