rococo-parachain-runtime 0.12.0

Simple runtime used by the rococo parachain(s) (polkadot v1.12.0)
name = "rococo-parachain-runtime"
version = "0.12.0"
authors.workspace = true
edition.workspace = true
description = "Simple runtime used by the rococo parachain(s) (polkadot v1.12.0)"
license = "Apache-2.0"

workspace = true

codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "3.0.0", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }
scale-info = { version = "2.11.1", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }

# Substrate
frame-benchmarking = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/benchmarking", default-features = false, optional = true, version = "34.0.0" }
frame-executive = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/executive", default-features = false, version = "34.0.0" }
frame-support = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/support", default-features = false, version = "34.0.0" }
frame-system = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/system", default-features = false, version = "34.0.0" }
frame-system-rpc-runtime-api = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/system/rpc/runtime-api", default-features = false, version = "32.0.0" }
pallet-assets = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/assets", default-features = false, version = "35.0.0" }
pallet-aura = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/aura", default-features = false, version = "33.0.0" }
pallet-balances = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/balances", default-features = false, version = "35.0.0" }
pallet-sudo = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/sudo", default-features = false, version = "34.0.0" }
pallet-timestamp = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/timestamp", default-features = false, version = "33.0.0" }
pallet-transaction-payment = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/transaction-payment", default-features = false, version = "34.0.0" }
pallet-transaction-payment-rpc-runtime-api = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/transaction-payment/rpc/runtime-api", default-features = false, version = "34.0.0" }
sp-api = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/api", default-features = false, version = "32.0.0" }
sp-block-builder = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/block-builder", default-features = false, version = "32.0.0" }
sp-consensus-aura = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/consensus/aura", default-features = false, version = "0.38.0" }
sp-core = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/core", default-features = false, version = "33.0.1" }
sp-genesis-builder = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/genesis-builder", default-features = false, version = "0.13.0" }
sp-inherents = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/inherents", default-features = false, version = "32.0.0" }
sp-offchain = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/offchain", default-features = false, version = "32.0.0" }
sp-runtime = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/runtime", default-features = false, version = "37.0.0" }
sp-session = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/session", default-features = false, version = "33.0.0" }
sp-std = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/std", default-features = false, version = "14.0.0" }
sp-transaction-pool = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/transaction-pool", default-features = false, version = "32.0.0" }
sp-version = { path = "../../../../../substrate/primitives/version", default-features = false, version = "35.0.0" }

# Polkadot
pallet-xcm = { path = "../../../../../polkadot/xcm/pallet-xcm", default-features = false, version = "13.0.0" }
polkadot-parachain-primitives = { path = "../../../../../polkadot/parachain", default-features = false, version = "12.0.0" }
xcm = { package = "staging-xcm", path = "../../../../../polkadot/xcm", default-features = false, version = "13.0.1" }
xcm-builder = { package = "staging-xcm-builder", path = "../../../../../polkadot/xcm/xcm-builder", default-features = false, version = "13.0.0" }
xcm-executor = { package = "staging-xcm-executor", path = "../../../../../polkadot/xcm/xcm-executor", default-features = false, version = "13.0.0" }
polkadot-runtime-common = { path = "../../../../../polkadot/runtime/common", default-features = false, version = "13.0.0" }

# Cumulus
cumulus-pallet-aura-ext = { path = "../../../../pallets/aura-ext", default-features = false, version = "0.13.0" }
pallet-message-queue = { path = "../../../../../substrate/frame/message-queue", default-features = false, version = "37.0.0" }
cumulus-pallet-parachain-system = { path = "../../../../pallets/parachain-system", default-features = false, features = ["parameterized-consensus-hook"], version = "0.13.0" }
cumulus-pallet-xcm = { path = "../../../../pallets/xcm", default-features = false, version = "0.13.0" }
cumulus-pallet-xcmp-queue = { path = "../../../../pallets/xcmp-queue", default-features = false, version = "0.13.0" }
cumulus-ping = { path = "../../../pallets/ping", default-features = false, version = "0.13.0" }
cumulus-primitives-aura = { path = "../../../../primitives/aura", default-features = false, version = "0.13.0" }
cumulus-primitives-core = { path = "../../../../primitives/core", default-features = false, version = "0.13.0" }
cumulus-primitives-storage-weight-reclaim = { path = "../../../../primitives/storage-weight-reclaim", default-features = false, version = "4.0.0" }
cumulus-primitives-utility = { path = "../../../../primitives/utility", default-features = false, version = "0.13.0" }
parachains-common = { path = "../../../common", default-features = false, version = "13.0.0" }
testnet-parachains-constants = { path = "../../constants", default-features = false, features = ["rococo"], version = "6.0.0" }
parachain-info = { package = "staging-parachain-info", path = "../../../pallets/parachain-info", default-features = false, version = "0.13.0" }

substrate-wasm-builder = { path = "../../../../../substrate/utils/wasm-builder", optional = true, version = "22.0.0" }

default = ["std"]
std = [
runtime-benchmarks = [