Crate roe[][src]

This crate provides Unicode case mapping routines and iterators for conventionally UTF-8 binary strings.

Unicode case mapping or case conversion can be used to transform the characters in a string. To quote the Unicode FAQ:

Case mapping or case conversion is a process whereby strings are converted to a particular form—uppercase, lowercase, or titlecase—possibly for display to the user.

This crate is currently a work in progress. When the API is complete, Roe will support lowercase, uppercase, titlecase, and case folding iterators for conventionally UTF-8 byte slices.

Roe will implement support for full, Turkic, ASCII, and case folding transforms.


You can convert case like:

assert_eq!(roe::lowercase(b"Artichoke Ruby", LowercaseMode::Ascii).collect::<Vec<_>>(), b"artichoke ruby");
assert_eq!(roe::uppercase("Αύριο".as_bytes(), UppercaseMode::Full).collect::<Vec<_>>(), "ΑΎΡΙΟ".as_bytes());

Roe provides fast path routines that assume the byte slice is ASCII-only.

Crate Features

Roe is no_std compatible with an optional dependency on the alloc crate.

Roe has several Cargo features, all of which are enabled by default:

  • std - Adds a dependency on std, the Rust Standard Library. This feature enables std::error::Error implementations on error types in this crate. Enabling the std feature also enables the alloc feature.
  • alloc - Adds a dependency on alloc, the Rust allocation and collections library. This feature enables APIs that allocate String or Vec.



Error that indicates a failure to parse a LowercaseMode or UppercaseMode.


An iterator that yields the lowercase equivalent of a conventionally UTF-8 byte string.


An iterator that yields the uppercase equivalent of a conventionally UTF-8 byte string.



Options to configure the behavior of lowercase.


Options to configure the behavior of uppercase.



Returns an iterator that yields a copy of the bytes in the given slice with all uppercase letters replaced with their lowercase counterparts.


Converts the given slice to its ASCII lower case equivalent in-place.


Converts the given slice to its ASCII title case equivalent in-place.


Converts the given slice to its ASCII upper case equivalent in-place.


Returns a vector containing a copy of the given slice where each byte is mapped to its ASCII lower case equivalent.


Returns a vector containing a copy of the given slice where each byte is mapped to its ASCII title case equivalent.


Returns a vector containing a copy of the given slice where each byte is mapped to its ASCII upper case equivalent.


Returns an iterator that yields a copy of the bytes in the given slice with all lowercase letters replaced with their uppercase counterparts.