roctogen 0.2.0

Github API and models generated from the official swagger OpenAPI specification
[![GitHub workflow](](

## Roctogen: a rust client library for the GitHub v3 API

This client API is generated from the [upstream OpenAPI
specification]( The library currently supports
webassembly and synchronous requests with the [Isahc HTTP client](

## Install

Add the following to your `Cargo.toml` file

roctogen = "0.2"

## API
### Documentation

[API docs](


Supported endpoints:

  - [Meta]
  - [Issues]
  - [Licenses]
  - [Reactions]
  - [Activity]
  - [Projects]
  - [Orgs]
  - [Users]
  - [Apps]
  - [AuditLog]
  - [RateLimit]
  - [Repos]
  - [SecretScanning]
  - [Packages]
  - [Search]
  - [Teams]
  - [Markdown]
  - [OauthAuthorizations]
  - [Actions]
  - [Migrations]
  - [Gists]
  - [CodesOfConduct]
  - [Pulls]
  - [Gitignore]
  - [EnterpriseAdmin]
  - [Git]
  - [Scim]
  - [CodeScanning]
  - [Checks]
  - [Billing]
  - [Interactions]
  - [Emojis]

## Usage

A quick example of this library:

use roctogen::api::{self, repos};
use roctogen::auth::Auth;

let auth = Auth::None;
let per_page = api::PerPage::new(10);

let mut params: repos::ReposListCommitsParams = per_page.as_ref().into();
params ="fussybeaver").page(2);

repos::new(&auth).list_commits("fussybeaver", "bollard", Some(params));

### Async

All the `async` methods are suffixed with `_async` (currently only supported on the `wasm`

### Webassembly

To compile for webassembly, you can use [`wasm-pack`]( or compile with the
`wasm32-unknown-unknown` target:

$ wasm-pack build

$ cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

If you are building a [cloudflare worker](, you would use the
`wrangler` wrapper:

$ wrangler preview --watch

### Isahc

Building on non-`wasm` targets generally requires adopting a feature for the desired
client adapter. This library only supports [`isahc`]( at the
moment, but other adapters are planned, and contributions are welcome.

Compiling for the [`isahc`]( client required the `isahc` feature:

$ cargo build --features isahc

## GitHub preview features

GitHub supports a phased rollout of non-stable endpoints behind header flags. These are
supported in this library through cargo feature flags.

$ cargo build --features squirrel-girl

## Generate the API

The majority of code is generated through the [Swagger OpenAPI
generator]( (version 3).  Building requires the
[`mvn`]( Java build tool, pegged at Java version 8 (so
you'll need an appropriate JDK).

$ mvn -D org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=info clean compiler:compile generate-resources

## Tests

Beware, tests that are not run with the `mock` feature are currently still doing real HTTP requests to the GitHub API.

Run the wasm tests:

$ wasm-pack test --firefox --headless

Run the sync tests:

$ cargo test --features isahc,mercy,squirrel-girl,inertia,starfox --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -- --nocapture

In order to avoid GitHub's API rate limiting, you can run the non-wasm tests using wiremock.
You'll need to start wiremock in the background:

$ docker run -d --name wiremock -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/tests/stubs:/home/wiremock

#### Regenerate the wiremock stubs

You should regenerate the stubs if the remote API has changed:

$ docker run -d --name wiremock -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/tests/stubs:/home/wiremock -u (id -u):(id -g) rodolpheche/wiremock --verbose --proxy-all="" --record-mappings

License: Apache-2.0